Hearts of Iron IV – Soviet Union Guide World Conquest R56

Hearts of Iron IV – Soviet Union Guide World Conquest R56 1 - steamlists.com
Hearts of Iron IV – Soviet Union Guide World Conquest R56 1 - steamlists.com
Want to play the Soviet Union and do a world conquest but can’t?
Want to not get on in hoi4?
Then this is the guide for you!
(By the way you need Road To 56 For this guide.)



So first. Start a game as the Soviet Union. Just do your normal technologies and focuses. Not out of the ordinary. First just build civs in Moscow and Kiev, and try to go War Economy. Prioritize converting mils to civs, convert maybe around 8-16 mils to civs to increase building. Only build civilian factories until Around the end of 1937. After going war economy you want to improve relations with the UK and France, this’ll come in handy in a bit. 


After you’ve starting improving relations with the UK and France you want to justify on Finland. (Note: If Sweden went monarchist then it makes WC much easier.) If all went according to plan the UK and France shouldn’t have guarenteed Finland. Then invade Finland and annex all of it. If Finland was in a faction with Sweden take all of Sweden and all other countries that were in the faction. 
If not then just justify on Sweden. (Note: Keep high relations with the British and French otherwise they’ll start guaranteeing Sweden.) After you’ve invaded Sweden just annex all of it. Justify on Norway. If the British and/or French guarenteed Norway that’s even better. Invade Norway and they should join the allies, If not just annex it and justify on the British. 


You’re gonna want to prepare a naval invasion. Get the Baltic fleet into Norway and put it in the North Sea. Try to naval invade Upper England, the AI doesn’t put much divisions there. Also get your Airforce in the North Sea to get extra naval superiority. Then invade Britain. And all should go well and they should be easy enough to take out. If the French joined the allies naval invade them aswell. This should be much easier than the British. And by the end of 1938 you should have atleast taken out the British. 


At this point if you haven’t defeated the French you are gonna want to defeat them. If you already have just annex all of it. Put the garrison mode to ‘Liberated’ Workers. To get extra factories. At this point you can invade any country you like without much interference as the UK and France are now gone. I recommend invading the balkans and atleast conquering Romania and Turkey. But if the japanese haven’t already defeated the Chinese. Justify on Manchuria. It is vital NOT to justify on japan as japan will eventually do the Tri-Parti pact and will call Germany and Italy into the war. Just invade Manchuria and defeat the japanese in sakhalin. Have an entire 24 division army invade the kuril islands and make their way onto the japanese mainland. Due to the constant fighting in Manchuria the Japanese won’t have enough divisions/time to defend the mainland so the Japanese mainland campaign should be a cakewalk. Annex all of it. 


By now you’ve succesfully taken over 3 Majors and multiple minor countries. At this point you can invade any country you like without much resistance. Even the good ol’ US of A should be quite Easy. Just invade every other country and there you go. You’ve completed a WC. 
The End 

It didn’t work

If for some reason this guide didn’t work you either up somewhere in the guide or specific things didn’t happen. (For example Sweden not going monarchist). Then i would recommend changing some aspects of this guide to work better or take it faster or slower depending on what happened. 

Written by F1sh3r

This is all about Hearts of Iron IV – Soviet Union Guide World Conquest R56; I hope you enjoy reading the Guide! If you feel like we should add more information or we forget/mistake, please let us know via commenting below, and thanks! See you soon!

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