Going Medieval – HOW TO: Change Camera Zoom Distance

Going Medieval – HOW TO: Change Camera Zoom Distance 1 - steamlists.com
Going Medieval – HOW TO: Change Camera Zoom Distance 1 - steamlists.com
Greetings plague survivors,

I want everyone to know that this guide is to help players change the code of the game in order to allow more range of zooming in and out. Make sure you understand that whatever you do to the game can be repaired by validating it in steam to download the files again if needed. Just remember to be kind to the dev and play around a bit with code knowing you can break the game.

If you are like myself and wanted to zoom out to see the wonderful lands you now control and found that something was holding you back then make the following code changes.

File Location: \Going Medieval\Going Medieval_Data\StreamingAssets\Data
File to edit: CameraSettings.json
Lines to change:
“heightRange”: {
“min”: 9,
“max”: 210.0


Camera Zoom Modifications


“screenEdgeBorderUp”: 0.005, 
“screenEdgeBorderDown”: 0.002, 
“screenEdgeBorderRight”: 0.002, 
“screenEdgeBorderLeft”: 0.005, 
“cameraSensitivityMin”: 0.5, 
“cameraSensitivityMax”: 1.5, 
“cameraSensitivity”: 1, 
“mouseMoveSpeed”: 30.0, 
“mousePanSpeed”: -3000.0, 
“mouseRotateSpeed”: 5500.0, 
“mouseTiltSpeed”: 2000.0, 
“mouseZoomSpeed”: 50.0, 
“allowScreenEdgeMove”: false, 
“keyboardMoveSpeed”: 85.0, 
“keyboardFastMoveSpeed”: 180.0, 
“keyboardRotateSpeed”: 110.0, 
“keyboardZoomSpeed”: 60.0, 
“keyboardTiltSpeed”: 75.0, 
“defaultHeight”: 38.0, 
“defaultRotation”: 45.0, 
“defaultTilt”: 52.0, 
“lookAtHeightOffset”: 0.6, 
“smoothing”: true, 
“moveSmoothing”: true, 
“moveDampening”: 20.0, 
“zoomDampening”: 10.0, 
“rotationDampening”: 35.0, 
“tiltDampening”: 15.0, 
“heightRange”: { 
“min”: 9, 
“max”: 210.0 
“minTiltRange”: { 
“min”: 18, 
“max”: 52 
“defaultMinTilt”: 30, 
“maxTilt”: 90.0 


Written by Longfellow

Hope you enjoy the Guide about Going Medieval – HOW TO: Change Camera Zoom Distance, if you think we should add extra information or forget something, please let us know via comment below, and we will do our best to fix or update as soon as possible!

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