Legion TD 2 – Gameplay Tutorial

Legion TD 2 – Gameplay Tutorial 1 - steamlists.com
Legion TD 2 – Gameplay Tutorial 1 - steamlists.com

Hello and welcome, In this guide, we will tell you everything about Legion TD 2 – Gameplay Tutorial Follow this guide each steps.

Learn how to improve your gameplay using basic instructions available within the game in this guide. With advanced ideas and building enhancements in mind, this will make you a stronger player allowing you to compete for higher ranks or simply enjoy it more thoroughly.


This guide is meant to assist gamers who feel trapped at their current skill level in expanding beyond it. Assuming you know basic placement techniques such as units, typing and basic placement patterns – in order to keep this guide as timely and straightforward as possible, we won’t cover more detailed approaches such as wave-by-wave decisions or detailed positioning strategies.

At first, we’ll cover how the reader should approach his fighter selections. This section will serve to educate the reader on how they should utilize specific rolls to set the pace of play and use this element of strategy to set their tempo of play. Finally, a more general segment will be designed to assist them with better-identifying opportunities within a game.

Picking your roll/ Minimizing your weak waves

When choosing your roll, it is important to find some specific things that are not always well characterized by the game coach’s recommendations. When in the game, depending on your mastermind option you want to look for the followings :

  • Good late-game options in case the game goes past wave 15.
  • A strong opener to help you generate a lead with high push potential. Since Early game workers are the most crucial.
  • Answers for your core build weak waves.

It is important to note that the reroll button can cover one of those points, but it is still good to look at your roll for those options. The main takeaway is that, one can not reach the late game if the early game is lost, meaning that an opener is often more critical than a late-game synergy. Be aware that you are, to a certain extent, controlling what the opponent will do in terms of sending you. Recognizing your weak waves and playing around them is the key to picking a good roll.

When looking at openers and how to defend them, look for the following tips to make the best decision possible:

  • Units covering many waves due to their early game-focused ability or innate strong stats can help you shift gold more easily. (It can also be done with the Grarl)
  • Unit upgrades are often more valuable then their base form. Look at how you can get an upgrade as early as possible.
  • Long saves are more easily defended with expensive fighters. Preparing early to get them on a specific wave can be extremely valuable.

Those tips are very general since how the player defend against the enemy is dependent on their send pattern and openers. If you are in a game where the enemy is ending a lot, you can push more aggressively but keep in mind that the best push comes out of what we call power spikes. Power spikes happen when the player gets a fighter that is worth more value then its cost because of various reasons listed here:

  • Utilizing the fighter’s ability optimally.
  • Utilizing synergies (auras or abilities) with good units.
  • Utilizing positioning (split aggro) to manipulate the wave and mercenaries.
  • Utilizing units that increase the odds or minimize the odds of targeting mercenaries (AoE/Consort ability).

Those can’t be quantified by a number in-game and can only be approximated by experience. For example, if you have life steal on a Nightmare, you know you have higher survivability and can hold larger sends when on value but can still deal reasonably well with sends while being 100-200 value under, depending on the current wave. In the mid-game, when your Nightmare is upgraded to a Doppelganger, you know your weakness is against Four Eyes and so, when they can reach it, your approximate vale diminishes slightly.

Also, even if this is almost only positive value increases, there are some situations that diminish the approximate value. Here are some examples:

  • Over-investment in low-tier fighters. While they can be essential to adjusting split, some players tend to purchase too many just because the recommended value colour changes into something more comfortable for them.
  • Assigning high-cost fighters to immediate death situations. Fighters typically perform better when either shared aggro or protected to allow them to do damage; this becomes increasingly true as their value grows; if one dies quickly after entering play, this value simply disappears from your board and could potentially cost a lot of points!
  • Assigning too much DPS/Tank: Too much of either can create problems, as they must work in concert to maximize board value; DPS fighters need time to deal their damage, while Tank fighters give that time. Unfortunately, however, no matter how long this might take, at some point the waves must be handled; after all they can only absorb so much damage before needing to be dealt with at once.

Assert that your teammate is there as well. If both players have complementary rolls (no weak waves that interfere), it reduces the chances that long saves will be effective against you and allows better control over late-game action lines. Also, having this habit reduces effective weak waves for your team; don’t rely on him/her too heavily in covering weak waves as that could cost too many resources in making the game state go in your favor.

All this will equip you to play around what is known as “main lines” on both teams and give you maximum flexibility over them in order to adapt to any potential opponents.

Identifying the team’s main sending line

Once you can minimize your weak waves, you have identified the main line that should be used against you with your opener. The line you show to your opponent will vary as you add more and more information. That is why hiding information in Legion TD 2 can be quite an effective weapon against your opponent, as it forces them into a line favoring you, not them (see the Get the momentum section).

When looking at your opponents builds, you have to approach it like if you were building around that unit :

  • What would you do to defend that unit?
  • Would you have enough gold to get that answer?
  • Is that answer enough to counteract the amount of mythium you can send?
  • Is the teammate able to cover the send?

Answering those questions allows you to find a possible line against your ally that will also evolve as he shows more and more units. Finding the perfect send is always difficult, but identifying the build patterns and expecting answers is the first step into finding one of the better sends.

Your lines and your opponent’s lines are intertwined and coexist in the same game. One can undercut the other, but it is not linear. When identified, it is more a question of what the team unfavoured by the lines at play will do to defend it or exploit it (see the Get the Momentum section). In those situations, advantages can be built upon and the game decided.

In summary :

  • Do not overthink it, but be aware of the options.


  • When having near-perfect information in the mid/late game, weak waves can be more easily identified, thus the favoured approach to save longer in the mid/late game.



Getting the momentum/ Dictating the pace

Legion TD 2 makes finding momentum an art. As previously discussed, each team’s lines of attack are complex and may not always favour you at first glance; however, everything can be flexible depending on the additions made from your opener and when these additions were introduced into play. All of this depends heavily on individual situations but there are various strategies you can employ in the short term to influence their fate:

  • Playing toward getting a high-value fighter through a well-placed shift works within that idea too.


  • Match their send with an income sent. If you believe your leak will not be terrible depending on the size of the send you expect, matching their non-income send with an income send + king ups will allow your team to come out better in the income game (assuming a close to even game state).
  • Exchange King HP for momentum by skipping the wave. King HP is a resource, to a certain extent. If properly executed, sacrificing some HP to generate a better pressure point against your opponent can be valuable. King HP is valuable, so it puts a lot of stress on that decision if the line has wrongly been identified.


If you are playing towards a favorable line, you must keep the momentum afterwards. To do so, various things can be done to help you :

  • Playing toward getting a high-value fighter through a well-placed shift works within that idea too.


  • The favoured team needs to pay extra attention to the opponent board and how they are spending their gold and mythium.


  • The situation changes when they decide to overly invest into workers into one of the team member in the late game. The one sending to the player leaking to no send needs not to push anymore workers (unless they start building again), and the one receiving from it should continue pushing. If you are not in a winning position, doing an income send into the person full pushing is better to setup for the next send to finish them.


Once you have the momentum, you want to keep it as it is very hard to get it back.

Finding opportunities

Finding opportunities is a broad subject. But it is all around a single goal : Increase the odds of winning through a high risk high-reward play. Those are mostly done in the early game when speaking of getting an advantage :

  • Push workers to no send when you reach a power spike
  • Send on a wave you expect the opponent to shift (save gold) for a better unit. The most effective are when you did a send prior.
  • Place/Prepare fighters for the next wave despite being saved on for a long time. (E.g. Place a Harbinger or a Holy Avenger on wave 8 when showing mostly having pierce damage)

All these points require the player to accurately predict and interpret his opponent’s plans; due to being impossible, this type of play can only be considered a high-risk high reward.

Later in a game, forcing a resend on high workers can work well when an opponent saved for too long and leaked heavily during a previous send. You should view this opportunity as an opportunity if you expect your opponent to save even longer after your successful send, and need to push hard in order to reach victory. Typically this strategy is employed when winning; it utilizes high workers as enablers; however, it can also serve as a critical comeback tool should synergies’ strengths be utilized effectively.

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