DOOM II: Hell on Earth – Demon Attributes

DOOM II: Hell on Earth – Demon Attributes 1 -
DOOM II: Hell on Earth – Demon Attributes 1 -

This Guide will you a better idea of what tricks your (AI) foes have up their sleeve

DISCLAIMER These are Vanilla Doom monsters only whether or not they exits in The Ultimate Doom will be in this guide.



Health – This one is obvious each demon starts with a health value, when
this value goes below 1 the demon dies

Speed – how fast (In map units {U}) a demon moves through the level

Mass – this is a hidden value, this is how much a demon gets knocked back
by attacks

Width – how fat a demon is

Height – How tall a demon is

Pain chance – for each attack a demon has a chance to get stunned NOTE that
the damage done is irrelevant a Plasma star has the same odds as a pistol
shot BUT Shotguns shoot multibal pettles with each one rolling the pain
chance dice, increasing the odds

Pain time – the amount of time a demon spends flinching when their pain
chance occurs


DOOM II: Hell on Earth - Demon Attributes - ZOMBIEMAN


Can be revived by an the Archvile

Health – 20

Speed – 70 U/s

Width – 40 U

Height – 56 U

Mass – 100

Pain chance – about 80%

Pain time – 170 ms

Melee – has none

Ranged Attack 3-15 Damage (In multibles of 3)- Type HITSCAN

Spread- 22 Degrees

What it’s ranged attack is – A single shot from it’s assault rifle


DOOM II: Hell on Earth - Demon Attributes - SHOTGUNGUY
SHOTGUNGUY (Formor Sargent as the level editor refers to it as)

Can be revived by an Archvile

Health – 30

Speed – 93 U/s

Width – 40 U

Height – 56 U

Mass – 100

Pain chance – about 68%

Pain time – 170 ms

Melee – has none

Ranged Attack 3 – 15 (per pellet in multibels of 3) 45 max with all pellets – Type HITSCAN

Spread 22 Degrees

What it’s ranged attack is – A single shot from it’s shotgun, each shot
shoots 3 pellets, witch it odd considering the Doomguy’s shotgun shoots 7
pellets per shot


DOOM II: Hell on Earth - Demon Attributes - CHANGUNGUY

This Demon does not exist in The Ultimate Doom Even in Episode 4 Thy Flesh
Consumed witch came out affter Doom 2

Can be revived by an Archvile

Health – 70

Speed – 93 U/s

Width – 40 U

Height – 56 U

Mass – 100

Pain chance – about 68%

Pain time – 170 ms

Melee – has none

Ranged Attack – 3 – 15 damage (in multibals of 3)- Type HITSCAN
Shoots almost 8 shots per second

Spread – 22 Degrees

What it’s ranged attack is – It’s attack is almost exactly like the zombie
mans but it’s faster and it wont stop firing until it cant see it’s
target, switches targets, or has it’s pain chance occur.
But it wont always stop as soon as you are out of sight, it has a random
chance to fire 2 addicial shots, and if your luck is horrendous it can skip
this check many times in a row and hit you the moment you peek around


DOOM II: Hell on Earth - Demon Attributes - IMP

Health – 60

Speed – 93 U/s

Width – 40 U

Height – 56 U

Mass – 100

Pain chance – About 80%

Pain Time – 115 ms

Melee Attack 3-24 (In multibals of 3)

Ranged Attack 3-24 (In multibals of 3)-Type PROJECTIAL

What it’s ranged attack is – A fire ball


DOOM II: Hell on Earth - Demon Attributes - PINKY, and SPECTRE


Can be revived by an Archvile

Health – 150

speed 175 U/s (350 on nightmare or with fast monsters enabled)

Width – 60

Height – 56

Mass – 400

Pain chance – 70%

Pain time – 115 ms (57 ms on nightmare or with fast monsters enabled)

Melee 4 – 40 (in multibles of 4)

Ranged – Has none

KEEP IN MIND – monster melee attacks are a simple distance check between the
target and the monster, so melee attacks can NEVER intestate infighting even
if there is something in between the monster and it’s target the Pinky will
simply bite through the rude monster and only hurt its target, ALSO
although partial invisibility does affect witch way the Pinky is facing when
it attacks (as it does with every monster) it DOESN’T affect their


DOOM II: Hell on Earth - Demon Attributes - LOST SOUL

CAN NOT be revived by an Archvile, reason: the Archvile ressurects corpes, and the LOST SOUL does not leave a corpse behind..

Health 100

Speed 47 U/s (700 U/s when chargeing)

Width – 32 U

Height – 56 U

Mass – 50

Melee – has none

Ranged 3 – 24 (in multibals of 3)- type PROJECTIAL

pain chance- 100%

Pain time 170 ms

PLEASE NOTE, the lost soul has many oddites, first they don’t have a wake up
sound, second their attack gets blocked my items, corpses, and decorations,
and third they forget what they were angry at after one attack, so if the
player made a noise they will default to the player if the player didn’t
make a nosice then the lost soul will fall asleep again.

FUN FACT, LOST SOULS don’t count for the Kill% at the end of the level so
therefore, LOST SOULS DO NOT respawn on nightmare, or with respwaning
monsters enabled


DOOM II: Hell on Earth - Demon Attributes - CACODEMON


Can be revived by an Archvile

Health – 400

Width – 62 U

Height – 56 U

Speed – 93 U/s

mass – 400

pain chance 50%

Pain time 345 ms

Melee – has none but does have one, its weird.. This attack does 6 – 60

damage in multibals of 6


KEEP IN MIND Demons that lack a melee attack use their ranged attack more
often so Cacodemons shoot fast than a Baron of Hell, ALSO this demon FLIES

TRIVA – the caco is the ONLY demon in the game to have TWO pain frames
instead of one


DOOM II: Hell on Earth - Demon Attributes - HELL KNIGHT

This monster does NOT exist in The Ultimate Doom, even in episode 4, Thy Flesh Consumed, witch came out after Doom 2: Hell On Earth.

Can be revived by an Archvile

Health – 500

Speed – 93 U

Pain chance – 17%

Pain time – 115 ms

mass – 1000

ranged 8 – 64 In multibals of 8 TYPE: PROJECTIAL

melee 8 – 80 In multibals of 10

width – 48 U

height – 64 U


DOOM II: Hell on Earth - Demon Attributes - BARON OF HELL

Can be revived by an Archvile

Health – 1000

Speed – 93 U

Pain chance – 17%

Pain time – 115 ms

mass – 1000

ranged 8 – 64 In multibals of 8 TYPE: PROJECTIAL

melee 8 – 80 In multibals of 10

width – 48 U

height – 64 U

KEEP IN MIND: The Hell Knight is just a Baron but with half the health.


DOOM II: Hell on Earth - Demon Attributes - ARACHNOTRON

This monster does NOT exist in The Ultimate Doom, even in episode 4, Thy
Flesh Consumed, witch came out affter Doom 2: Hell On Earth.

Can be revived by an Archvile

Health – 500

Speed – 140 U/s

Pain chance – 50%

Pain time – 170 ms

mass – 600

ranged 5 – 40 In multibals of 5 TYPE: PROJECTIAL

melee – has none

width – 128 U

height – 64 U

How the ranged attack works, it’s alot like the chaingunguy, but it shoots
projectiles instead, and has more of a pattern


DOOM II: Hell on Earth - Demon Attributes - PAIN ELEMENTAL

This monster does NOT exist in The Ultimate Doom, even in episode 4, Thy Flesh Consumed, witch came out affter Doom 2: Hell On Earth.

Can NOT be revived by an Archvile reason: It leaves behind no corpse

This Monster also DOES NOT count towards the kill% so it will not respawn
on Nightmare or with Respwaning Monsters enabled

Health – 400

Speed – 93 U/s

Pain chance – 50%

Pain time – 345 ms

mass – 400

ranged – has none, instead it spwans charging lost souls so the damage is 3 – 24 in multibals of 3

melee – has none

width – 62 U

height – 56 U

KEEP IN MIND, in vannila doom (Or if you have the pain elemetal cap on like
I do) The amount of Lost Souls Pain Elenmentals can spawn into a level is
capped at 21, when it trys to spawn a 22nd nothing happens.. ALSO when a
LOST SOUL spwans in a Thing (Aka entirty like players and monsters) or wall
it instanly dies so being in a pain elementals face can prevent the room
from being fill with lost souls. THIS DEMON FLIES

WARNING, when This monster dies it will spawn 3 lost souls


DOOM II: Hell on Earth - Demon Attributes - REVENANT

This monster does NOT exist in The Ultimate Doom, even in episode 4, Thy Flesh Consumed, witch came out after Doom 2: Hell On Earth.

Can be revived by an Archvile

Health – 300

Speed – 175 U/S

Pain chance – 40%

Pain time – 285 ms

mass – 500

ranged 10 – 80 in multibals of 10

melee 6 – 60 in multibles of 6

width – 40 U

height – 56 U same as Doomguy even though VISSULY it is much taller, strange…

WARNING the REVENANT’s Spooky ball can follow its target!
The thing that detremins it is the Game tick

If the game tick is even then the Spooky Ball will be guided
If the game tick is odd then the Spooky Ball will be unguided

Remember the game runs at 35 ticks per second

FAN FACT, The REVENANT’s melee attack is unique in that if it wiffs no projectial is shot..


DOOM II: Hell on Earth - Demon Attributes - MANCUBUS

This monster does NOT exist in The Ultimate Doom, even in episode 4, Thy Flesh Consumed, witch came out affter Doom 2: Hell On Earth.

Can be revived by an Archvile

Health – 600

Speed – 70 U/s

Pain chance – 31%

Pain time – 170 ms

mass – 1000

ranged 8 – 64 In multibles of 8 ( This monster will ALWAYS fire 3 bursts at a time unless it’s pain chance occurs, each burst is different go down to “How its attack works” for details)

melee – non existant

width – 96 U

height – 64 U

How its attack works
In the first burst one fire ball will be aimed at the target and the other
one will be 11 Degrees to its right

In the second burst one will be aimed at its target the other one will be
aimed to the targets left with a 22 Degrees offset

In the third burst BOTH fire balls will be aimed to the targets right and
left with a 5 Degree offset


DOOM II: Hell on Earth - Demon Attributes - ARCHVILE

This monster does NOT exist in The Ultimate Doom, even in episode 4, Thy Flesh Consumed, witch came out affter Doom 2: Hell On Earth.

Can NOT be revived by an Archvile Reason: it does not have a rise state

Health – 700

Speed – 262 U/s

Pain chance – 3%

Pain time – 285 ms

mass – 500

ranged 90 (With the way blast damage works its more like 83 – 89)

melee- Doesnt have one

width – 40 U

height – 56 U


How its ranged attack works
It lights you on fire then when Sir Archy claps you will take 20 hitscan
damage and then about 70 blast damage, but if you break Mr. Archvile’s line
of sight you will be fine


DOOM II: Hell on Earth - Demon Attributes - SPIDER MASTERMIND

Can NOT be revived by an Archvile Reason: it does not have a rise state

Health – 3000

Speed – 140 U/s

Pain chance – 13 %

Pain time – 170 ms

mass – 1000

ranged- 3 (one pellet with minum damage) – 45(all pellets with max damage)

melee- has none

width – 256 U

Height – 100 U

How its Ranged attack works, It’s literly just a Shotgunguy, but with the
behavor of the chaingunguy



DOOM II: Hell on Earth - Demon Attributes - CYBERDEMON

Can NOT be revived by an Archvile Reason: it does not have a rise state

Health – 4000

Speed – 187 U/s

Pain chance – 5%

Pain time – 285 ms

mass – 1000

ranged 20 – 160 (without explosion damage) TYPE: PROJECTIAL [ALWAYS FIRES 3
blast damage, rough estimate}

melee- has none

width – 80 U

height – 110 U


I hope this helps you, and if you can you might want to share this guide with all your Doomer buddies!

If any info is incorrect please correct me, I would love to update this guide!

Written by Lemono_64

I hope you enjoy the Guide we share about DOOM II: Hell on Earth – Demon Attributes; if you think we forget to add or we should add more information, please let us know via commenting below! See you soon!

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