Divinity: Original Sin 2 – 13 Builds – Controller – Slayer – Mage – Distractor Team Composition

Divinity: Original Sin 2 – 13 Builds – Controller – Slayer – Mage – Distractor Team Composition 1 - steamlists.com
Divinity: Original Sin 2 – 13 Builds – Controller – Slayer – Mage – Distractor Team Composition 1 - steamlists.com
These 13 honor mode builds are geared towards teamwork. Each class contributes to the team in their own way, and synergize well together.



There are 13 builds here. Choose one controller, one slayer, one mage, and one distractor to complete your team composition. 
I have a link that randomizes your team composition here: data-in-model-out.com – http://data-in-model-out.com/a-good-divinity-2-strategy/ 
Two gameplay insights I’ve been noticing that are key to accepting these builds: 

  • To upgrade constitution or not to do it are both correct. 🙂. If you play the game and never die without getting consitution, others can do the same with consitution too 😀 there are many ways to win 
  • Think about it, should a fragile character be targetable by all enemies!? No wonder a common conclusion is that we need to nuke down the opponent’s armor and chain CC before they do the same to us. The jump skill just makes it seem even harder to avoid enemy targeting but it’s doable. Some tricks are skills that protect you from being targetted or run in/out of attack range.

Build strengths: All the builds are powerful. Fire mages just have so much damage that it’s a fun one to play. Also, juggernaut brings so much to the team with defense and offense. But, I enjoy playing the uncommon strategies of warden and diver the most. 

Controller – Warden

Your primary task is to shield your most vulnerable allies to large spikes of damage
The skillsto pick up are prioritized by: Shielding others > CC > Utility > Tank 
Starting: Custom elf otherwise Lohse fighter 
Points to get: Minimum for skills then leadership. Get memory, and keep constitution 2 levels lower than memory 
Talent Ideas: Pet pal, torturer, 5-star dinner, mnemonic, living armor 
Items: Any. Most likely a shield and one-handed weapon. Aim for equal magic armor and physical armor 
Unique Tactics: Leadership is a powerful passive skill, but to use it you must be within 5 meters of the allies you want to protect. Leadership, blessed smoke cover, and eventually guardian angel are critical components to protecting your friends, and if they don’t want to stay near you, it will be hard to protect them. I recommend either taking your turns right after them by getting slightly less intuitive than them using wits, or respec to another class 
If unlocking a new skill, get them in this order. Usually, one source skill is enough at a time. Skip a skill if you don’t want to invest the minimum points to unlock it. 
Level 1 skill order 
Fortify, Summon incarnate (remove if unlocked bone widow), Adrenaline, Armor of frost, Summon elemental totem, Smoke cover, Chicken claw, Ram (or stomp), Haste (pre-fight buff self), Chloroform, Fossil strike, Chameleon cloak, First aid, Favorable wind 
Level 4 skill order 
Fortify, Worm tremor, Heart of steel, Armor of frost, Adrenaline, Teleport, Uncanny evasion, Summon incarnate (remove if unlocked bone widow), Smoke cover, Bless, Summon elemental totem, Haste (pre-fight buff self), Impalement, Chicken claw, Ram (or stomp), Chloroform, Fossil strike, Tactical-retreat/phoenix-dive/spread-your-wings/cloak-and-dagger, Chameleon cloak, First aid, Favorable wind 
Level 9 skill order 
Fortify, Worm tremor, Bone cage, Armor of frost, Adrenaline, Dominate mind, Uncanny evasion, Heart of steel, Teleport, Living on the edge, Smoke cover, Summon bone widow, Skin graft, Bless, Summon elemental totem, Cryogenic stasis, Impalement, Nether swap, Evasive aura, Chicken claw, Haste (pre-fight buff self), Ram (or stomp), Tactical-retreat/phoenix-dive/spread-your-wings/cloak-and-dagger, Chloroform, Fossil strike, Earthquake, Chameleon cloak, First aid, Favorable wind, Soul mate 
Level 13 skill order 
Fortify, Worm tremor, Summon inner demon, Armor of frost, Adrenaline, Dominate mind, Uncanny evasion, Bone cage, Teleport, Living on the edge, Smoke cover, Summon bone widow, Heart of steel, Bless, Skin graft, Summon elemental totem, Cryogenic stasis, Impalement, Nether swap, Evasive aura, Chicken claw, Haste (pre-fight buff self), Ram (or stomp), Tactical-retreat/phoenix-dive/spread-your-wings/cloak-and-dagger, Chloroform, Chameleon cloak, Fossil strike, Earthquake, First aid, Favorable wind, Soul mate 
Level 16 skill order 
Guardian angel, Worm tremor, Summon inner demon, Fortify, Adrenaline, Dominate mind, Armor of frost, Bone cage, Teleport, Uncanny evasion, Living on the edge, Summon bone widow, Heart of steel, Smoke cover, Skin graft, Summon elemental totem, Bless, Impalement, Cryogenic stasis, Nether swap, Chicken claw, Haste (pre-fight buff self), Evasive aura, Ram (or stomp), Chloroform, Tactical-retreat/phoenix-dive/spread-your-wings/cloak-and-dagger, Fossil strike, Earthquake, Chameleon cloak, First aid, Favorable wind, Soul mate 

Controller – Catcher

Your primary task is to incrase the vulnerability of the enemies with CC. This usually means dividing the enemy by teleporting one into your team and preventing the other enemies from arriving. 
The skillsto pick up are prioritized by: CC > Utility > Tank 
Starting: Custom elf otherwise Lohse battlemage 
Points to get: Minimum for skills then polymorph. Get memory, and keep constitution 4 levels lower than memory 
Talent Ideas: Pet pal, torturer, far out man, 5-star dinner, mnemonic 
Items: Any. Most likely a shield and one-handed weapon. Aim for equal magic armor and physical armor 
If unlocking a new skill, get them in this order. Usually, one source skill is enough at a time. Skip a skill if you don’t want to invest the minimum points to unlock it. 
Level 1 skill order 
Summon incarnate (remove if unlocked bone widow), Adrenaline, Summon elemental totem, Haste (pre-fight buff self), Fossil strike, Chicken claw, Fortify, Ram (or stomp), Rain, Turn oil, Armor of frost, Chloroform, Chameleon cloak, First aid, Favorable wind, Smoke cover 
Level 4 skill order 
Teleport, Adrenaline, Heart of steel, Worm tremor, Summon incarnate (remove if unlocked bone widow), Haste (pre-fight buff self), Summon elemental totem, Enrage, Impalement, Fossil strike, Fortify, Chicken claw, Armor of frost, Ram (or stomp), Rain, Turn oil, Uncanny evasion, Chloroform, Tactical-retreat/phoenix-dive/spread-your-wings/cloak-and-dagger, Chameleon cloak, First aid, Favorable wind, Smoke cover, Bless 
Level 9 skill order 
Teleport, Adrenaline, Bone cage, Nether swap, Worm tremor, Skin graft, Dominate mind, Heart of steel, Haste (pre-fight buff self), Summon bone widow, Summon elemental totem, Enrage, Impalement, Fortify, Fossil strike, Chicken claw, Armor of frost, Spider legs, Uncanny evasion, Ram (or stomp), Rain, Tactical-retreat/phoenix-dive/spread-your-wings/cloak-and-dagger, Turn oil, Chameleon cloak, global cooling, Chloroform, Earthquake, First aid, Favorable wind, Soul mate, Smoke cover, Bless 
Level 13 skill order 
Teleport, Adrenaline, Summon inner demon, Nether swap, Worm tremor, Skin graft, Dominate mind, Bone cage, Haste (pre-fight buff self), Summon bone widow, Summon elemental totem, Enrage, Heart of steel, Impalement, Fossil strike, Fortify, Chicken claw, Armor of frost, Spider legs, Uncanny evasion, Ram (or stomp), Rain, Turn oil, Tactical-retreat/phoenix-dive/spread-your-wings/cloak-and-dagger, Chameleon cloak, global cooling, First aid, Chloroform, Earthquake, Favorable wind, Soul mate, Smoke cover, Bless 

Controller – Enchanter

Your primary task is to outlast your enemies by healing your allies. Also, removes debuffs and shields allies when possible. 
The skillsto pick up are prioritized by: Healing > Debuff removal > Shielding skills > Utility 
Starting: Custom elf otherwise Lohse cleric 
Points to get: Minimum for skills then hydrosophist. Get memory, and keep constitution 6 levels lower than memory 
Talent Ideas: Pet pal, the pawn, mnemonic 
Items: Any. Aim for equal magic armor and physical armor 
If unlocking a new skill, get them in this order. Usually, one source skill is enough at a time. Skip a skill if you don’t want to invest the minimum points to unlock it. 
Level 1 skill order 
Restoration, Armor of frost, Fortify, Healing tears, Adrenaline, Cleanse wounds, Blood sucker, Smoke cover, First aid, Vampiric hunger, Raining blood, Haste (pre-fight buff self), Peace of mind, Rain, Chameleon cloak, Summon elemental totem, Favorable wind 
Level 4 skill order 
Restoration, Armor of frost, Fortify, Healing tears, Teleport, Cleanse wounds, Blood sucker, Uncanny evasion, First aid, Mend metal, Soothing cold, Raining blood, Smoke cover, Vampiric hunger, Adrenaline, Peace of mind, Bless, Rain, Haste (pre-fight buff self), Tactical-retreat/phoenix-dive/spread-your-wings/cloak-and-dagger, Chameleon cloak, Summon elemental totem, Favorable wind 
Level 9 skill order 
Arcane stitch, Armor of frost, Fortify, Restoration, Teleport, Dominate mind, Cleanse wounds, Healing ritual, Uncanny evasion, First aid, Healing tears, Blood sucker, Raining blood, Smoke cover, Cryogenic stasis, Adrenaline, Soul mate, Mend metal, Bless, Peace of mind, Soothing cold, Vampiric hunger, Rain, Living on the edge, Skin graft, Nether swap, Haste (pre-fight buff self), Tactical-retreat/phoenix-dive/spread-your-wings/cloak-and-dagger, Chameleon cloak, Summon bone widow, Summon elemental totem, Favorable wind 
Level 16 skill order 
Arcane stitch, Armor of frost, Fortify, Restoration, Teleport, Dominate mind, Cleanse wounds, Healing ritual, Uncanny evasion, First aid, Healing tears, Blood sucker, Raining blood, Smoke cover, Cryogenic stasis, Adrenaline, Soul mate, Last rites, Bless, Peace of mind, Mend metal, Soothing cold, Rain, Living on the edge, Equalize, Skin graft, Vampiric hunger, Nether swap, Haste (pre-fight buff self), Tactical-retreat/phoenix-dive/spread-your-wings/cloak-and-dagger, Chameleon cloak, Summon bone widow, Summon elemental totem, Favorable wind 

Slayer – Skirmisher

Your primary task is to use positioning and CC to defeat enemies in 1-on-1 combat with a two-handed sword
The skillsto pick up are prioritized by: Fighting > CC > Utility 
Starting: Custom elf with dome of protection and skills mosquito swarm, tentacle lash, and bull horns. You should aim to pick up adrenaline on the starting ship 
Points to get: Maximize warfare and then 2-handed. Get strength the highest, with constitution 2 points lower, and memory 6 points lower than strength 
Talent Ideas: Opportunist, 5-star dinner, picture of health, mnemonic, and living armor 
Items: 2-handed. Aim for equal magic armor and physical armor 
If unlocking a new skill, get them in this order. Usually, one source skill is enough at a time. Skip a skill if you don’t want to invest the minimum points to unlock it. 
Level 1 skill order 
Mosquito swarm, Tentacle lash, Bull horns, Crippling blow (early game only), Armor of frost, Ram, Chameleon cloak, Adrenaline, Stomp, Vampiric hunger, Fortify, Haste (pre-fight buff self) 
Level 4 skill order 
Mosquito swarm, Tentacle lash, Bull horns, Crippling blow (early game only), Whirlwind, Ram, Armor of frost, Adrenaline, Stomp, Uncanny evasion, Chameleon cloak, Teleport, Haste (pre-fight buff self), Vampiric hunger, Fortify, Blitz 
Level 9 skill order 
Bone cage, Tentacle lash, Bull horns, Mosquito swarm, Whirlwind, Ram, Armor of frost, Adrenaline, Stomp, Uncanny evasion, Chameleon cloak, Raise bone widow, Skin graft, Vampiric hunger, Fortify, Teleport, Haste (pre-fight buff self), Blitz, Phoenix dive 
Level 16 skill order 
Challenge, Tentacle lash, Bull horns, Bone cage, Mosquito swarm, Ram, Whirlwind, Adrenaline, Stomp, Armor of frost, Uncanny evasion, Raise bone widow, Skin graft, Chameleon cloak, Vampiric hunger, Teleport, Equalize, Haste (pre-fight buff self), Fortify, Blitz, Phoenix dive 

Slayer – Assassin

Your primary task is to use positioning and CC to defeat enemies in 1-on-1 combat with a knife
The skillsto pick up are prioritized by: Damage Dealing > Setup > Survival 
Starting: Custom elf with dome of protection and skills throwing knife, restoration, and backlash. You should aim to pick up adrenaline on the starting ship 
Points to get: Maximize warfare then scoundrel. Get finesse the highest, with constitution 4 points lower, and memory 6 points lower than finesse 
Talent Ideas: Opportunist, The pawn, picture of health, 5-star dinner, mnemonic, and living armor 
Items: Two daggers, but you can always experiment with a dagger and shield. Aim for equal magic armor and physical armor using finesse equipment 
If unlocking a new skill, get them in this order. Usually, one source skill is enough at a time. Skip a skill if you don’t want to invest the minimum points to unlock it. 
Level 1 skill order 
Throwing knife, Adrenaline, Restoration, Backlash, Chameleon cloak, Armor of frost, Haste (pre-fight buff self), Smoke cover, Chloroform, Mosquito swarm, Stomp, Ram, Chicken claw, Fortify 
Level 4 skill order 
Rupture tendons, Adrenaline, Restoration, Throwing knife, Backlash, Armor of frost, Cloak and dagger, Chameleon cloak, Haste (pre-fight buff self), Smoke cover, Uncanny evasion, Teleport, Mosquito swarm, Chloroform, Stomp, Ram, Bless, Chicken claw, Heart of steel, Fortify 
Level 9 skill order 
Fan of knives, Adrenaline, Bone cage, Rupture tendons, Corrupted blade, Skin graft, Sleeping arms, Restoration, Backlash, Throwing knife, Cloak and dagger, Armor of frost, Chameleon cloak, Haste (pre-fight buff self), Smoke cover, Uncanny evasion, Nether swap, Teleport, Chloroform, Stomp, Mosquito swarm, Ram, Bless, Chicken claw, Tactical-retreat/phoenix-dive/spread-your-wings, Heart of steel, Fortify 
Level 16 skill order 
Fan of knives, Adrenaline, Challenge, Rupture tendons, Corrupted blade, Skin graft, Wind-up toy, Bone cage, Backlash, Sleeping arms, Throwing knife, Cloak and dagger, Restoration, Chameleon cloak, Armor of frost, Haste (pre-fight buff self), Smoke cover, Nether swap, Teleport, Chloroform, Uncanny evasion, Mosquito swarm, Stomp, Ram, Bless, Chicken claw, Tactical-retreat/phoenix-dive/spread-your-wings, Equalize, Heart of steel, Fortify 

Slayer – Marksman

Your primary task is to use positioning and speed to constantly and safely attack the closest enemy with nearby allies for support while a bow or crossbow. Stay very far away from combat to be safest, and run into combat to get shots off 
The skillsto pick up are prioritized by: Damage Dealing > Setup > Survival 
Starting: Custom elf with dome of protection and skills arrowheads, haste, and ricochet. You should aim to pick up adrenaline on the starting ship 
Points to get: Maximize warfare > ranged > scoundrel > huntsman. Get finesse the highest, with constitution 6 points lower, and memory 6 points lower than finesse 
Talent Ideas: Opportunist, The pawn, picture of health, 5-star dinner, mnemonic, and living armor 
Items: Two daggers, but you can always experiment with a dagger and shield. Aim for equal magic armor and physical armor using finesse equipment 
If unlocking a new skill, get them in this order. Usually, one source skill is enough at a time. Skip a skill if you don’t want to invest the minimum points to unlock it. 
Level 1 skill order 
Arrowheads, Haste (pre-fight buff self), Chameleon cloak, Ricochet, First aid, Adrenaline, Pin down, Fortify, Favorable wind (pre-fight buff self), Armor of frost, Smoke cover, Vampiric hunger 
Level 4 skill order 
Arrowheads, Haste (pre-fight buff self), Chameleon cloak, Sky shot (Join combat using this), Barrage, Adrenaline, Ricochet, Fortify, Favorable wind (pre-fight buff self), First aid, Pin down, Tactical retreat, Armor of frost, Smoke cover, Uncanny evasion, Bless, Teleport, Vampiric hunger, Heart of steel 
Level 9 skill order 
Arrowheads, Haste (pre-fight buff self), Chameleon cloak, Sky shot (Join combat using this), Ballistic shot, Adrenaline, Barrage, Fortify, Favorable wind (pre-fight buff self), Ricochet, First aid, Skin graft, Armor of frost, Pin down, Tactical retreat, Uncanny evasion, Smoke cover, Bless, Nether swap, Teleport, Phoenix dive, Vampiric hunger, Heart of steel 
Level 13 skill order 
Arrowheads, Haste (pre-fight buff self), Chameleon cloak, Sky shot (Join combat using this), Ballistic shot, Adrenaline, Farsight, Fortify, Favorable wind (pre-fight buff self), Barrage, Ricochet, Skin graft, Armor of frost, First aid, Pin down, Tactical retreat, Uncanny evasion, Smoke cover, Bless, Nether swap, Teleport, Phoenix dive, Vampiric hunger, Heart of steel 
Level 16 skill order 
Arrow storm, Haste (pre-fight buff self), Chameleon cloak, Arrowheads, Sky shot (Join combat using this), Adrenaline, Ballistic shot, Fortify, Favorable wind (pre-fight buff self), Farsight, Barrage, Skin graft, Armor of frost, Ricochet, First aid, Tactical retreat, Pin down, Uncanny evasion, Smoke cover, Bless, Nether swap, Teleport, Phoenix dive, Vampiric hunger, Heart of steel 

Mage – Fire

Your primary task is to stay at asafe distance and use fire skills on groups of enemies to remove their magic armor 
The skillsto pick up are prioritized by: Damage Dealing > Utility 
Starting: Custom elf otherwise Seville wizard 
Points to get: Maximize pyrokinetic, the remaining points should go in polymorph or retribution. Move points from pyrokinetic to other stats only if the skill(s) is worth it (sometimes your armor bonuses are enough to unlock skills). Get intelligence the highest, with constitution 6 points lower, and memory 6 points lower than intelligence 
Talent Ideas: Torturer, the pawn, mnemonic, elemental affinity, savage sortilege, far out man 
Items: A fire wand for the stats and a shield. Consider the tradeoffs of using only intelligence armor versus getting some strength to balance your physical and magic armor 
If unlocking a new skill, get them in this order. Usually, one source skill is enough at a time. Skip a skill if you don’t want to invest the minimum points to unlock it. 
Level 1 skill order 
Throw explosive trap, Haste (pre-fight buff self), Corpse explosion, Searing daggers, Adrenaline, Chameleon cloak, Fortify, Armor of frost 
Level 4 skill order 
Throw explosive trap, Haste (pre-fight buff self), FIreball, Spontaneous combustion, Adrenaline, Corpse explosion, Searing daggers, Tactical retreat (also required for traps), Supernova, Chameleon cloak, Fortify, Armor of frost, Worm tremor, Uncanny evasion 
Level 9 skill order 
Deploy mass traps, Haste (pre-fight buff self), Mass corpse explosion, Throw explosive trap, Adrenaline, FIreball, Spontaneous combustion, Skin graft, Corpse explosion, Searing daggers, Tactical retreat (also required for traps), Laser ray, Flaming tongues, Chameleon cloak, Fire whip, Supernova, Fortify, Armor of frost, Worm tremor, Uncanny evasion 
Level 16 skill order 
Deploy mass traps, Haste (pre-fight buff self), Mass corpse explosion, Meteor shower, Adrenaline, Throw explosive trap, Flaming crescendo, Skin graft, FIreball, Spontaneous combustion, Tactical retreat (also required for traps), Corpse explosion, Searing daggers, Chameleon cloak, Laser ray, Flaming tongues, Fortify, Fire whip, Supernova, Armor of frost, Worm tremor, Uncanny evasion 

Mage – Air

Your primary task is to CC enemies with low magic armor. Wait until the melee enemy comes close to your team to use your close-range spells (rather than diving in yourself) 
The skillsto pick up are prioritized by: CC and Damage > Utility 
Starting: Custom elf otherwise Seville enchanter 
Points to get: Maximize aerotheurge, the remaining points should go in polymorph or retribution. Move points from aerotheurge to other stats only if the skill(s) is worth it (sometimes your armor bonuses are enough to unlock skills). Get intelligence the highest, with constitution 2 points lower, and memory 6 points lower than intelligence 
Talent Ideas: Elemental affinity, mnemonic, savage sortilege, far out man 
Items: An air wand for the stats and a shield. Air wands can electrocute water or cloud, and electrocuted water or clouds allow elemental affinity to work. Consider the tradeoffs of using only intelligence armor versus getting some strength to balance your physical and magic armor 
If unlocking a new skill, get them in this order. Usually, one source skill is enough at a time. Skip a skill if you don’t want to invest the minimum points to unlock it. 
Level 1 skill order 
Electronic discharge, Haste (pre-fight buff self), Blinding radiance, Shocking touch, Rain, Vacuum touch, Adrenaline, Smoke cover, Breathing bubble, Chameleon cloak, Raining blood (doesn’t cause wet), Fortify, Armor of frost, Favorable wind 
Level 4 skill order 
Teleportation, Haste (pre-fight buff self), Dazing bolt, Electronic discharge, Rain, Blinding radiance, Shocking touch, Adrenaline, Vacuum touch, Uncanny evasion, Smoke cover, Bless, Breathing bubble, Tactical-retreat/spread-your-wings/cloak-and-dagger, Chameleon cloak, Raining blood (doesn’t cause wet), Fortify, Armor of frost, Favorable wind 
Level 9 skill order 
Teleportation, Haste (pre-fight buff self), Nether swap, Chain lightning, Rain, Pressure spike, Dazing bolt, Adrenaline, Electronic discharge, Blinding radiance, Skin graft, Shocking touch, Vacuum touch, Uncanny evasion, Smoke cover, Bless, Breathing bubble, Tactical-retreat/phoenix-dive/spread-your-wings/cloak-and-dagger, Chameleon cloak, Raining blood (doesn’t cause wet), Fortify, Armor of frost, Favorable wind 
Level 13 skill order 
Teleportation, Haste (pre-fight buff self), Nether swap, Chain lightning, Rain, Pressure spike, Dazing bolt, Adrenaline, Electronic discharge, Closed circuit, Skin graft, Blinding radiance, Shocking touch, Uncanny evasion, Vacuum touch, Smoke cover, Bless, Breathing bubble, Tactical-retreat/phoenix-dive/spread-your-wings/cloak-and-dagger, Chameleon cloak, Raining blood (doesn’t cause wet), Fortify, Armor of frost, Favorable wind 
Level 16 skill order 
Thunderstorm, Haste (pre-fight buff self), Superconductor, Teleportation, Rain, Nether swap, Chain lightning, Adrenaline, Pressure spike, Dazing bolt, Skin graft, Electronic discharge, Closed circuit, Uncanny evasion, Blinding radiance, Shocking touch, Smoke cover, Vacuum touch, Bless, Breathing bubble, Tactical-retreat/phoenix-dive/spread-your-wings/cloak-and-dagger, Chameleon cloak, Raining blood (doesn’t cause wet), Fortify, Armor of frost, Favorable wind 

Mage – Water

Your primary task is to CC enemies and heal allies 
The skillsto pick up are prioritized by: CC and Damage > Healing > Utility 
Starting: Custom elf otherwise Seville enchanter 
Points to get: Maximize hydrosophist, the remaining points should go in polymorph or retribution. Move points from hydrosophist to other stats only if the skill(s) is worth it (sometimes your armor bonuses are enough to unlock skills). Get intelligence the highest, with constitution 4 points lower, and memory 6 points lower than intelligence 
Talent Ideas: Living armor, elemental affinity, mnemonic. Choose two others 
Items: A water wand for the stats and a shield. Consider the tradeoffs of using only intelligence armor versus getting some strength to balance your physical and magic armor 
If unlocking a new skill, get them in this order. Usually, one source skill is enough at a time. Skip a skill if you don’t want to invest the minimum points to unlock it. 
Level 1 skill order 
Hail strike, Restoration, Haste (pre-fight buff self), Healing tears, Cleanse wounds, Rain, Cryotherapy, Vampiric hunger, Adrenaline, Armor of frost, Chameleon cloak, Raining blood, Fortify 
Level 4 skill order 
Winter blast, Restoration, Haste (pre-fight buff self), Ice Fan, Hail strike, Healing tears, Rain, Cleanse wounds, Soothing cold, Cryotherapy, Adrenaline, Vampiric hunger, Armor of frost, Tactical-retreat/spread-your-wings/cloak-and-dagger, Chameleon cloak, Raining blood, Fortify, Uncanny evasion, Heart of steel 
Level 9 skill order 
Winter blast, Cryogenic stasis, Haste (pre-fight buff self), Ice Fan, Hail strike, Arcane stitch, Global cooling, Rain, Healing ritual, Adrenaline, Restoration, Armor of frost, Healing tears, Cleanse wounds, Soothing cold, Mass cleanse wounds, Cryotherapy, Mass cryotherapy, Vampiric hunger, Skin graft, Tactical-retreat/phoenix-dive/spread-your-wings/cloak-and-dagger, Chameleon cloak, Raining blood, Fortify, Uncanny evasion, Heart of steel 
Level 16 skill order 
Hail storm, Cryogenic stasis, Haste (pre-fight buff self), Ice breaker, Deep freeze, Arcane stitch, Winter blast, Rain, Healing ritual, Ice Fan, Hail strike, Restoration, Adrenaline, Global cooling, Healing tears, Armor of frost, Cleanse wounds, Soothing cold, Mass cleanse wounds, Cryotherapy, Skin graft, Mass cryotherapy, Vampiric hunger, Tactical-retreat/phoenix-dive/spread-your-wings/cloak-and-dagger, Chameleon cloak, Raining blood, Fortify, Uncanny evasion, Heart of steel 

Mage – Earth

Your primary task is to CC and damage enemiesand can also tank 
The skillsto pick up are prioritized by: CC and Damage > Tank > Utility 
Starting: Custom elf otherwise Seville wizard 
Points to get: Maximize geomancer, the remaining points should go in polymorph or retribution. Move points from geomancer to other stats only if the skill(s) is worth it (sometimes your armor bonuses are enough to unlock skills). Get intelligence the highest, with constitution 2 points lower, and memory 6 points lower than intelligence 
Talent Ideas: 5-star dinner, elemental affinity, mnemonic, living armor, savage sortilege (consider swapping in torturer if using worm tremor) 
Items: A earth wand for the stats and a shield. Consider the tradeoffs of using only intelligence armor versus getting some strength to balance your physical and magic armor 
Unique Tactic: One trick you can do is hit yourself with a projectile skill like fossil strike or poison dart while you have deflective barrier up to hit enemies twice at close range. With poison wave, you won’t be hurt by hitting yourself 
If unlocking a new skill, get them in this order. Usually, one source skill is enough at a time. Skip a skill if you don’t want to invest the minimum points to unlock it. 
Level 1 skill order 
Fossil strike, Fortify, Haste (pre-fight buff self), Throw dust, Poison dart, Rain, Contamination, Adrenaline, Turn to oil, Corrosive touch, Oily carapace, Armor of frost, Chameleon cloak 
Level 4 skill order 
Fossil strike, Fortify, Haste (pre-fight buff self), Throw dust, Poison dart, Mend metal, Impalement, Adrenaline, Heart of steel, Contamination, Corrosive touch, Rain, Armor of frost, Turn to oil, Tactical-retreat/spread-your-wings/cloak-and-dagger, Oily carapace, Chameleon cloak, Uncanny evasion, Worm tremor 
Level 9 skill order 
Dust blast, Deflective barrier, Haste (pre-fight buff self), Fossil strike, Throw dust, Fortify, Poison wave, Adrenaline, Mend metal, Poison dart, Earthquake, Heart of steel, Armor of frost, Impalement, Contamination, Rain, Corrosive touch, Skin graft, Turn to oil, Oily carapace, Tactical-retreat/phoenix-dive/spread-your-wings/cloak-and-dagger, Chameleon cloak, Bone cage, Mass oily carapace, Uncanny evasion, Worm tremor 
Level 13 skill order 
Dust blast, Deflective barrier, Haste (pre-fight buff self), Fossil strike, Throw dust, Summon inner demon, Poison wave, Adrenaline, Fortify, Poison dart, Earthquake, Mend metal, Armor of frost, Impalement, Contamination, Heart of steel, Corrosive touch, Skin graft, Rain, Turn to oil, Tactical-retreat/phoenix-dive/spread-your-wings/cloak-and-dagger, Chameleon cloak, Oily carapace, Bone cage, Mass oily carapace, Uncanny evasion, Worm tremor 
Level 16 skill order 
Pyroclastic eruption, Deflective barrier, Haste (pre-fight buff self), Dust blast, Fossil strike, Summon inner demon, Throw dust, Adrenaline, Fortify, Poison wave, Poison dart, Mend metal, Armor of frost, Earthquake, Impalement, Heart of steel, Contamination, Skin graft, Rain, Corrosive touch, Turn to oil, Tactical-retreat/phoenix-dive/spread-your-wings/cloak-and-dagger, Oily carapace, Chameleon cloak, Bone cage, Mass oily carapace, Uncanny evasion, Worm tremor 

Distractor – Vanguard

Your primary task is to be the tank that absorbs damage and uses CC. Both of these help keep enemies from reaching your team 
The skillsto pick up are prioritized by: Tank > CC > Utility 
Starting: Custom elf otherwise Beast fighter 
Points to get: Get the minimum points for skills and place the extra points in warfare. Get constitution the highest, with memory 4 points lower, and minimum strength and intelligence for armor 
Talent Ideas: 5-star dinner, living armor, torturer, mnemonic. Swap living armor for picture of health once you get a few warfare points 
Items: A melee weapon and a shield. Use intelligence and strength armor to have approximately equal physical armor and magic armor 
If unlocking a new skill, get them in this order. Usually, one source skill is enough at a time. Skip a skill if you don’t want to invest the minimum points to unlock it. 
Level 1 skill order 
Fortify, Summon incarnate (remove if unlocked bone widow), Adrenaline, Armor of frost, Rain, Summon elemental totem, Turn oil, Haste (pre-fight buff self), Chicken claw, Oily carapace, Cryotherapy, Chloroform, Chameleon cloak, Restoration, Fossil strike, Ram (or stomp) 
Level 4 skill order 
Fortify, Worm tremor, Adrenaline, Armor of frost, Uncanny evasion, Teleport, Heart of steel, Haste (pre-fight buff self), Summon incarnate (remove if unlocked bone widow), Rain, Turn oil, Summon elemental totem, Tactical-retreat/spread-your-wings/cloak-and-dagger, Oily carapace, Cryotherapy, Impalement, Restoration, Chameleon cloak, Shackles of pain, Chicken claw, Chloroform, Fossil strike, Ram (or stomp) 
Level 9 skill order 
Deflective barrier, Worm tremor, Adrenaline, Fortify, Armor of frost, Dominate mind, Uncanny evasion, Skin graft, Teleport, Living on the edge, Bone cage, Nether swap, Haste (pre-fight buff self), Heart of steel, Rain, Summon bone widow, Turn oil, Tactical-retreat/phoenix-dive/spread-your-wings/cloak-and-dagger, Summon elemental totem, Oily carapace, Global cooling, Impalement, Chameleon cloak, Cryotherapy, Restoration, Shackles of pain, Chicken claw, Chloroform, Fossil strike, Ram (or stomp), Earthquake 
Level 13 skill order 
Summon inner demon, Worm tremor, Adrenaline, Deflective barrier, Fortify, Dominate mind, Armor of frost, Skin graft, Teleport, Uncanny evasion, Living on the edge, Nether swap, Haste (pre-fight buff self), Bone cage, Heart of steel, Summon bone widow, Rain, Tactical-retreat/phoenix-dive/spread-your-wings/cloak-and-dagger, Summon elemental totem, Turn oil, Oily carapace, Impalement, Chameleon cloak, Global cooling, Cryotherapy, Shackles of pain, Restoration, Chicken claw, Chloroform, Fossil strike, Ram (or stomp), Earthquake 

Distractor – Juggernaut

Your primary task is to be the tank that absorbs damage and deals a lot of damage. What better way to do this in Divinity 2 than as a summoner where you and your summon tank 
The skillsto pick up are prioritized by: Summoning > Tank > Utility 
Starting: Custom elf otherwise Beast conjurer 
Points to get: First, get the minimum points for skills, but respec to get summoning to 10 as soon as possible because that gives incarnate a massive boost in stats. Get the minimum points for skills and place the extra points in warfare. Get constitution the highest, with memory 4 points lower, and minimum strength and intelligence for armor 
Talent Ideas: 5-star dinner, living armor, torturer, mnemonic. Swap living armor for picture of health once you get a few warfare points 
Items: A melee weapon and a shield. Use intelligence and strength armor to have approximately equal physical armor and magic armor 
If unlocking a new skill, get them in this order. Usually, one source skill is enough at a time. Skip a skill if you don’t want to invest the minimum points to unlock it. 
Level 1 skill order 
Summon incarnate, Fortify, Adrenaline, Farsight infusion, Elemental totem, Armor of frost, Haste (pre-fight buff self), Rain, Turn oil, Oily carapace, Chicken claw, Cryotherapy, Restoration, Chameleon cloak 
Level 4 skill order 
Summon incarnate, Fortify, Teleport, Farsight infusion, Power infusion, Armor of frost, Elemental totem, Adrenaline, Uncanny evasion, Haste (pre-fight buff self), Heart of steel, Tactical-retreat/spread-your-wings/cloak-and-dagger, Rain, Turn oil, Oily carapace, Cryotherapy, Restoration, Chicken claw, Chameleon cloak 
Level 9 skill order 
Dominate mind, Deflective barrier, Teleport, Shadow infusion, Farsight infusion, Fortify, Power infusion, Adrenaline, Armor of frost, Elemental totem, Summon bone widow, Uncanny evasion, Skin graft, Door to eternity, Living on the edge, Haste (pre-fight buff self), Bone cage, Heart of steel, Rain, Turn oil, Nether swap, Oily carapace, Global cooling, Cryotherapy, Tactical-retreat/phoenix-dive/spread-your-wings/cloak-and-dagger, Restoration, Chicken claw, Chameleon cloak 
Level 13 skill order 
Dominate mind, Summon inner demon, Teleport, Shadow infusion, Farsight infusion, Deflective barrier, Power infusion, Adrenaline, Fortify, Elemental totem, Summon bone widow, Armor of frost, Skin graft, Door to eternity, Uncanny evasion, Haste (pre-fight buff self), Living on the edge, Bone cage, Heart of steel, Rain, Nether swap, Turn oil, Oily carapace, Global cooling, Tactical-retreat/phoenix-dive/spread-your-wings/cloak-and-dagger, Cryotherapy, Restoration, Chicken claw, Chameleon cloak 
Level 16 skill order 
Dominate mind, Summon inner demon, Teleport, Warp infusion, Shadow infusion, Deflective barrier, Farsight infusion, Adrenaline, Fortify, Power infusion, Elemental totem, Armor of frost, Skin graft, Summon bone widow, Door to eternity, Uncanny evasion, Haste (pre-fight buff self), Living on the edge, Bone cage, Nether swap, Heart of steel, Rain, Turn oil, Oily carapace, Global cooling, Tactical-retreat/phoenix-dive/spread-your-wings/cloak-and-dagger, Cryotherapy, Restoration, Chicken claw, Chameleon cloak 

Distractor – Diver

Your primary task is to dive into the enemies and lead them away from your allies. If ignored by most enemies, you can fight 1-on-1 against mages and easily chain CC them. Play this if you want to help by dividing and conquering by getting them to chase you around. You’re not really a big threat but you’re a nuisance to the enemy. If any class was a troll class it would be this one but hopefully you’re trolling the AI enemies and not your teammates 
The skillsto pick up are prioritized by: Distracting > Tank > CC > Utility 
Starting: Custom elf otherwise Beast metamorph 
Points to get: Maximize warfare, but put points in other skills if it’s worth it. Get constitution the highest, with strength 4 points lower, and memory 6 points lower than constitution. Get the minimum intelligence to use that type of armor 
Talent Ideas: Opportunist, 5-star dinner, picture of health, mnemonic, and living armor 
Items: One-handed weapon with a shield but able to swap to 2-handed mid-combat. Aim for equal magic armor and physical armor 
If unlocking a new skill, get them in this order. Usually, one source skill is enough at a time. Skip a skill if you don’t want to invest the minimum points to unlock it. 
Level 1 skill order 
Haste (pre-fight buff self), Mosquito swarm, Tentacle lash, Bull horns, Adrenaline, Armor of frost, Chicken claw, Fortify, Ram, Chameleon cloak 
Level 4 skill order 
Spread your wings, Uncanny evasion, Tentacle lash, Haste (pre-fight buff self), Adrenaline, Mosquito swarm, Teleport, Chicken claw, Armor of frost, Blitz, Bull horns, Fortify, Ram, Provoke, Chameleon cloak 
Level 9 skill order 
Spread your wings, Uncanny evasion, Tentacle lash, Living on the edge, Adrenaline, Bone cage, Haste (pre-fight buff self), Chicken claw, Mosquito swarm, Teleport, Nether swap, Armor of frost, Ram, Phoenix dive, Skin graft, Fortify, Blitz, Raise bone widow, Bull horns, Provoke, Chameleon cloak 
Level 13 skill order 
Spread your wings, Summon inner demon, Tentacle lash, Living on the edge, Adrenaline, Uncanny evasion, Haste (pre-fight buff self), Chicken claw, Bone cage, Teleport, Nether swap, Mosquito swarm, Ram, Phoenix dive, Skin graft, Armor of frost, Blitz, Raise bone widow, Fortify, Bull horns, Provoke, Chameleon cloak 
Level 16 skill order 
Spread your wings, Summon inner demon, Tentacle lash, Living on the edge, Adrenaline, Uncanny evasion, Haste (pre-fight buff self), Chicken claw, Bone cage, Teleport, Nether swap, Mosquito swarm, Ram, Phoenix dive, Skin graft, Armor of frost, Blitz, Raise bone widow, Equalize, Bull horns, Provoke, Fortify, Chameleon cloak 

Written by A

This is all about Divinity: Original Sin 2 – 13 Builds – Controller – Slayer – Mage – Distractor Team Composition; I hope you enjoy reading the Guide! If you feel like we should add more information or we forget/mistake, please let us know via commenting below, and thanks! See you soon!

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