Foundation – Trade Route Level Patch 1.9

Foundation – Trade Route Level Patch 1.9 1 -
Foundation – Trade Route Level Patch 1.9 1 -

(Foundation – Trade Route Level Patch 1.9) This guide is designed for each route level, and the required import/export amount is 2.5 times the merchant’s carrying capacity. To advance to the next level, you must purchase and sell three items at least. It became possible to level trade routes with patch 1.9.

The advantages of leveling trade routes and how to initiate a level-up will be covered in this guide. Patch 1.9 added the ability to level trade routes. The advantages of leveling trade routes and how to initiate a level-up are covered in this guide.
Bulk Trade Edict is an initial step. It expands trade routes and brings down costs.

You can only import and export with two appropriate types, making this decree useful.
If you use trade routes, it will be harder to meet import requirements, so you probably sell many goods already. To be qualified for a level-up, the requirements must only be met once. You can gather gold by emptying a warehouse. requirements for raising the level of a trade route.

Trade Route Level Effects

The main benefit of leveling a trade path is to increase the amount of goods a merchant can transport.

A merchant can only carry 12 goods on a basic level 1 trade route, while a merchant can carry 108 goods on a level 3 trade path.

Below are the stats for trade routes up to level 3.

Foundation - Trade Route Level Patch 1.9 - Trade Route Level Effects - FF48634

Merchant Capacity – base merchant capacity per item without upgrades

Import to Level – The quantity of goods that you have to purchase in a month to be eligible for level up

Export to Level – The quantity of goods that you have to sell in a month to be eligible for level up

How to level trade routes

You must meet both import and export requirements to be eligible for a level-up.

An event will be triggered with the neighbor to improve the trade route once the import/export requirements have been met. There are three options available to level the trade route.

  • Trade goods along the trade route, with a total worth within a single month (slow. However, it should be easy if your level-up requirements are met)
  • To fund the level-up, pay a lump sum in gold
  • Pay for the level-up using influence (currency. This currency will match the route’s alignment)

Once the event is over, you will be notified of the increase in trade route level.

Written by Majestic Narwhal

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