Deep Rock Galactic – Drak-25 Plasma Carbine Build

Deep Rock Galactic – Drak-25 Plasma Carbine Build 1 -
Deep Rock Galactic – Drak-25 Plasma Carbine Build 1 -

“Plasma gun go brrr”

This is a guide to the Drak-25 Plasma Carbine. It’ll go through the stats, modifications, overclocks, and community builds.

If you have any suggestions as to what to add to further improve the guide please leave a comment below. Any changes that come through to the Drak-25 overclocks, base stats, etc. I’ll try to keep them updated.

Base Stats

Base stats, lots of pew pew action to be had with it.

Deep Rock Galactic - Drak-25 Plasma Carbine Build - Base Stats - BC7249B

Deep Rock Galactic - Drak-25 Plasma Carbine Build - Base Stats - B9C7A3C


Price of the Weapon and Modifications

52,600 Credits

261 Magnite

158 Bismor

237 Umanite

380 Croppa

395 Enor pearl

187 Jadiz


Deep Rock Galactic - Drak-25 Plasma Carbine Build - Modifications - AD4335E

Tier 1

  • High-Volume Plasma Feed: Cranks the fire rate of the Drak up by +3, going from 13 to 16.
  • Improved Thermals: Makes the Drak produce –25% less heat, so overall 75% less heat generated per-shot.
  • Stronger Particle Accelerator: Bumps the Projectile Velocity up by +50%, bumping from 100% to 150%.

Tier 2

  • Larger Battery: Adds +250 to the Battery Capacity, raising it from 800 to a 1,050.
  • Increased Particle Density: Raises the damage by +2, taking it up to 11 from 9.

Tier 3

  • Custom Coil Alignment: Decreases the Shot Spread by –70%, lowering the spread to 30%
  • Gen 2 Cooling System: Adds +50% to the Cooling Rate, bumping it up to 150% from 100%. While Cooldown Delay is decreased by –0.1, taking it from 0.3 to 0.2.
  • Hot Feet: During the Overheat of your gun you gain a speed boost, which it seems to be about a 30% increase for speed.

Tier 4

  • Overcharged PCF: Adds a +15% chance to Electrocute on hit.
  • Plasma Splash: Takes away –5 Direct Damage, reducing it to 4 from 9. While adding +5 Splash Area Damage.
  • Destructive Resonance Amp: Raises the Armor Break +200%, taking it from 100% to 300%.

Tier 5

  • Manual Heat Dump: Hitting the reload key will allow you to overheat the Drak, allowing you to cool the gun whenever or perhaps activate anything that requires you to reload.
  • Thermal Feedback Loop: Once the Drak passes 50% heat, it will then give +50% to your Rate of Fire.


Clean Overclocks

Deep Rock Galactic - Drak-25 Plasma Carbine Build - Clean Overclocks - 14CCE87

Deep Rock Galactic - Drak-25 Plasma Carbine Build - Clean Overclocks - 470D85B

Deep Rock Galactic - Drak-25 Plasma Carbine Build - Clean Overclocks - FC7E42C

Deep Rock Galactic - Drak-25 Plasma Carbine Build - Clean Overclocks - BE90B9A

Balanced Overclocks

Deep Rock Galactic - Drak-25 Plasma Carbine Build - Balanced Overclocks - DD5704B

Deep Rock Galactic - Drak-25 Plasma Carbine Build - Balanced Overclocks - DB05B1E

Deep Rock Galactic - Drak-25 Plasma Carbine Build - Balanced Overclocks - E4E7E66

Deep Rock Galactic - Drak-25 Plasma Carbine Build - Balanced Overclocks - 80F8FA0

Unstable Overclocks

Deep Rock Galactic - Drak-25 Plasma Carbine Build - Unstable Overclocks - 7CB0E75

Deep Rock Galactic - Drak-25 Plasma Carbine Build - Unstable Overclocks - D07B5E7

Deep Rock Galactic - Drak-25 Plasma Carbine Build - Unstable Overclocks - 9A7A9AD

Deep Rock Galactic - Drak-25 Plasma Carbine Build - Unstable Overclocks - 04C34C8

Deep Rock Galactic - Drak-25 Plasma Carbine Build - Unstable Overclocks - A1D3B29

Deep Rock Galactic - Drak-25 Plasma Carbine Build - Unstable Overclocks - DCC8E0C

Community Builds

Here we are at the community builds! The section that I slapped into the two other guides because I really have no idea how to play those classes and I think other people could offer more insight than I ever could. The builds will once again hopefully be in order, but Steam guides love to mess stuff up with image placements. If you have any to suggest then toss em’ in the comments and I’ll hopefully remember to add them in!

1.Aggressive Venting Build (By Ser Pounce)

About this build: “I go for the RoF in T1 to accelerate the overheat ramp up. Since I count more on the overheat rather than the actual bullets to deal with waves, I picked up the ammo. Hot feet is pretty much the best option in T3 since you’re going to overheat a lot anyway. T4 is where all choices are good, again it’s personal preference.

T5, I chose manual heat dump because it can always come in handy to have the possibility to fear and burn enemies around you on command. It can save you or your friends in a pinch.”

2. Shield Battery Booster Build (By Ser Pounce)

About this build: “You absolutely do not want to overheat so I picked all the mods that would help with managing heat at T1 and T3. Since the bonus damage is pretty good, I went for the ammo mod instead of damage. I picked up the electrocution mod for the same reason as before, it’s just up to personal preference. Since you don’t want to overheat, manual heat dump is useless so T5 is a non-choice.”

Deep Rock Galactic - Drak-25 Plasma Carbine Build - Community Builds - DE29E50

Deep Rock Galactic - Drak-25 Plasma Carbine Build - Community Builds - 25F319D

Final Notes

Hey wow, I actually managed to finish all 4 guides for the new weapons. I probably won’t do “Aiming 101” guides on the other weapons because I’m fairly certain the rest of the community already has that covered, probably far better than I ever could. But I kinda figured people would like some guides to glance at the new weapons and the stuff they offer so hopefully these were at least enjoyable to read.

Additional things to be aware of

  • The “Aggressive Venting” overclock for the Drak can actually trigger fire on the Corrosive Sludge Pump’s piles of goo it leaves around.
  • Did you know Scout’s are natural magnets for C4 and Fatboy shells?
  • Impact Deflection had its bounce amount reduced from 3 to 2.

TL;DR: The Drak-25 seems like a really fun weapon, and the people I’ve talked to seem to really like it too. Especially considering the fire rate for this weapon can be cranked up to ridiculous levels and it sounds really satisfying as it fires.

Thanks to: Ser Pounce for helping with prices, and GreyHound for posting details on the number changes. I’ll be sure to add anymore names that pop up that add to this guide.

You people are lovely, so credit deserves to be given where credit is due.

Oh and I sadly couldn’t find a pic of a t-posing Scout to keep in theme with the previous guide thumbnails, so if you dwarves ever come across such a beautiful sight make sure to take a picture!


Written by Kalmia

I hope you enjoy the Guide we share about Deep Rock Galactic – Drak-25 Plasma Carbine Build; if you think we forget to add or we should add more information, please let us know via commenting below! See you soon!

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