Isonzo – How to Play as Officer Guide

Isonzo – How to Play as Officer Guide 1 -
Isonzo – How to Play as Officer Guide 1 -

You want to be an officer? This guide will teach you how to become a high-quality Officer with just a few simple tips.

Officer Intro

Isonzo - How to Play as Officer Guide - Officer Intro - E3081C8
You are thinking about becoming an Officer in Isonzo. I can tell you that if you are smart and stick with your team, it is a rewarding experience. Especially if the goal is to lead your team into battle.
Let's start by noticing that officers have more options than the Rifleman. They can use their abilities to cut down the respawn timer and direct your team to an attacking point). You can use your abilities such as Issuing Orders (to reduce the respawn timer and direct your team to an attacking point). Second, you get the Flare Gun, (. This allows you fire off markers.) tip: Make sure to check your mini-map. It shows where the flare will land. You can then drop artillery there. Your passive is next. Personally, I use the x2 officer whistle to get more people into the fight.

Call in Artillery! !

Isonzo - How to Play as Officer Guide - Call In Artillery!!! - 5632A3B
Keep it simple and call in Artillery. You could do more harm than good. First, you must be an Officer to call in Artillery. There are always 2 slots for your team in any game. Next, you need find the call boxes (. These will be near your spawn points. Click E to access the artillery menu.
Isonzo - How to Play as Officer Guide - Call In Artillery!!! - C92AD95
This is the (menu, which was derived from an old devblog). It allows you to call in artillery,gas, and aviation. My favorite is Aviation due to the rolling bombing with the bomber crew. As an Officer, you must see which direction the enemies are pushing you. If the enemy is funneling through A's back, I will mark it with the flare gun, drop Artillery, or call in a bomber. You should avoid the Forward spawn points if you are defending. You can see the battle and call in anything. This will allow you to keep your team's orders flowing. I tend to stick with the Call boxes.

Pros and cons

You are an officer and you have a target on your back. Remember, you are not Bruce Willis in Die Hard. Although your pistols can be shot faster than the regular Rifleman, they have a slower reload time and a lower range. Play it slow, clear the trench slowly, and stop enemies from moving in (areas. Officer is a well-rounded class. Just remember to play smart and have fun with your friends.


Written by Truegritmike

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