Fallout: New Vegas – List of cheat codes & console commands

Fallout: New Vegas – List of cheat codes & console commands 1 - steamlists.com
Fallout: New Vegas – List of cheat codes & console commands 1 - steamlists.com

List of cheat codes Fallout – New Vegas

Influence & Character Factions

1. addreputation <form id> <variable> <amount>

Add the influence of the faction that the player chose.

2. removereputation <form id> <variable> <amount>

The influence of a faction that a player chose can be removed

3. setreputation <form id> <variable> <amount>

You can choose directly how much influence you want to give a faction.

4. removefromallfactions

All influence must be removed from all factions. (reset)

5. setally

Choose factions allies.

6. setenemy

Choose factions ennemies.


1. resetquest

For restarting a quest.

2. movetoqt

Teleport the player towards the current objective

3. Showquestlog

Show the selected quest logs

4. GetQuestCompleted

Complete a quest or reset it.

5. sqt

Quest targets list.

6. completequest

Complete a specific quest.

7. caqs

All quests must be completed.

8. setstage <QuestID> <Quest stage number>

Set a specific quest stage.

9. setobjectivedisplayed <QuestID> <Quest stage number> <Display(1)/Remove(0)>

Select the objective that is displayed in the chosen quest.

Items, Caps, Inventory

1. player.setweaponhealthperc <percentage>

Choose the equipped weapon health.

2. player.additem <form id> <amount>

Give the player the number for the item you have selected.

3. player.removeitem <form id> <amount>

Despawn the selected item.

4. player.addnote <form id>

Add the selected note as an additional note to the player.

5. player.removenote <form id>

Despawn the selected note.

6. player.additemhealthpercent <form id> <amount> <quality>

You can choose to have the item at your chosen health.

7. setownership

You can become the owner of the item you choose.

8. Clearownership

The owner can be made to give up the item.

9. unlock

Lock the item.

10. lock

Lock the item to the level you choose.

11. activate form ID>

Activate the item/object you are interested in activating.

12. player.srm

All your items can be repaired to the best of your ability.

13. setpccanusepowerarmor 1

Now, power armor is wearable.

14. player.showinventory

Show IDs and items from your inventory.

15. resetinventory

Reset the loot in a container.

Character options

1. RewardKarma

You can add or remove karma.

2. player.setscale

Change player scale.

3. player.getav

Find the current value of Skills, S.P.E.C.I.A.L. or Karma amount.

4. player.modav <ActorValue> <value>

Add or subtract from Skills and S.P.E.C.I.A.L. amount.

5. player.advlevel


6. Showracemenu

Change race.

7. showbarbermenu

Change beard.

8. Shownamemenu

Change name.

9. showplasticsurgeonmenu

Change face.

10. player.addperk <form id>

Select perk added

11. player.removeperk <form id>

Take out a specific perk

12. exchange

Change s*x.

13. showtraitmenu

Show trait menu.

14. player.sethardcore <number>

Enable hardcore mode.

Narrow-Binding Options

1. addperk

Add selected perk.

2. Resurrect

Resurect player or NPC

3. Kill

Kill selected npcs or creatures

4. killall

Kill everyone in the area


Toggles AI player detection.


All dialog trees for all actors are reset.

7. player.placeatme <form id>

Spawns Creature/Nonplayer character, static objects and containers

8. Tcai

All non-player combat AIs can be toggled

9. Tai

Toggle all character AI

10. OpenTeammateContainer 1

Open your mate inventory.

11. setscale <number>

Change the scale of a NPC


1. TFC X>

Toggle Free Camera.

2. fov

Adjust the FOV of the viewmodel to the maximum.

3. fov <X>

Choose the FOV you prefer.

4. A sgtm

Change game speed.

5. sucsm

Set UFO.


Toggle Light Brite.


No clip.

8. Tmm 1/0>

Show or hide map markers

9. Tdt

Toggle debug display.


Toggle leaves.


Toggle grass.


Toggle projectiles.

13. Tfow

Toggle fogs of war (map)

14. Tgm

God mode.

14. Tdm

God mode with reloading

15. tdEnablePlayerControls

Allow movements even when you can’t.

16. Disable

Take the object you wish to remove.

17. enable

Enable removed object.

18. markfordelete

Flag the object to be deleted

19. zap

Delete an object from a game.

20. A tm

Toggle HUD.

Items Search

1. Search term> form Type (optionally)>

Search for a specific item.


1. incrementscriptedchallenge <form id>

Increase the current value of a select challenge by 1.

Written by StahlMann

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