Counter-Strike: Global Offensive CSGO – Recoil Pattern for Glock-18 Guide

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive CSGO – Recoil Pattern for Glock-18 Guide 1 -
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive CSGO – Recoil Pattern for Glock-18 Guide 1 -
This is a full guide about which pattern have the stars on the glock-18 Moonrise skin. All 1000 patterns were checked and ordered.


What is the star pattern ?

Basically, the glock moonrise pattern has a chance of having a star visible on the catch of the glock. The catch beeing that small purple rectangle above your hands, just under the slide. This was intended by the skin creator as an easter egg for people who like that kind of stuff, and there’s various skins in CS GO that have some similar effect.

How the pattern and star work

Before starting, please acknowledge that the star in game is bright and does not have as clean edge as the creator intended first due to shinyness and particule effect that were added when the skin was put in the game. I do not know if that was wanted by steam or by the original creator.
This has been corrected for the UMP moonrise pattern that came later.
You can clearly see it below :
– First, an early picture of the skin with the star
– Then, the same pattern as it is in game. You can see the star is more bright and have less clean edge, especially on the left side of it.
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive CSGO - Recoil Pattern for Glock-18 Guide

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive CSGO - Recoil Pattern for Glock-18 Guide

Now, the full pattern is visible below. The weird colors are simply how CS GO engine stores it, don’t bother with that, too long to explain (in short, various information are stored on the green, red and blue chanel in addition to the colors)
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive CSGO - Recoil Pattern for Glock-18 Guide

Said pattern is random horizontally, it’s put on the skin, then moved a bit horizontally then numbered again and of course since there’s not 1000 positions for the 1000 paint seed, it’s looped again.
The paint seed number are then affected at random. (A funny consequence of that is that patterns 58 and 59 are the same).

Though, there’s a slice difference : the wear pattern is different for the 1000 paint seed, so to take my example again, the paint seed 58 and 59 have exactly the same skin pattern, but the wears mesh used by CS GO to calculate the various used marks on it will be slightly different. Though, for that skin in particular it’s not really important, all wears patterns are extremly similar.

Seeing that I found some patterns up to 12-13 times in the 1000 thousand paint seed, we can determinate that there are around 75 to 80 different patterns, each having 12-13 paint seeds numbers.

The skin is symmetrical, meaning the star will be visible on the back side during the inspect animation, visible by other (with good eyes, it’s tiny) on third person model, and visible if your glock is on the ground.
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive CSGO - Recoil Pattern for Glock-18 Guide

About the sticker, please notice that a sticker on the closest to you, will easely block that space where the star is. So for the ones who like stickers, please check before if yours block it, or check if you want to put one over the star or not.
Here is an example with the star placement indicated in red.
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive CSGO - Recoil Pattern for Glock-18 Guide


With the information before, there’s indeed three patterns that are interesting, two of them are really good and a third one is worst.

Star on the back

The star is on the back of it’s emplacement, it’s cut and it seems crawled into place. This is for my taste the worst of the star patterns, though it does have the full star.
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive CSGO - Recoil Pattern for Glock-18 Guide

The paint seeds concerned are

  • 31
  • 95
  • 121
  • 281
  • 355
  • 385
  • 484
  • 617
  • 630
  • 667
  • 737
  • 913


Star centered

I said “centered” but that’s generous, it’s still a bit on the back. That one is one of the two best placement, and the mind between the two bests vary over time and between people (hey, for me it varied as I’m writting this….)
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive CSGO - Recoil Pattern for Glock-18 Guide

The paint seeds concerned are

  • 58
  • 59
  • 90
  • 102
  • 224
  • 601
  • 628
  • 694
  • 706
  • 837
  • 864


Star on the front

Again, I said “on the front” but it’s just a name. In fact it’s the second very good pattern, and it’s just more in front than the previous one. Ence the name.
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive CSGO - Recoil Pattern for Glock-18 Guide

The paint seeds concerned are

  • 19
  • 109
  • 142
  • 165
  • 194
  • 237
  • 302
  • 403
  • 475
  • 487
  • 509
  • 800
  • 958

And that’s it. There’s a bunch of ones with a star cut or not star at all, but I don’t think it’s worth listing there.
Though, I might have forgot some, even if I’ve checked the 1000 of them I might have miss one, because, well, there’s 1000 of them……..

Moonless glock

If you are familiar with UMP-45 Moonrise skin, there’s a few patteern without the moon at all.
That is not the case for the Glock Moonrise : The moon will always be on the skin. You can hide it with stickers though.

Paint seed list formated for browser extension

Use those extensions at your own risk; Shady stuff did happen in the past and are happening, for example the popular floatDB one is legit but is ignoring your inventory restriction and is listing it on it’s database.

In the past some have been used to set up API scams or steal steam info too.

If you don’t know what’s below, just ignore that section.

Star on the back

seed == 31 or seed == 95 or seed == 121 or seed == 281 or seed == 355 or seed == 385 or seed == 484 or seed == 617 or seed == 630 or seed == 667 or seed == 737 or seed == 913

Star centered

seed == 58 or seed == 59 or seed == 90 or seed == 102 or seed == 224 or seed == 601 or seed == 628 or seed == 694 or seed == 706 or seed == 837 or seed == 864

Star on the front

seed == 19 or seed == 109 or seed == 142 or seed == 165 or seed == 194 or seed == 237 or seed == 302 or seed == 403 or seed == 475 or seed == 487 or seed == 509 or seed == 800 or seed == 958

Values and overpaid

Well, I don’t want to dig into that, but since I’ll be ask, let’s share my experience.
Please notice that may (and will) change overtime, and that even may change because I made the guide.

Non-stattrack glock moonrise with the star

There’s thousand of them and is not a high rarity skin. You can have one for twice the first price on the market in MW or FN quite easely.
You can get one at market price even if you’re patient and watch a bit.

At the time I write this, first prices in MW are 0€55, there’s one at 0€57 with a “star in the front” pattern that just got sold for 0€57 and there’s a lot of choice at 0€70.

Stattrack glock moonrise with the star

The overpaid is a bit bigger in terms of amount, though you can get one for market price if you’re patient.
For FT and MW ones, the one I see sold are less that 5€ (while first prices are a bit less than 2€ for MW).
Yes, there’s a huge amount for 30€ or even 40€ but those do NOT get sold. At a time I speak, there’s a few MW star at less than 5€ and few just over 5€.

For FN, I’ve seen up to 10€ getting sold, though you might find some cheaper on third party website, that you have to use at your own risk.
Again, there’s a few for a ridiculous prices. Don’t buy for those prices like 50€, even if you want one. It’s a purple skin with thousand of them on the market !

How rare it is

A bit of math.
There’s 1000 seeds and 24 seeds with a good star (taking the two best placement)
That’s 2.4%, that mean more than 1 out of 50 glock, on a restricted skin (dark purple, far from the highest tier)

If you take the third best placement, that make it 36 out of 1000 so 3.6%, and that’s more than 1 out of 33 glock.

So a few percent, sur, but a few percent is a glock every few dizaines out of the thousand avalaible on the market.


Written by Skipspik

Hope you enjoy the Guide about Counter-Strike: Global Offensive CSGO – Recoil Pattern for Glock-18 Guide, if you think we should add extra information or forget something, please let us know via comment below, and we will do our best to fix or update as soon as possible!


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