Herakles and the Princess of Troy – Speedrun Basics

Herakles and the Princess of Troy – Speedrun Basics 1 - steamlists.com
Herakles and the Princess of Troy – Speedrun Basics 1 - steamlists.com
This guide will explain what all of the numbers and terms mean in the speedrun mode.


Settings and Options

Herakles and the Princess of Troy - Speedrun Basics 
On Speedrun screen: 

  • Game mode – Allows you to choose which game mode to play: Campaign, Classic or Demo. 
  • Disable Tutorials – Disables all tutorial systems, regardless of what the settings show on the Settings popup. 
  • Start game here – Allows you to start the game on the Speedrun screen, to get right into the action! 
  • TAS – Enables TAS, which disables highscores. This means your runs while TAS is enabled will not be submitted to the leaderboards. You are allowed to use external tools, like Cheat Engine, while TAS is enabled. In order to disable TAS, you will need to uncheck the box, and the game will then require that you restart the game. Restarting the game is the only way to turn off the TAS system. 
  • Compare Against (Your own times) – Allows you to compare your run against your own times 
  • Compare Against (Developer) – Allows you to compare your run against my times (the developer) 
  • Compare Against (World Record) – Allows you to compare your run against the World Record run. This will automatically download the World Record run’s data so that you can run 
  • Compare Against (Custom) 
  • Route Determined By – When showing which route to go down, you can have the game choose between the route with the fastest PB or the route with the fastest Sum of Best. Your run will still be compared to the PB time, however. 
  • Default Weapon Choice – For Demo and Classic modes, you can choose what the spacebar will default to choosing. This way you do not need to use your mouse, as you have it pre-determined which weapon you loadout you want to choose. 
  • Preferred Route – During Campaign mode, this will allow you to only have the game compare your run against certain routes. For instance, you can choose to compare only against runs where in which the Boots of Hermes was attained by only checking “Hermes”. You can also compare against runs in which you did not get the Boots of Hermes by checking “Normal”. And Toasty is a route that is a secret for now.

Herakles and the Princess of Troy - Speedrun Basics 
On Settings popup: 

  • Segment Icons – Enables icons to be drawn next to segment names. 
  • Buff Outlines – Enables buff outlines to be drawn to show you what buffs you attained in your PB run. As you attain the buffs again, the outlines will turn to the normal buff icons. 
  • Use Steam Username – During speedrun mode, this will replace the “Herakles” text above the player’s portrait in-game with your Steam username. 
  • Map Title Top – When speedrunning the campaign and you are on the map screen, you can choose between having the level’s title be above or below the detailed timer.

Herakles and the Princess of Troy - Speedrun Basics 
On Speedrun Results screen: 

  • Absolute Best – This will include your current run’s gold splits into your Sum of Best. With it turned off, you can compare your current run to your previous Sum of Best, as well as your previous Segment Best times.



Herakles and the Princess of Troy - Speedrun Basics 
Detailed timer: 

  • Segment Time – The amount of time since starting the segment 
  • Segment PB – The amount of time it took you to complete the current segment in your PB run 
  • Segment Best – The fastest time it took you to complete the current segment, out of all of your runs. 
  • Possible Time Save – The difference between your Segment PB and Segment Best 
  • Best Possible Time – The final run’s time if you were to finish all of the remaining segments with your Segment’s Best time 
  • Previous Segment – How much faster or slower you were in your previous segment, compared to its PB Segment time 
  • Live Segment – Once your Segment Time reaches your Segment Best time, Previous Segment will switch to Live Segment, and Live Segment will display How much faster or slower you are in your current segment, compared to its PB Segment time. 
  • Sum of Best – A sum of all of your segment’s “best” times. This is your theoretical best possible time if you had the perfect run.

Herakles and the Princess of Troy - Speedrun Basics 
Main timer: 

  • Segment Name – This is the name of the segment. 
  • Segment Time – Before completing the segment, this is the PB Cumulative Time. PB Cumulative time is the time in the run when you completed the segment in your PB run. After completing the segment, it will be your current run’s cumulative time when you completed the segment. 
  • Segment Time Difference – Before completing the segment, this is the difference between your current run’s time and when you completed the segment in your PB run. After completing the segment, this will be how far off of your PB run you are at the moment in completing the segment. If this is positive, you are behind your PB run. If this is negative, you are ahead of your PB run. 
  • Buff Outlines – If speedrunning the campaign and buff outlines are enabled. The outlines of the buffs you got during your PB run will be displayed.

Herakles and the Princess of Troy - Speedrun Basics 
Herakles and the Princess of Troy - Speedrun Basics 
Bottom right: 

  • Compare against – This will show which “Compare Against” setting you chose on the Speedrun screen. Thus, showing whose times you are currently comparing against (yourself, developer, world record, etc) 
  • Hash – This will display after completing a segment. It can be used to help verify that a run has not been cheated or tampered with. It contains a lot of data about the run.


Results and Colors/Symbols

Herakles and the Princess of Troy - Speedrun Basics 
For reading the results: 
First, some definitions: 

  • PB = Personal Best = The run that has your lowest final time (for a specific route). 
  • Best = Out of all of your runs, the fastest you’ve ever done a single segment. 
  • Sum of Best = Combine all the Best segment times you’ve ever done. This is basically your theoretical best you can possibly achieve. Get gold splits and you lower this 😀

Herakles and the Princess of Troy - Speedrun Basics 
From left column to right: 

  1. Name = This is the segment’s name 
  2. Segment = This is the CURRENT run’s segment time for that segment/row. 
  3. PB = This is your Personal Best’s run’s segment time for that segment/row. 
  4. Best = This is your the best you’ve ever run that segment (taking into account the route you took) 
  5. Time = This is the cumulative time for the CURRENT run, up till that segment/row. 
  6. PB = This is the cumulative time for your Personal Best’s run, up till that segment/row. 
  7. Sum of Best = this is the cumulative time of all of your best segments, up till that segment/row. (aka this is your theoretical best you can do if you had a perfect run)

Herakles and the Princess of Troy - Speedrun Basics 

  1. Plus sign (+) = You are behind the time you are comparing to. 
  2. Negative sign (-) = You are ahead of the time you are comparing to. 
  3. “PB segment” and “Best segment” columns compare to the “Segment” column 
  4. “PB cumulative” and Sum of Best” columns compare to the “Time” column

Herakles and the Princess of Troy - Speedrun Basics 
Colors: (comparing to the segment time and/or cumulative time) 

  1. Dark red = You are behind the time you are comparing to. AND you are falling further behind. 
  2. Light red = You are behind the time you are comparing to. BUT you gained some time in your previous segment! (light red is only for cumulative times) 
  3. Dark green = You are ahead of the time you are comparing to. AND you are gaining an even greater lead! 
  4. Light green = You are ahead of the time you are comparing to. BUT you are starting to fall behind. (light green is only for cumulative times) 
  5. Gold = You ran this segment faster than you have ever ran it before! This means your “Best” segment for that segment/row has lowered. And this also means your Sum of Best will be lowered, too!


Written by CrazyNinjaMike

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