Dying Light 2 – Adding English Text or Voice for Any Language

Dying Light 2 – Adding English Text or Voice for Any Language 1 - steamlists.com
Dying Light 2 – Adding English Text or Voice for Any Language 1 - steamlists.com

Detailed instructions for adding English text or voice for any language

Downloading and auto-localization (Voice plus texte)

To change the full localization, click on the game in the library and select properties

Dying Light 2 - Adding English Text or Voice for Any Language - Downloading and auto-localization (Voice plus texte) - 094D813

Choose the localization you are interested in

Dying Light 2 - Adding English Text or Voice for Any Language - Downloading and auto-localization (Voice plus texte) - DD1DE5E

At this stage, you upload files for about 3-4GB, which includes voice and text localization

Dying Light 2 - Adding English Text or Voice for Any Language - Downloading and auto-localization (Voice plus texte) - 3F4D665

Now you have the main pack with voice and text in your language


Voice to English

The sound localization folder is there

Dying Light 2 - Adding English Text or Voice for Any Language - Voice to English - 5185FFA

Dying Light 2 - Adding English Text or Voice for Any Language - Voice to English - 545040A

Delete the folder with your localization that you do not want and then the game will use the English localization that has been present since installation

For example: In these screenshots, you can see that speech_fr and speech_en are present there, to get an English voice, you need to remove speech_fr

Texte to English

Text localization is there

Dying Light 2 - Adding English Text or Voice for Any Language - Texte to English - B5A7C18

Dying Light 2 - Adding English Text or Voice for Any Language - Texte to English - B860B6B

Delete the file with your localization that you do not want and then the game will use the English localization

For example: In these screenshots, you can see that dataen.pak and datafr.pak, to get english text in game you need to delete datafr.pak

Written by Vránje

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