I Was a Teenage Exocolonist – Romance Outcomes & Preferences

I Was a Teenage Exocolonist – Romance Outcomes & Preferences 1 - steamlists.com
I Was a Teenage Exocolonist – Romance Outcomes & Preferences 1 - steamlists.com

This includes the results of the romances for anyone who would like to know before they go in. Any contribution is welcome 🙂


I Was a Teenage Exocolonist - Romance Outcomes & Preferences - Introduction - 13D9EBB

If you post this anywhere, please credit me or link back at the original guide.

Notes for Utopia

She is an option, but only in her epilogue. You should flirt with her at all times and remain single until the Explorer ends, where it mentions that you are together.



TL;DR version for those who wants quick answers. If I got anything wrong about the guide, please leave a comment to correct me and I will update accordingly.

Sexual Contents

  • Yes: Tammy, Rex, Vace, Marz, Tang, Rex, Ane, Cal, Sym, Dys.
  • No: Nomi.

Relationship Type

  • Open relationship, Friends with Benefits, or Hook-ups: Tang. Marz. Rex
  • Locked monogamy: Dys. Cal, Tammy. Vace. Ane. Nomi (.
  • Open monogamy: Sym Tang, Marz and Rex (. This means you can date them “only”, but you can also date someone else)
  • Possible polyamory options: Rex + Marz, Dys + Sym.

Note: Dys is a unique situation in which you can only enter a polyamory if you are not only dating Sym or him.

Break Up:

  • If MC has a prolific parent: Ane
  • If MC does not want children: Cal
  • The RO is not monogamous. Rex (stays if you are in an open relationship)
  • The relationship is unhealthy: Vace(with and without therapy. However, they remain together during colonial hero/astronaut ending)
  • If MC is made a colonial hero: Ane Cal, Dys and Sym.
  • If MC cannot prevent the plague, Almost everyone, except Tammy, Nomi and those in open relationships with Rex, stays with MC. Cal is not mentioned.
  • Always break down by default: Tang and Marz.


  • Doesn’t want children: Tang Marz, Ane, (Ane can have up to two children with you if you want them).
  • Want kids: Cal Tammy, Rex and Vace (won’t have any because you broke up before that)
  • Fine with either no mention or both: Dys.
  • They are like children but don’t have any: Sym and Nomi

Other Elements

  • Cheating: Vace (can cheat on Vace), Vace Vace (can cheat on Ane)
  • Codependency: Dys



I Was a Teenage Exocolonist - Romance Outcomes & Preferences - Anemone - 6BE378E



You need to break her up from Vace by convincing her that he's bad for her with 30 Empathy or Persuasion. Otherwise, if you saw him calling her names / propositioning you / being cruel to others, you can also use those as evidence to convince Anemone.


  • Relationship: Monogamous




  • She doesn’t want children. She will leave you when your prolific children end, but she will be a mother to one of your children.
  • Your relationship with her abusive ex), and during the Array ending (, will cause you to leave.
  • In her hangout scenes, she has implied sexual content. If you are interested in having children but not as a prolific parent, she can also mother one to two of your children.


Vace and Nem!

This is the Nem edition. To convince her to leave Vace, you’ll need at least 90 Relationships with her If you have a stronger relationship with him, see his section. You must Be in year 7 before she comes up. With the scene in which she vents about her relationship to Vace.

This situation can be used to either Tell her or confess to her that he is a scumbag. You can present three evidences without a permit Needing to be able to persuade or reason 30 To convince Vace with evidence, you will need to be a close friend. For details on each evidence, refer to his section.


I Was a Teenage Exocolonist - Romance Outcomes & Preferences - Cal - AB857A2



You will need to have enough (80) relationship points with Cal to confess your feeling to him during the same scene he asks you about Tammy. His relationship will begin around year 7 or 8.


  • Relationship: Monogamous




  • Will want many children. If you choose no children, will break up with your partner in the epilogue.
  • Will end up with you during Array/Virus ending.
  • In his hangout scenes, he implied sexual content.



I Was a Teenage Exocolonist - Romance Outcomes & Preferences - Dys - EDAAC63



You can proceed with his relationship normally or enter a polyamorous relationship with him between him and Sym.


  • Relationship: Monogamous/Polyamorous*




  • Does not prefer children. The epilogue does not mention children, but if you are a prolific parent, the children can be a healing presence for you.
  • Will not leave during Array/Virus ending. If he joins the Gardener, romance will end.
  • In his hangout scenes, he implied sexual content.


Polyamory with Sym & Dys


  • Sym’s section contains an alternative version in which Dys and you are in love with Sym.
  • (0: Avoid any of them before you start dating, and it is better to date one than the other to avoid complications.
  • (1 – Dys must be allowed to go through the bomb and then find him at a ridge. I have included how to do that in my other gameplay guide because it is a bit long.
  • (2 – If you’ve done everything right, there should also be an option that suggests they are together.
  • (3 – Make the decision to tell Dys he must return home, then choose “Because you’re in love with me, Spacehead!” If you want a polyamory in which both of you are in love then Sym is better.

(*) A triangle in which Sym and you both love Sym, but not each other. Dys can love both of you but prefer Sym. There is no perfect triangle in which all three of you love one another.


I Was a Teenage Exocolonist - Romance Outcomes & Preferences - Marz - 1C11A50



You can trigger her romance by asking her out. From there, you can enter a polyamory between her and Rex.


  • Relationship: Polyamorous / Open Relationship




  • If you are a prolific parent, it is not a good idea to have children.
  • After a while, she will always end up with you. She has a string of casual relationships.
  • In her hangout scenes, she implied sexual content.



I Was a Teenage Exocolonist - Romance Outcomes & Preferences - Nomi - D27A236



You need to flirt with them and ask Nomi out during the scene where you find out about their crush on Rex. They can change their mind about Rex and enter a relationship with you.


  • Relationship: Monogamous Serious ()




  • They can’t be your parent but they will take care of your children.
  • No matter what the outcome, you will always be there for you.
  • Nomi is not sexually explicit. She is demisexual and does not know if she wants to. It is implied that they might become comfortable with it in the epilogue.



I Was a Teenage Exocolonist - Romance Outcomes & Preferences - Tammy - 9C3772F



You will need to have enough (80) relationship points with Cal to tell him to back off from Tammy. Her romance will trigger late in the game, after she has her kid.


  • Relationship: Monogamous




  • Willing to have many children, but fine if you don’t have any.
  • You will always be there for you, no matter what happens.
  • In her hangout scenes, she implied sexual content.



I Was a Teenage Exocolonist - Romance Outcomes & Preferences - Tang - 3FA94A8



You can have a sexual relationship with her or start dating properly. Either way, Tang is not too committed on the whole relationship.


  • Relationship: Open Relations




  • Does not want any children.
  • No matter what outcome, will always end up breaking up with you in the epilogue.
  • In her hangout scenes, she implied sexual content.



I Was a Teenage Exocolonist - Romance Outcomes & Preferences - Rex - 95FE6BA



Rex is pretty easy, if you have flirted before and unattached, he will make a move on you. You can enter an open-relationship polyamory with him and Marzipan.


  • Relationship: Monogamous*/Open Relationship




  • Has many children, and wants many more. If you are a prolific parent, you will have many children.
  • If you ask him to be specific, he will always end up breaking up in the end.
  • You can find sexual content everywhere, near and far.

(*) This counts as locked monogamy. You can ask him to stop sleeping with anyone but he will tell you that it won’t last long.


I Was a Teenage Exocolonist - Romance Outcomes & Preferences - Vace - 597C664



Two ways to trigger his romance: Anger him until you get the ending where he wants to beat you a*s and ask him to settle this another way OR confess during his heart-to-heart event where he talks about what he has done wrong with Rex and Anemone. There is another way to enter a relationship with him before that but I have yet to find it.


  • Relationship: Monogamous*




  • You can have many children but not all of them together.
  • You will always end up with him in the epilogue even if you had therapy. If you have the Astronaut career ending, or the Disconnect the Array ending, it’s possible to have a happy ending with him.
  • …You also know that he has sexual contents.


Vace and Nem are broken up

There are many ways to approach this. I’ll take the ones that work for me while maintaining strong relationships with him at only.

If you are looking for evidence to break him or Nem, you will find it in his fight with Rex. The other two are explained below.

You can get them to end their relationship by confronting Vace about his behavior. This requires to Have a strong relationship with Vace, at most 9 hearts I believe. You need to tell him that you believe.

You have the option to choose If you have ever feigned with Nem, “I’m in Love with Her” is the correct answer. You will then need 40 Persuasion to convince her that he is out of her league Or you can say You can make her feel better and use that evidence as a reason to tell him to stop with her. (Calling Nem Names)

Otherwise, You can tell him that 30 Persuasion is better for him. You can also tell him you like him using a nifty 20 Persuasion with no self-respect… then he’d ask for you to be his side-piece. This can also be used as evidence against him. (Propositioning)

(*) You can also be his sidepiece… like a clown.


I Was a Teenage Exocolonist - Romance Outcomes & Preferences - Sym - DEE00D7



You can trigger his romance by accepting his advance during expeditions, he's pretty full-on so you can't miss it. You can also enter a polyamorous relationship with him and Dys.


  • Relationship: Monogamous*/Polyamorous




  • He can’t have children with me, but he likes kids so he doesn’t mind if you become a prolific father.
  • There is no mention of his romance in Array and Virus.
  • In his hangout scenes, he implied sexual content.


Polyamory with Sym & Dys


  • Dys’ section contains an alternative version in which Sym and Dys are in love with Dys.
  • (0: Avoid any of them before you start dating, and it is better to date one than the other to avoid complications.
  • (1 – Dys must be allowed to go through the bomb and then find him at a ridge. I have included how to do that in my other gameplay guide because it is a bit long.
  • (2 – If you’ve done everything right, there should also be an option that suggests they are together.
  • (3 – Talk with Sym to convince him to tell Dys that he is coming home. This will require at least 80 relationships with Sym.
  • (4 – Once you have brought Dys home, Sym can start a relationship through the nak*d scene.

(*) He is monogamous with you. This means he won’t pursue Dys if you get to him first. You are still free to date other people as his romance will not lock you in.


Written by an

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