Dead by Daylight – Farming Tips and Tricks – DBD

Dead by Daylight – Farming Tips and Tricks – DBD 1 -
Dead by Daylight – Farming Tips and Tricks – DBD 1 -
This game is grind heavy, and a farm can be way too long and tedious, so I made this guide to help players farm in an efficient manner.



If you want to get straight to it, go to “Exemple of a good Team Farming Build”, then or to “Quick Step by Step” or follow the phases of farming during your match. But there are good info all over the guide.

The grind of this game is way too heavy, from the hardcore players that wants all his survivors/killer P3 with all the perks, to the casual players that only wants all the survivors/killers on the lvl 40 so they can have their perks.

I made this guide with the intention to build a community that can help each other on getting BloodPoints (BP) in an efficent way, and in a way that is less stressful and tedious.

I’ll leave some SS on the end of the guide so you can see how much you can get from farming in a match.

I will leave here a discord and a steam group, that I made, for people that want to farm:

What’s farming

Farm is a match where everyone is helping each other to get the maximum bloodpoints possible.

In Dead By Daylight bloodpoints are given in 4 categories.
Survivor’s categories are: Objectives, Survival, Altruism, Boldness.
Killer’s categories are: Brutality, Deviousness, Hunter, Sacrifice.

Players can get only 8.000 points per category, getting a maximum of 32.000 points per match (a perfect match).

That said, you CAN multiply those points AFTER the match, with Offerings and Perks.

“We’re gonna live forever” is the survivor’s perk that can double the points that you got in game, and “Barbecue & Chili” is the killer’s perk that can double your points after a game, making 32.000 bloodpoints turn into 64.000 BP.

There are different ways to combine the group offerings. Your team should talk in the lobby and agree in which option is best for you guys. However, the most common options are:

5 Global Offerings: Everybody brings a “Bloody Party Streamers”. This option is the fastest since it requires less matches and gives more bloodpoints per match. Eveybody will get +500% (+600% if you brought a bp perk), but is a bit risky. If someone DC’s, or the game bugs, or anything goes wrong, the party can lose 5 Offerings.

2 – 3 Global Offerings: This option can be more reliable, is still a good farm, and if anything goes wrong you don’t lose much.
The problem is that if you are in a random party it demands some trust, since some people might need to bring offerings in one game and might expect that the others will stick around and use theirs on the next game. However, it can happen that someone that didn’t brought an offering on the first game “needs to leave” when it’s their turn to bring their offering.

5 Individual Offerings: This is the less efficient option, both time-wise and BP-wise, but everybody can still make more or less 32.000 x 3 = 96.000 (BP+Perks+Offerings), depending on what you have to bring.
Simple, everybody brings an offerings that only benefits the one that brought it, nobody needs to trust anyone, so if you don’t have an offering, or don’t want to bring one, don’t. It will not affect anyone negatively.

Talk to each other and see what is best for everybody.

Tips on how to get the right lobby

Sometimes this is the most difficult part of the farm, really, getting the right lobby. A lot of things can influence on that: number of players online at that time, the ranks of the people on your group, crossplay, region and etc.

There are some things you can do to facilitate getting the right lobby:

– Find the days and the time of the day that are fewer players in your region, normally the ones with the longer queue time.

– Turn Crossplay off.

– Try to balance the teams ranks. Try to find a killer that is most probable to match against your group.This might be easier when the group composed of red ranks.

– The killer and the last survivor to click “ready” should try to do it at the same time, so they enter the queue together.

Those are the most popular ways to get the same lobby.

Perks that can fool you

Some perks have a text that suggests that they give more bloodpoints, while in the reality they only help you to hit the maximum of that category earlier, what in a farm you would get there anyway.

This happens because some perks multiply your points during the match, hitting the 8.000 in one category, while “We’re gonna live forever” and “barbecue & Chili” multiply the points when the match is finished, giving you double in every single category. They are the only perks that do that.

All the other perks multiply your points during the match, they are limited by the 8.000 maximum of each category.

Survivor’s Perks that may fool you:

No one Left Behind: +100% points in the altruism category after gates are open..

Prove Thyself: +100% points in coop actions.

Killer’s Perks that may fool you:

Beast of Prey: +50% points in the hunter category.

Distressing: +100% points in the deviousness categorry.

Hex: Thrill of the Hunt: +10% in the hunter category for each token.

Viable Perks: Survivors

The most important perk, without a doubt, is “We’re gonna live forever” (WGLF). If you want to farm and you don’t have this perk on your main, just pick your lvl 1 David King and pick this perk. It’s +50% bloodpoints already.

In general, everyone should have WGLF. It would be nice to bring “Object of Obsession” too, and its good to have 1 or 2 people with “Any Means Necessary”, and 1 with “Plunderer’s instinct”.

Anyways, I’ll leave here a list of perks that are at least useful for a farm:

We’re Gonna Live Forever: This is the most important perk in any survivor progression. He gives +25% bonus bp per stack, being able to reach 100% bonus bps, making your grind twice as fast.

Ace in The Hole: This is the only perk that allows players to bring the addons back to the lobby. Its worth to bring if someone in your team has a “bounty hunter” that brings the combo “Plunderer’s instinct” + “Ace in The Hole”, that way you can take home the items that he finds with the addons that were on them.

Any Means Necessary: Important to ensure that the map will have enough pallets so everyone can stun the killer for a faster farm.

Appraisal: Allows your group to find more items, good for groups with a “bounty hunter” (someone with Plunderer’s instinct).

Autodidact: Its a good perk for heals in the long run, since it’s easy to stack at a farm. It can save you some time.

Botany Knowledge: Makes the farm faster, more reliable than autodidact, so don’t bring both autodidact and botany knowledge.

Desperate Measures: Makes the farm faster, can be used instead of autodidact but not with it, anyways, you can combo it with botany knowledge.

Leader: makes the farm faster.

Object of Obsession: Really good to save time and make a more fluid farm.

Plunderer’s Instinct: This perk allows players to farm high rarity items too. Is always good to have ONE player with it.

Prove Thyself: make the farm faster.

Stake Out: Helps you getting more skill check points, its not that worth it, but is something.

Visionary: Helps you finding gens in hard/in-doors maps, or if you are somehow really lost. Not a good perk to bring, but it’s not harmful either.

Windows of opportunity: Makes easier to find the pallets if the killer doesn’t have “Zanzhin Tactics”.

Bad Perks for Farming: Survivors

Boil Over: Makes the farm take longer.

Break Down: Makes the farm take longer.

Decisive Strike: Makes the farm take longer.

Deliverance: Deny your teammates bloodpoints.

For the People: Deny your teammates bloodpoints.

Inner Strenght: Deny your teammates bloodpoints.

Mettle of Man: Makes the farm take longer.

No Mither: Deny your teammates bloodpoints.

Repressed Alliance: Makes the farm take longer.

Second Wind: Deny your teammates bloodpoints.

Self-Care: Makes the farm take longer. Deny your teammates bloodpoints.

Slippery Meat: Deny your teammates bloodpoints.

Solidarity: Deny your teammates bloodpoints.

Viable Perks: Killers

The most important perk, without a doubt, is “Barbecue & Chilli”. Since it’s a DLC perk, a lot of players don’t have it. I suggest that those players save 2.000 Shards and wait for it to show up on the Shrine or Buy the Leatherface DLC. If you don’t have this perk you should avoid being the Killer during your group’s farm sessions.

At the moment the two most important Perks to bring to farm as a Killer are “Barbecue & Chilli” and “Hex: Ruin”, but “Zanshin Tactics” is also great.

I’ll leave here a list of Killer’s perks that can be at least useful:

Barbecue & Chilli: This is the best perk for farming as a Killer, it DOUBLES your Bloodpoints after the match.

Hex:Ruin : This is one of the best perks for farming. During the farm, it always has the risk of people rushing gens so hard that some people can’t max the “Objective” Category. Ruin helps a lot in this situation, when the gen is about to finish survivors can just leave it and find a new one. That way the gen regresses so they can come back later to farm more points. Without this Perk everytime a gen is about to be done the Killer has to drop what he is doing and kick it so it regresses (at half Ruins speed). This Perk helps survivors to control Objective category points a lot.

Zanshin Tatics: This perk is the killer version of “Windows of Opportunity”. Instead of 4 survivors taking WoO the Killer can take ZT and don’t hit survivors, and since he is faster than survivors he can walk to the pallets and wait for the survivor to drop them. This perk makes the farm flow smoother.

Save the Best for Last: Makes the farm faster. It’s good for the part of Hooking everybody.

Brutal Strenght: Really good for the end of the session or for Killers without Ruin. Makes the killer save time kicking things to max the “Brutality” Category.

Enduring: Saves time on stuns.

Mad Grit: It can help stacking “We’re Gonna Live Forever” faster if you pick a survivor and hit the others.

Pop goes the Weasel: Replaces Ruin. Not as good, not even close.

Overcharge: Replaces Ruin. Not as good, not even close.

Opression: Replaces Ruin. Not as good, not even close.

Whispers: In case the survivors are lost, or they don’t have Object of Obsession. Maybe if don’t have anything better to bring.

Hoarder: Survivors have more chests.

Bad Perks for Farming: Killers

Blood Warden: Killer must be Trolling / Makes the farm take longer.

Corrupt Intervention: Makes the farm take longer.

Coulrophobia: Makes the farm take longer.

Dead Man’s Switch: Makes the farm take longer.

Discordance: It can be really annoying.

Distressing: Makes the farm take longer.

Dying Light: Makes the farm take longer.

Forced Penance: Deny Bloodpoints.

Franklin’s Demise: Killer must be Trolling / Makes the farm take longer..

Hex: Devour Hope: Killer must be Trolling.

Hex: Huntress Lullaby: Makes the farm take longer.

Hex: No one Escapes Death: Killer must be Trolling.

Hex: the Third Seal: Makes the farm take longer..

Knock Out: Makes the farm take longer..

LightBorn: Deny Bloodpoints.

Overcharge: Makes the farm take longer.

Rancor: Killer must be Trolling.

Remember Me: Makes the farm take longer / Killer must be Trolling.

Sloppy Butcher: Makes the farm take longer.

Spirit Fury: Deny Bloodpoints.

Thanatophobia: Makes the farm take longer.

Thrilling Tremors: Makes the farm take longer.

Unnerving Presense: Makes the farm take longer.

Exemple of a good Team Farming Build

Survivor 1: We’re Gonna Live Forever, Object of Obsession, Any Means Necessary, healing perk or Ace in the Hole (so you can take the addons Home).

Survivor 2: We’re Gonna Live Forever, Object of Obsession, Any Means Necessary, healing perk or Ace in the Hole (so you can take the addons Home).

Survivor 3: We’re Gonna Live Forever, Object of Obsession, Leader, healing perk or Ace in the Hole (so you can take the addons Home).

Survivor 4: We’re Gonna Live Forever, Plunderer’s Instinct, Ace in the Hole, Appraisal or Object of Obsession.

Killer: Barbecue & Chilli, Hex: Ruin, Zanshin Tatics, Hoarder.

Rules for a good farm

Some guidelines so things go as smooth as possible and no one ends up losing:

1 – Respect your group: This should go for everything, and if your company is pleasant it’s easier for people to reach out and call you for other farms.

2 – Respect the Rules your group agreed on: If your group agreed on something, don’t go around doing the opposite. If you are the Killer and everybody decided that you shouldn’t Kill that match, don’t Kill ANYONE, you will not be losing that much bp. If you’re a survivor and your group agreed that you should be one of the sacrifices, let the Killer Kill you, he already has to work harder than everyone.
Just don’t be selfish or childish and fulfil your role.

3 – Respect other people’s time: Other players may have jobs, responsibilities, college, school, girlfriend/boyfriend to give attention to, and countless other things. Farming can be really boring for some people, and most people just want to do it as fast and efficient as possible. Don’t fool around, don’t bring perks to troll the match, don’t try to confuse people and mess the order of the farm, don’t get a killer that has a power that only makes the farm slower, in other words, dont do anything that makes the farm slower for everybody.
Be mature about it.

4 – Don’t take advantage of people: Don’t try to fool your group, telling people that you’re bringing Blood Party Streamers, bringing or not certain perk, telling people you dropped fewer pallets that you actually did, etc. If everybody agreed that everyone should bring Blood Party Streamers/Anniversary Cake and you don’t bring one, everyone will find out on the end game screen. If you use more pallets than you are allowed to in a group with no “Any Means Necessary”, someone may end up without pallets to drop. If you don’t have Offerings to bring, tell the group you don’t have any, most groups will still take you, and if the group is looking only for people with offering, just look for another group. And if you have Offerings, there is no reason for you to not share yours if the whole group is sharing theirs with you, resulting in more bloodpoints for everybody for the same time farming.

5 – Don’t be making trouble or looking for Drama: Please, if someone don’t feel comfortable talking politics, religion, s*xuality, or anything else, don’t insist, and if you feel offended or hurt about something, please don’t blow it up out of proportion. Don’t try to manipulate people and make stuff up about someone you don’t like. Grow up.

6 – Don’t be a SIMP or a SIMP CULTIVATOR*: I REALLY didn’t want to have to put this here. But its crazy the amount of men that go around trying to add women just because they found a “girl gamer” and start drowning them in questions, and start to cultivate a toxic interest on them, only because they don’t see many girls playing. This is one of the reasons so many girls choose to use a Male nickname, don’t set pictures on their profiles, hide their names on steam and the city/place they’re from.
That said, that goes for the other side of the spectrum too, the ones that cultivate SIMPS are part of the problem. The use and manipulation of people/simps is a recipe to trouble, to hurt feelings and build toxic releatioships.

7 – Don’t try to fool moderators: Finally, if you make part of a group with a focus on farming, be that a discord, a steam group, or anything really. If you have problems with someone that farmed with you, don’t create false acusations trying to get them banned, don’t be all over the Moderators over trivial things. Please, be civil.

*Simp Cultivator: In Brazil instead of simp we use “Gado”(cattle), so, we would use “Criadora de Gado” for someone that cultivates them, but a direct translation would be really strange, something close to “Cattle Breeder”… that’s why I created that term.

Quick Step by Step

I’ll just leave here a quick summary, in list form, so no one gets lost. I’ll explain it in detail in upcoming chapters.

1 – Choose a Leader/ShotCaller and the sequence in which survivors will farm.

2 – The survivors will take turns in chases, in the estabilished order. One is chased while the others repair gens (but don’t finish the generators).
This phase lasts until everyone has achieved maximum “Boldness”.

3 – The Killer Hooks the survivors in the established order by the ShotCaller. The survivors save in the established order, until everyone has been hooked twice and has unhooked someone twice (the other 2 stacks of WGLF are from protection hits, you should get them as the killer downs you when it’s your turn to be hooked).

4 – Survivors tap a generator for the killer, so he can kick the gen, that should be done until the Killer get his “Brutality” category maxed out. Meanwhile, survivors who didn’t maximize points in “Objective” do gens.

5 – When everyone has their categories maxed out and the survivors finish all the gens, the “hunter”(looter) goes after the chests, in case he didn’t had the time to get items for everyone before. The group should leave the exits at 99%, meanwhile the killer should kill the survivors everybody agreed upon. This is different from group to group, in most farms killers can let all 4 escape, but some asks for 2 Kills (this happens cuz the killer can only get 1600BP on the “Sacrifice” category by hooking everyone twice and killing is the only way to boost it up. While survivors can actually Max the “Survival” category whithout the need to escape. Killing at end game collapse gives more than double the amount of bloodpoints compared to a normal sacrifice).
After this the survivors can open the exits (only after everything, if the killer is random and you don’t really trust him, so you can avoid bloodwarden) and get out.

Phase 1: Picking a Leader

This is a very important phase,it will define if the farm will be fast and fluid, or if everybody will be lost in what to do around the map and denying points of one another.

It’s best for everyone to be on a Discord channel, and at least the Leader with his mic unmuted, so he can give the shots, no one else really needs to talk. But its way less boring when everyone is talking and just having a good time, but still paying attention on the Calls.

The Killer is the Ideal shotcaller, since he will, walk all over the map, know where there are pallets that haven’t been used, know where the Ruin is, have control of the Killer not to hit someone he shouldn’t or hook someone out of order and end up killing them.

After choosing a Shot Caller, its time to let him pick the farming order. Its easier to simply use the order the survivors are shown on the Leader’s screen.

Dead by Daylight - Farming Tips and Tricks - DBD
Obs: That’s the old one. I would like it back…

The game can show a different order for each player.

Its good to choose a meeting point. The meeting point serves as a reference during multiple parts of the farm, making it easier for the killer and survivors to find each other when it’s time to switch chases or start the hooking phase.

The good thing of bringing “Object of Obsession” is that helps a lot on any phase, it was way better before the nerf, but still helps everybody keeps an eye on what’s going on and people can use it as reference.

Finally the Leader will decide how many Pallets each survivor can drop (2 – 4). If the group has “Any means necessary” it is not necessary to set a limit, just recycle the Pallets.

Phase 2: Boldness & Hunter

“That’s where the farm begins.”
– Anakin Skywalker

The Shotcaller calls out the killer and the “S1” (survivor number 1 on the farming order) to the meeting point, and the other 3 survivors are free to do gens.

Survivors that are doing gens shouldn’t finish any gens, they should stop when the gens reach 90% – 99% and look for another generator. Ruin will keep gens regressing for later.


The Killer wiil chase the survivor and stop under pallets so the survivor can drop them on him. They will do that until the survivor droped the set number of pallets.

If the group has players with “Any means necessary” the Killer doesn’t break the pallets, he leaves them so they can be used again later.

With 3 or 4 Stuns the survivor should reach the max of his “Boldness” category. When that happens the Killer goes back to the meeting point. The ShotCaller tells the “S2” to meet the killer at the meeting point to start the chase. The S1 do gens and start his “Objective” points farm.

Repeat that till the S4 get all his “Boldness” bloodpoints.

The phase 2 lasts until everybody has their “Boldness” category maxed out, as soon at it happens everybody should meet for phase 3.

Phase 3: Altruism & Deviousness

Phase 3 is usually the fastest and most fluid part of the farm.

The Leader tells everyone to go to the meeting point.

Survivors should drop the gens even if they are not done with the “Objective” category farm and meet everyone because they will have time to finish the “Objective” farm on phase 4.

This is the phase where the Killer hooks survivors so they can unhook each other.

On this phase the most important thing is the survivor number order, if the Shot Caller is not the Killer he can ask the Killer to Shot Call this phase.

To start, its best that all survivors get really close together and the Killer hit everyone once. This will help survivors stack “We’re Gonna Live Forever” and get BPs from protection hits.

This would give the unhooker an unsafe unhook, denies bloodpoints and WglF Stacks.

Following the number order:

The Killer will hook the survivor 01. The survivor 02 will unhook the S01. The Killer hooks the S02 and the S03 unhooks the S02. The Killer will hook the S03, the S04 unhooks the S03. When the Killer Hooks the S04 the S01 unhooks him to complete the circle.

This Phase can also be used to get Survival points, survivors get points from strugling and getting off the Killer’s shoulders.

While the Killer is Hitting and Hooking, survivors should be healing each other to farm “Altruism” points.

All this should be done twice, everybody should be hooked twice and unhooked someone twice.

Trying to simplify this:
Number order to be Hooked: 1, 2, 3, 4
Number order to unhook: 2, 3, 4, 1
So, The 2 always unhooks the 1, the 3 unhooks the 2, the 4 unhooks the 3, and the number 1 unhooks the 4.

Other way of doing it is with 2 at a time. The Killer Hooks the S01 and the S02 unhooks him, then the Killer hooks the S02 and the S01 unhooks him, do this twice. After that do the same with the Survivors 03 and 04, twice.
Obs: I like the first way better cuz there is more time to heal without interruption.

After everyone have unhook someone twice, the survivors see if they are missing WglF stacks or points in the “Altruism” category.

If they are missing WglF stacks they should get close to each other and let the Killer hit them for protection hits (you can only get protection hits if someone INJURED is close to you). If they are missing “Altruism” points the Killer hit them and let they heal till they max out.

When Everyone has 4 stacks of WglF and the maxed the “Altruism” points, then the phase 4 can start.

Phase 4: Objective & Brutality

The farm is almost done.

This phase is where you finish your “Objective” or “Brutality” farms, which everybody must have earned a lot of points in phase 1.

Because of “Hex:Ruin” all gens should be back at 0%.

On this phase the ShotCaller can ask the Killer to bring a survivor to ruin, now the survivor can cleanse the totem.

After that, the Killer finds a survivor working on a gen. The survivor should start tapping the gen, letting the Killer kick it. They should do that until the Killer max his “Brutality” category.

Meanwhile the survivors that don’t have Objective points maxed should be doing gens.

When the Killer maxed Brutality and survivors maxed Objective the phase 4 ends and they can start the Final Phase of farming.

Phase 5: Survival & Sacrifice

FINALLY, this is where the farm ends.

Surviving the match gives a survivor 5.000 points in “Survival”
Wiggling free gives you 500 points. The best way is escaping Trapper’s traps(500points) or Deathsling’s chains.(450 within 3 meters, or 250 over 3 meters).

I like to farm with Trappers, they can set all traps together so everyone could just step on them and he can keep reseting the traps.
Obs: Since you get 5.000 for surviving, the ones that will survive the match can just farm half the category, the rest will be given when they leave the match.

Survivors should finish gens and 99% the exits. The hunter or Looter should use this time to go around the map looting items.

After everybody got their items and the exits are 99% its time to fulfill the agreement made with the Killer. How many Kills he can take.

Again, that’s not being an A-hole, survivors CAN max out theirs “Survival” category without surviving, the killer CAN’T max his Sacrifice category without actually Sacrificing people.

If it was agreed 0 Kills the farm ends here. Survivors open the exits and leave.

If the group decided that the Killer could have X kills, then the survivors that will be the sacrifice should go with him to the nearest hook.

If the group trusts the Killer, they open the exit and the ones that will survive should leave and he should kill the others on the end game collapse for extra points. If the killer is random and people don’t trust him 100%, they wait the Killer hook his sacrifices before opening the gates, so they can avoid bloodwarden.

Screen Shots of previous Farms

Dead by Daylight - Farming Tips and Tricks - DBD - Screen Shots of previous Farms

Dead by Daylight - Farming Tips and Tricks - DBD

Dead by Daylight - Farming Tips and Tricks - DBD

Dead by Daylight - Farming Tips and Tricks - DBD

Dead by Daylight - Farming Tips and Tricks - DBD

Score Events:

Dead by Daylight - Farming Tips and Tricks - DBD - Score Events:

Dead by Daylight - Farming Tips and Tricks - DBD

Dead by Daylight - Farming Tips and Tricks - DBD

Dead by Daylight - Farming Tips and Tricks - DBD


That’s the end of a good farming session.

It seems slow at first but, after some pratice and everyone knows what they are doing, the farm gets pretty fast.

I’ve made this guide with the intention of helping the community, so I would like to see this community growing on the discord channel and steam group.

I wish a good farm for all.

Written by Woolphi

This is all about Dead by Daylight – Farming Tips and Tricks – DBD; I hope you enjoy reading the Guide! If you feel like we should add more information or we forget/mistake, please let us know via commenting below, and thanks! See you soon!

1 Comment

  1. are you literally brain dead?
    farming in dbd? dude i have 1 char that i play and thats enough i dont need any bloodpoint how fucking bad low mmr do you even have to pull this shit off just kys honestly to all farmers.

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