Chock full of useful help for new hires, this guide seeks to illuminate some of the cultural ideals commonly held within the miners proscribed by Deep Rock Galactic. (there are some ideas as to effective teamplay albeit not concrete, but this guide is mostly geared towards helping deepen the lore and is not suited for those with a complete aversion to getting into a character)



To those Greenbeards and Elitist-beards alike that have happened upon this guide for solid DRG advice: you aren’t the best at choosing legit guides. Seriously. I mentioned in the description this is not centered on improving gameplay directly. Read stuff before jumping into it. I will, however, offer up some commonly used language to improve communication and phrase certain ideals that do in fact benefit gameplay progression within being a dwarf. Therefore, Greenbeards may benefit from reading for the very sake of feeling more at home with their fellow, perhaps more hardened miners. 


So you’ve taken a large leap from the typical dwarven lifestyle to something your ancestors would be proud of. Congratulations! You have seeded your livelihood, well-being, and economic freedom to Deep Rock Galactic in hopes of achieving some sort of meaning in your life. Fear not dwarf, you are in good company. If you choose to take the proper dwarven approach to space mining (that is, choosing to join a crew), you will soon find yourself among like-minded individuals with the same hopes and dreams as you: make it to the drop pod at the end of the day with your objectives checked off, your pockets stuffed with helpful minerals and profits, and a beer full of belly. I mean a belly full of beer. Here, in this electronic guide that lays before you, is a golden opportunity to make the transition from couch-dweller to bug-slayer without embarrassing yourself in front of other members of the Deep Rock Galactic. By taking the DRG mantle, you have accepted the final form of your dwarven history as well as the expectation of mining one of the galaxy’s toughest and most dangerous planetary collection. What it means to be a good dwarf, or a good crew member, or a good miner, or a good warrior, or any such ideals is for you to determine on your way to your inevitable glory. With that said, let me suggest some starting places to build upon and a foundation of communication to make working with others much easier. 


Proper communication is essential to you and your crew surviving the most harrowing of situations. While limited communication is feasible for a successful mine, part of the joy of putting your life on the line for profits and minerals you barely see is sharing that experience with others, and what better way than to hear each other’s beautiful and assuredly hairy voices? DRG software comes pre-installed with every mining kit injected in you while you sleep the night of your first shift aboard the Space Rig. Ensure voice communication is enabled and hit “V” to speak. If your crew makes a point to have every member be actively talking, especially useful on deep dives and high hazard mission, make sure no dwarf gets left behind by being a member of our union’s Discord Server. It costs the company quite a bit of money to enroll every member (by default) in the Server so you are quite literally wasting company resources if you do not join. Merely agree upon a Pod for you all to meet in and likely any dwarf with hardware-related communication systems can find a fix using the Discord service. I mean, we aren’t paying them trillions a month for nothing, right? 
As mentioned above and in our monthly company-wide memos, voice communication is strongly encouraged but far from necessary. In fact, you will find that many of our employees do not do so and definitely do not check their corporate emails with any regularity. Fortunately enough, the same hardware necessary to use our in-mine text channel is the same hardware needed to get into the mine. Text communication is much more important in relation to proper dwarven etiquette than it is to your survival, but do not be afraid to ask questions or attempt to communicate, as long as you aren’t in danger of the many hazards a dwarf typing could expect. As a good rule of thumb, keep current mining expedition-based text concise and clear as to not distract anyone for too long whilst being able to get the message across. And by the gods, if you have to chatter, save it for the downtime where your life is not readily in peril? Nothing is more annoying than having to revive a dwarf distracted by his slow WPM (words per minute). 


Your ability to understand your coworkers’ non-verbal or non-textual communication will become more understandable as your time spent underground grows. The fact of the matter is, not all classes where created by the company equal and for good reason. Each serve a specific role within a crew, and while these roles need not be strictly adhere to at the cost of crew safety or profits, they can be good in understanding what “pings” (using our Company-issued laser pointers) can imply or mean. First and foremost, successful pings require the sender to be accurate in his pointing and as a result the recipients (which in theory is everyone who can see the ping) must assume such. Crews have a surprisingly high success rate using this system despite what seems like obvious flaws. Fortunate for everyone, our natural dwarven intuition often corrects accuracy in mistakes, such as obvious minerals or big, dangerous baddies. Here are some high level ping concepts experienced members have suggested to Management: 
– If you are a scout and you have an engineer on your team, it is your duty to use the grappling hook to mine resources pinged by the engineer or your team as long as there is a platform to stand on and it is in an accessible location. *note: a true dwarven scout will mine resources regardless of if it is pinged, as those profits *cough* I mean resources are accessible to you alone. Additionally, if your bag is full of resources, mine the vein regardless and remove platforms to allow the chunks to fall in order to maximize efficiency and rationalization for using the scout class versus any of the more useful options. (said by a scout main btw) 
– If you are an engineer, it is both your job to provide the platform for your scout to grapple upon and it is HIGHLY encouraged you give a clear to ping to let him know of its existence. A good scout will keep his eyes peeled for resources accessible only to he, but always cater to the lowest potential denominator if you are dealing with someone you have little experience working with 
– If you see a detonator, it is your job to first ensure the safety of yourself and your team before engaging it. This rule will follow for the rest of the engagement. Please make sure there’s at least one person alive to revive if you want to let a Greenbeard see what happens when he gets too close 
– At higher difficulty levels, target pings will have certain priority for certain classes. If you see any of the following, snap your laser pointer to it to let your team know of its existence: Oppressor, Detonator, Menace, Spitball Infectors, Breeders, Dreadnaughts/Boss-type enemies, and possibly even Brood Nexuses. However, if you are constantly pinging grunts or even Praetorians, there is a high likelihood your crew will take that as a front to their combat abilities 
– If you see a Loot Horder or your teammate pings one, DO NOT IMMEDIATELY OPEN FIRE. In doing so, you jeopardize an enormous amount of potential profits for you and your team and it is better dealt with as a collective 


Here is a general checklist for members new and old on what is good, dwarven etiquette and what is not: 
– Ask for help or advice if desired 
– Work around the crew, not the self 
– Ping resources with restraint and not repetition 
– Always check the ceilings above me 
– Pose the question “r?” in text chat before calling the drop pod 
– Answer questions if I know the right answer 
– Drink every beer placed upon the serving table 
– Try my best to pay forward, at some point, the generosity shown by experienced dwarves in their beer-sharing escapades 
– Use the ‘V’ as often as I please, as a form of interpretive communication, agreement, excitement, and most often in conjuncture with others 
– Use the DRG discord to find groups looking to use voice comms consistently (seriously its super easy and no one needs to know if ur good or not) 
– Be kind to my fellow dwarf, and ensure the positive community remains during and after my stay with Deep Rock 
– Finish every secondary objective if failure is not EXTREMELY likely before attempting to leave 
– Make bunkers the dwarven way (one entrance), not the elven way (no entrances) 
– Encourage my fellow dwarves that may enjoy working for DRG to give it a try (and remember that steam offers discounts if the player has less than 2 hours in the game) 
– Accept a leaf-lovers special willingly, while still able to fight 
– Aggro a high-priority target without the readily available support of my crew 
– Complain about slow, immobile crew-mates unable to come revive after venturing alone and dying to an unseen Cave Leech 
– Sh*t-talk crew mates openly based upon class choice or gameplay quality 
– Leave a crew member downed and take the drop pod if a revive is available that doesn’t compromise the mission 
– Let your insta-revive go the entire expedition unused 
– Force the other crew members to pick up the slack with my refusal to mine valuable resources 
– Judge a dwarf based upon their skin color, gender, sexual orientation, religion, or other values that have no impact on my personal well-being 
– Feel like a burden in a perceived “high-level” group. If they are playing with you, even if it is vicariously through a mutual friend, it is still likely their decision to be there and your existence has little to do with that. we all sucked at one point, i still do 
Side note to all my Greenbeard Scouts: you’re gonna take a lot of grappling hook shots and you’re going to miss and likely die to fall to damage. a lot. don’t get frustated, us scout mains all go through that stage at one point. Piece of advice: u don’t need to explain why you died, or call yourself bad in order to make it seem less embarrassing – your crew already is aware of what happened and nothing you say or do will make it less entertaining or embarrassing for yourself. accept it as a part of learning the kit and have fun with yourself. 


Here lies the common ideals that unites all dwarves in our quest for profit, glory, and overclocks: 
“I shall not drink a Leaf-lovers, regardless of circumstance or consequence, without admission that I am a sweaty, elven miner not willing to have a little fun.” 
“I shall drink beers my fellow dwarves pay for. If I question its effects or worry for my wellbeing, I can wait until others have drank to fill my stomach, but no mug may be empty as the drop pod departs.” 
“A beer paid for by a coworker is returned at least 2-fold when available.” 
“I shall not attempt to take on Loot Horders by myself unless I desire to be ridiculed and removed dishonorably from a mining crew, a very elven thing to desire.” (if by some miracle you take the thing down before it disappears, no one can say a word – please, do not try) 
“I shall maximize every potential for profit within my feasible grasp by searching diligently in my environment for hidden goodies, asking for help reaching resources unavailable to me, and mining every vein to its completion” 
“I will not forget nor downplay Nitra’s importance to the success and survival of my crew – a dwarf without ammo is a dwarf without legs, or arms, or beer.” 
“I will do my best to participate in the mining of resources for the betterment of my crew, no matter how menial the task may seem. A true dwarf feels an insatiable to mine every vein of ore and squeeze every cave dry.” 
“I will always ask for consensus before making large decisions that influence the entire crew, such as popping Dreadnought eggs, calling the drop pod, aborting a mission at any point, starting machine events, and shooting loot hoarders.” 
“I will do my best to bait every Crassus Detonator into a confined space, regardless of the danger it poses to my wellbeing.” 
“I will seek the most satisfaction not from individual spectacular performance but by well-oiled team cooperation. Dwarves mine together for their own profit, not alone for their own profit.” 
“I will both accept my role within a team and denounce it when appropriate. I will find no shame in playing support, building bunkers, creating platform bases, or being generalized and valued for my grenade. I will accept the role I must play with grace and thank the gods for the very luck to have a role in a mining expedition in the first place.” 
“If I seek to minimize the likelihood of ‘Greenbeards’ attempting to join, I will do so with a gentle attitude and a friendly approach (and an appropriate server name).” 
“I will not look to insult, degrade, or in any way encourage a fellow DRG worker to quit whether it be through toxicity, racism, or any form of negative behavior, and if I perceive a ‘poor job done’, I will not ♥♥♥♥ on that dwarf, no matter how appealing or easy.” 
Lastly, and perhaps most importantly: 
“I will answer questions if asked and I will ask questions if needed.” 
This, fellow miners, is the proper Dwarven way. 

Written by arnie

Hope you enjoy the Guide about Deep Rock Galactic – PROPER DWARVEN IDEALS AND ETIQUETTE FOR THE NEW HIGHERS, if you think we should add extra information or forget something, please let us know via comment below, and we will do our best to fix or update as soon as possible!

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