ELDEN RING – All Bosses Weaknesses Info

ELDEN RING – All Bosses Weaknesses Info 1 - steamlists.com
ELDEN RING – All Bosses Weaknesses Info 1 - steamlists.com

The Elden Ring world is full of nasty bosses that can’t wait to get you. You need to take them out in order to complete various challenges and get your hands on handy upgrade materials.
The quickest way to beat bosses is to target their weak points. Let’s find out what weaknesses each boss has so that you can take advantage of that in combat.
Note: This guide is work in progress. New information will be added as soon as possible.

Main Bosses

List of weaknesses for each bosses in Elden Ring
ELDEN RING - All Bosses Weaknesses Info - Main Bosses - 0817C6F

Boss Name Weakness to exploit
Godrick the Grafted Godrick is weak to weapons that do bleed damage. Blood weapons do wonders on him.
Rennala, Queen of the Full Moon Rennala is weak to bleeding and physical damage. Use blood weapons against her. Magic is a no-go.
Starscourge Radahn Weak to Scarlet Rot, and bleeding
Morgott, the Omen King You can only beat him by carefully coordinating the attack with your allies. Can be poise broken.
Godfrey, First Elden Lord He tends to respect your space. Keep mid-distance to lessen aggro, that will make him easier to manage.
Hoarah Loux The Warrior
Cemetery Shade The Shade is weak to magic and fire. Use the Order’s blade buff and dual wield GreatSwords.
Ancestor Spirit
Dragonkin Soldier Lock onto the inner thigh of the Soldier’s right leg, behind his back, and keep slashing it.


Mini Bosses

ELDEN RING - All Bosses Weaknesses Info - Mini Bosses - 2E0A07D

Boss Name Weakness to exploit
Margit the Fell Omen Use Jellyfish to poison Margit, and coordinate a team attack.
Flying Dragon Agheel Fight this boss while riding Torrent.
Leonine Misbegotten Sorcery
Red Wolf of Radagon
Glintstone Dragon
Borealis the Freezing Fog Stay on your horse, get the Lance Talisman, and hit him when opportunity appears.
Decaying Ekzykes
Valiant Gargoyle
Valiant Gargoyle (Twinblade)


Field Bosses

ELDEN RING - All Bosses Weaknesses Info - Field Bosses - EA489CA

Boss Name Weakness to exploit
Mad Pumpkin Head
Erdtree Burial Weak to Magic
Stonedigger Troll Weak to Magic Glintblade
Grafted Scion
Soldier of Godrick Weak to anything
Beastman of Farum Azula
Demi-Human Chief
Runebear Weak to Rot Grease, almost immune to Bleeding
Crucible Knight
Ancient Hero of Zamor Weak to Magic


Written by JIN

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