Counter-Strike: Global Offensive – Improving as a player

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive – Improving as a player 1 -
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive – Improving as a player 1 -
If you really want to improve as a player I recommend you stop playing Official Matchmaking and use websites like Faceit[] or ESEA[]. The skill gap in these 3rd party services is enormous if you compare a faceit or esea player to a Official Matchmaking player.

If you followed every single step, you should see better results in your matches.
Remember eSports is a sport which you have to put time into and is a sport like every other. If you are not feeling good do not play the game and take a break. If you are on a losing streak the same goes for you, take a break and do not relate your lose or bad performance to other players, usually they do not have to do with your lose, there are always ways to win a game! Of course there are games, where you have trollers, or toxic players which ruin your game but always give your best and never surrender.

I hope this was a good overview of you how you can improve as a player in Counter-Strike.


Practise and improve your aim

Practising your aim is really important if you want to improve as player and get better at Counter-Strike.
While their are different situations in every single game you play you need to become consistent. You need to practice your recoil control, your tapping( shooting 1-4 bullets straight then stop shooting), prefire(shooting areas where enemies could possible be) and crosshairplacement (the place your crosshair has to be to kill your opponent immediately when you see him). You can practice your crosshairplacement and prefire on specific maps where players usually stand in a game.

Play against other players to improve your aim:

  • Normal Deathmatch
  • Aim Botz
    Community Server Deathmatch modes:
  • Pistol Deathmatch
  • AWP Deathmatch
  • Rifle Deathmatch (only AK-47, M4A4 or M4A1-S)
  • 1v1 Arena grinding up a ladder

Practice your recoil :


Improving your movement

Counter Strike is one of the games where individual movement is really important.
I recommend you bind your ‘jump’ to either mousewheelup or down. You can do this by typing this commend into your autoexec.cfg or into the consol: bind “mwheelup” “+jump”; bind “mwheeldown” “+jump”; bind “space” “+jump”
A known form of movement is bunny hopping, which allows you to get faster in the game. The units per second (speed) you have while moving with your knife is 250 which is the highest walking speed. You can have up to 285 with bunny hopping, even with weapons like the AWP which normal speed moving around is 200. But do not hop around all the time, because it makes a lot of noise and bunny hopping is not easy, which is why I recommend you spend time learning first of all strafing in Counter Strike a method used while bunny hopping pressing the A and D key, while releasing the W key. You can practice bunny hopping on BHOP-Servers with autohopping enabled meaning you have to only hold your spacebar. Developing your skill you can go to non-autohopping servers practising to hit BHOP at the correct timing.
But where should you use bunny hopping?
You can use bunny hopping to get to a postion faster or postions you would normally not able to jump on or across. Bunny hopping makes it harder for your oppenent to hit you.
Another form of movement is surfing, which is not that popular in competitive due to lack of surfaces. Surfing is really relaxing on community servers and while surfing you practise your strafing. With surfing you can break the gap of units per second even on official server. The map de_overpass is a map where you can use surf to your advantage to get around the B short area faster.
You should also practise jumps like on de_mirage where you can jump from the window to the B short or from window to ladderroom.

Game sense/knowledge

Counter-Strike is a game you have to practice if you want to good at. Their are tons of different things you have to know, like where can the enemy possible stand and do in eco, forcebuys or fullbuys, the economy system, grenade usage and so on.
Use your voice to call out everything possible. You can call where enemies are by naming the postion. You can call rotations of the enemies or strategies you would like to execute with your teammates. You can ask for support nicely (e.g. asking your teammate to flash a specific area). But please remember to keep calm and not scream around in voice chat, no one likes that.

I would recommend you to practice smoke spots (e.g. de_mirage A stairs, jungle etc.). You should also consider practising flash spots (popflashes {flashes used to blind enemies with small chance of turning around}). Do not just throw your grenades randomly in, its just wasted money. Use the voice chat to call out when you flash or smoke and what enemies have smoked or are flashing. You can practice grenade usage as well on the maps I linked for prefire and crosshairplacement.
Some smokes are only possible to land consistent if you use a jumpthrow bind/script. You can make an jumpthrow bind like this:

alias “+jumpthrow” “+jump;-attack”; alias “-jumpthrow” “-jump”; bind anykey “+jumpthrow”

Their are differnt types of ingame roles, I recomend you practice two roles:

  • Entry-/Fragger: First one to the fight, not the highest on the scoreboard most likely and agressive playstyle.
  • Supporter: Great knowledge of nades, calm and collected, aid the team with flashes, smokes or molly
  • Leader/Ingame Leader(IGL): Responsible for the strategy, great map knowledge, controls the position of the team throughout the match
  • Sniper/AWPer: One hit machine, usually positioned by the leader, can play different playstyles (agressive, passive etc.)
  • Lurker: Slow movements with big rewards, calls out the enemies positions / rotations, tends to take a different route then the team


Warm up before starting the grind in competive

Before going into a match, I highly recommend you warm up to get your aim on-point.

The best ways to warm up are the following:

1. Go into a deathmatch lobby and try to get as many kills as possible with less deaths.
2. Browse Retake Servers to get used to angles where enemies could possible be in an post plant scenario.
3. Browse 1 on 1 Servers to improve your aim against single targets.
4. Warm up by controlling your recoil and get used to the spray patterns of specific weapons.

Written by coreyglau

Hope you enjoy the Guide about Counter-Strike: Global Offensive – Improving as a player, if you think we should add extra information or forget something, please let us know via comment below, and we will do our best to fix or update as soon as possible!

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