GUILTY GEAR -STRIVE- – How Turbo Sol Works Guide

GUILTY GEAR -STRIVE- – How Turbo Sol Works Guide 1 -
GUILTY GEAR -STRIVE- – How Turbo Sol Works Guide 1 -
You will probably meet or have already met some online Sol playing a rather eccentric gameplay, there is a high probability that it is a Turbo SoL
This guide is here to help you if you want to know more or learn how a Turbo Sol works


The basic concepts

To be a turbo Sol you have to be able to clear your head and play instinctively so your opponent can’t predict your actions. 
If you don’t have any ideas, launch a Volcanic Viper or a Night Raid vortex (formerly Grand Viper) to get closer and be able to launch a Volcanic Viper
Night Raid vortex is very useful to get closer to the people who fear you and therefore zone you. Once in close combat your opponent will think too much about when you are going to launch your volcanic viper and won’t play properly. 
Night Raid vortex : 
GUILTY GEAR -STRIVE- - How Turbo Sol Works Guide 
Volcanic viper : 
GUILTY GEAR -STRIVE- - How Turbo Sol Works Guide 
Your main goal is to enter Heavy Mob Cemetery that will surprise your opponent since it is not a volcanic viper but also do a lot of damage. 
GUILTY GEAR -STRIVE- - How Turbo Sol Works Guide 
Once you have acquired these basics, you can learn other Sol’s moves if you wish to polish your Turbo Sol. 
You will be able to join the big league : 



If you can’t understand just do Volcanic Viper
GUILTY GEAR -STRIVE- - How Turbo Sol Works Guide 

Written by Mijanox

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