House Flipper – All Achievements in Luxury DLC

House Flipper – All Achievements in Luxury DLC 1 -
House Flipper – All Achievements in Luxury DLC 1 -

Hey, this is my first guide for a game!
Its for the achievements of House Flipper – Luxury DLC
If you have suggestions for improvement, let me know in the comments 🙂

Luxury DLC-Achievements

House Flipper - All Achievements in Luxury DLC - Luxury DLC-Achievements - 5D39169Step up your game
Did someone call a stair specialist?
Renew a staircase
(To do this, click on the staircase in the second mission with the sales device)
House Flipper - All Achievements in Luxury DLC - Luxury DLC-Achievements - A2B5D61Windows Update
Replace 10 windows
Exchange 10 Fenseter (Press “E” in front of the windows in the second mission)
House Flipper - All Achievements in Luxury DLC - Luxury DLC-Achievements - 6534979The choice is yours
“Will you follow your client’s dream?”
Decide on an option (Choose a flooring in the second mission)
House Flipper - All Achievements in Luxury DLC - Luxury DLC-Achievements - 2381A73The furnisher
One man’s trash is another man’s treasure
Restore a total of 5 pieces of furniture (for some pieces of furniture it is possible to restore them by pressing “E”)
House Flipper - All Achievements in Luxury DLC - Luxury DLC-Achievements - 655EC3FYou are too creative!
If we allowed you to do this, the game would crash
Try to sell a choice icon (click on the icon with your selling device)
House Flipper - All Achievements in Luxury DLC - Luxury DLC-Achievements - BB3BFBDThe Wi-Fi password, anyone?
The next step is to hire a butler
Move your office to one of the Luxury DLC houses (Buy a DLC house and move your office there. If you already have one, go there and press “ESC” and then “Move office”)
House Flipper - All Achievements in Luxury DLC - Luxury DLC-Achievements - 39041E1I am rich
Purchase one of the houses from Luxury DLC
Buy a house through the laptop in your office
House Flipper - All Achievements in Luxury DLC - Luxury DLC-Achievements - 45D3C45I fixed it!
All it takes is a good smack with a hammer
]Hit the steering wheel on the upper floor with the hammer (only possible after completing and buying the yacht order)
House Flipper - All Achievements in Luxury DLC - Luxury DLC-Achievements - 9C1CC09I hope there’s no cellar
Now, who’s in for a pool party?
Buy an indoor pool through the tablet and place in a basement (The mission worked for me after much trial and error in the Christmas house, when I placed the pool in the cellar)
House Flipper - All Achievements in Luxury DLC - Luxury DLC-Achievements - CD5D663Panorama
Take a picture of the city from the Cliff House
Take a picture of the whole city while you are in the “Cliff House” or in the mission “Something ends and something new begins”. (Photos can be taken via the tablet)
House Flipper - All Achievements in Luxury DLC - Luxury DLC-Achievements - 8AACE51Luxury is always in style
Finish all jobs in Moonrise Bay
Schließe alle 12 Aufträge im DLC ab

Written by Jonizeh

This is all about House Flipper – All Achievements in Luxury DLC; I hope you enjoy reading the Guide! If you feel like we should add more information or we forget/mistake, please let us know via commenting below, and thanks! See you soon!

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