Crusader Kings III – Grooming the Heir to your Throne

Crusader Kings III – Grooming the Heir to your Throne 1 -
Crusader Kings III – Grooming the Heir to your Throne 1 -

Before your Ruler snuffs it, you’ll want to ensure his successor is well-equipped to take up the reigns of power. For best results – start early and intervene often in the young Prince’s affairs. As King, you are after all a terrible control freak.


The Young Prince (0-15 years old)
1. Choose a good candidate early on
2. Make a suitable betrothal
3.. Educate him well
The Mature Heir(16 years old until Succession)
4. Train him as a Councillor
5. Train him as a Knight
6. Grant him the right land titles

1. Heir Candidate Choice (ages 0-4)

The customs of primogeniture assign you with a Primary Heir. But take a moment to decide if that’s one you really want. If you prefer a lesser heir as your successor then you can simply disinherit all senior heirs, including your Primary Heir, until only the Chosen One is left standing, slack-jawed before the seat of power.

  • Does he have goodinheritable traits?
  • Still young enough to educate skills]and shape personality traits?
  • Has the right lifestyle skill focushis particular reign may need. (You know – Martial if your realm is expanding, Stewardship for a big building phase, Intrigue if you plan on corrupting the Scottish Tanistry elections etc.)


2. Betrothal (ages 0-15)

One of those long vs short term dilemmas

  • Breeding: Think about an early betrothal if you’re engineering a dynastic Master Race. That way you’ll have time to find him a spouse with the exact genetic traits you’re looking for.
  • Alliance: You could consider a marriage alliance to a powerful kingdom, as you can be sure this is one alliance that will survive his succession. Seems a little wasteful to me, since other his kin may well achieve this for him. if you plan ahead for this.
  • Primary Spouse skills: One with very high Stewardship skill is always very desirable for tax and domain size bonuses.So maybe grab a great stewardess when you you find one (no, no the airborne kind)
  • However, if you’re playing a polygamousculture you can have it both ways. Start out with a genetic betrothal. Then upon succession your heir, as Ruler, can find a good Steward to marry and re-assign the Primary Spouse role for her skills at the Council table.


3. Education (ages 4-15)

Sure, but with a Guardian, or as your Own Ward?

  • Assigning a guardian can offer the best education in a child’s skill attributes, particularly if that Guardian has a high education trait (i.e Intelligent or Genius). And a guardian with the same lifestyle focus you’ve set for your heir is also very effective. One with high intelligence helps too.
  • Raising your heir as your own ward, on the other hand, allows you opportunities shape his personality traits. Note that you can easily pick up a Learning lifestyle perk called ‘Pedagogy’ perk gives a nice +20% chance of your Ward gaining additional Skills.


4. Training as a Councillor (ages 16+)

“You still have much to learn, Grasshopper”

  • Giving him a seat on your Council trains the skill corresponding to that seat (+5-20% depending on the Ruler’s rank)
  • Naturally you might want him in a seat matching his lifestyle. But consider appointing him as your Steward. Gaining high Stewardship skill will serve him well as Ruler – both for its for it’s income bonuses, and higher domain limit caps.


5. Training as a Knight (ages 16+)

Martial arts training with a silver spoon

  • In peacetime set him as ‘Forced’ for combat. This alone will train both his Martial and Prowess skills, with a chance of picking up some handy commander traits over time as well.
  • Ideally, set your Marshal’s task to Train Commanders to accelerate this process.
  • But before combat be sure to set him as ‘Forbid’ to combat, that way he stays conveniently alive.for the succession
  • Once the feathers stop flying remember to reset the brave young warrior back to ‘Forced’


6. Land Titles (ages 16+)

Kids never seem quite ready to leave home …

  • The advantageof granting him some land is this trains all his skills.
  • The disadvantagesis that there’s a chance he’ll get involved any of a range conflicts leading to his ruination. These can result in him succeeding to the Throne burdened with rivals, injuries, a critical stress level and a bunch of unwelcome hooks. Another disadvantage is he’s apt to try managing his own family affairs. Perhaps even making an absurdly irresponsible love-match.
  • The solution may be to assign him a single county far from other vassals, surrounded by your own territories, Offer him your alliance (to dissuade any local predators) but refrain from calling him to war. Meanwhile, keep a sharp eye on his family life. Just in case, as the appalled father-in-law, you feel compelled to initiate divorce proceedings.


Written by Sputnik

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