DOOM II: Hell on Earth – Guide for Idmus list in DOOM II: Hell on Earth

DOOM II: Hell on Earth – Guide for Idmus list in DOOM II: Hell on Earth 1 -
DOOM II: Hell on Earth – Guide for Idmus list in DOOM II: Hell on Earth 1 -
Have you ever wanted to change the music with the Idmus cheat but can’t find witch map the song belongs to?
Well then hopfuly this guide will help


How does the cheat work?

Simply type “IDMUS” while you have control of DoomGuy, and type the Episode Number and Map number for Doom one Example “IdmusE3M1” 
The map Number for most other Doom Games Example “Idmus20″ 
(ones that aren’t split into episodes, like Doom 2”) 
Holding shift or pressing Capslock is NOT mandatory 


Idmus11 will play “At Dooms Gate” (one of my personal favorites) 
Idmus12 Will play “The Imp’s Song” 
Idmus13 Will play “Dark Halls” 
Idmus14 Will play “Kitchen Ace (And Taking Names)” 
Idmus15 and Idmus44 will play “Suspense” 
Idmus16 and Idmus36 will play “On the Hunt” 
Idmus25, Idmus17. Idmus35, and Idmus48 will all play “Demons on the Prey” 
Idmus18, Idmus34, and Idmus41 will all play “Sign of Evil” (one of my personal favorites) 
Idmus19, Idmus39, and Idmus49 all play “Hiding the Secrets” witch is appropriate for the secret levels (another one of my personal favorites) 
Idmus21 Will play “I sawed the Demons” 
Idmus22 will play “The Demons from Adrian’s pen” 
Idmus23 will play “Intermission from DOOM” This song also plays in between levels (hence the name) 
Idmus24, and Idmus46 will play “They’re Going to Get You” 
Idmus26, and Idmus47 will both play “Sinister” 
Idmus27, Idmus37 and Idmus45 will all play “Waltz of the Demons” 
Idmus28 will play “Nobody Told me About ID” 
Idmus29 and Idmus31 will both Play “Untitled” (despite the EXTREMELY creative name this is another one of my personal favorites) 
Idmus42, and..ugg Idmus32 Will both play “Donna to the Rescue” (This is my least favorite song, not because it’s bad, because it plays in Slough Of Despair, my least favorite level, and that on is bad) {Triva in Doom 2016 the the classic map form of Slough of Despair the music is soed up for some reason, oh and its still Slough Of Despair} 
Idmus33, and Idmus43.. oh Hell yeah Deep into the Code, best song in the game in my option (And At dooms gate, and Untitled, those are at the same level for me) 
Idmus38 Will play “Facing the Spider” 

Doom 2: Hell on Earth

Idmus01, and Idmus15 will play “Running from Evil” (One of my favorites) Interesting name too, especial since one of those maps give you a Chainsaw, and the other gives you a BFG 
Idmus02, Idmus11, and Idmus17 will all play “The Healer Stalks” (My least favorite because it sounds like elevator music, I ussaly just Idmus to a diffrent song) 
Idmus03, and Idmus21 will play “Countdown to Death” 
Idmus04 Will play “Between Levels” no that is not the music for inbtween levels, don’t know why its called that. 
Idmus05 and Idmus13 will play “DOOM” 
Idmus06, Idmus12, and Idmus24 will all play “In the Dark” 
Idmus07, Idmus19, and Idmus29 will all play “Shawn’s got the Shotgun” 
Idmus08, Idmus14, and Idmus22 will all play “The Dave D. Taylor Blues” 
Idmus09 will play “Into Sandy’s City” (one of my favorites) 
Idmus10, and Idmus16 will both play “The Demon’s Dead” (one of my favorites) 
Idmus18, and Idmus27 will play “waiting for Romero to Play” 
Idmus20 and Idmus26 will both play “Message For the Archvile” (One of my favorites, nice break from the hard metal) 
Idmus23 will play “Bye Bye American Pie” 
Idmus25 will play “Adrian’s Asleep” 
Idmus28 will play “Getting Too Tense” 
Idmus30 will play “opening to Hell” (Great song, not a great fit for said song tho) 

Written by Lemono

This is all about DOOM II: Hell on Earth – Guide for Idmus list in DOOM II: Hell on Earth; I hope you enjoy reading the Guide! If you feel like we should add more information or we forget/mistake, please let us know via commenting below, and thanks! See you soon!

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