Copy Editor: A RegEx Puzzle – All Stars Solutions

Copy Editor: A RegEx Puzzle – All Stars Solutions 1 -
Copy Editor: A RegEx Puzzle – All Stars Solutions 1 -
All Stars Solutions, including Fewest Rules and Fewest Chars.




Level 01


Fewest Rules


  1. /have/g => had 
  2. /is\b/g => was 
  3. /are/g => were

Fewest Chars


  1. /have/g => had 
  2. /is\b/g => was 
  3. /are/g => were


Level 02


Fewest Rules


  1. /man/g => woman 
  2. /\bhe/g => she 
  3. /(H|h)is\s(?=s|t|b)/g => $1er

Fewest Chars


  1. /man/g => woman 
  2. /\bhe/g => she 
  3. /(H|h)is\s(?=s|t|b)/g => $1er


Level 03


Fewest Rules


  1. /\s+\d:\d+/g =>

Fewest Chars


  1. /\s+\d:\d+/g =>


Level 04


Fewest Rules


  1. /\d\s{0,5}\d/g => 11 
  2. /H|\d/g => B

Fewest Chars


  1. /\d\s{0,5}\d/g => 11 
  2. /H|\d/g => B


Level 05


Fewest Rules


  1. /(J\w+)/g => $1_RomeoROMEO 
  2. /\b(Romeo|ROMEO)/g => $1_JulietJULIET 
  3. /\b[A-Z]+_[A-Z][a-z]+(\w+)/g => $1 
  4. /\b[A-Z][a-z]+_([A-Z][a-z]+)(\w+)/g => $1

Fewest Chars


  1. /Juliet/g => Rom_eo 
  2. /JULIET/g => ROM_EO 
  3. /Romeo/g => Juliet 
  4. /ROMEO/g => JULIET 
  5. /_/g =>


Level 06


Fewest Rules


  1. /\bhate/g => love 
  2. /(bad|terrible)\b/g => good 
  3. /n\saw/g => wonder 
  4. /badly/g => well 
  5. /(had|was)\s(?!n)/g => $1 not

Fewest Chars


  1. /\bhate/g => love 
  2. /(bad|terrible)\b/g => good 
  3. /n\saw/g => wonder 
  4. /badly/g => well 
  5. /(had|was)\s(?!n)/g => $1 not


Level 07


Fewest Rules


  1. /(\d+)\d\d/g => $1 
  2. /(?<=\w)A(?=[a-z]?)|A(?=nd\b)/g => a

Fewest Chars


  1. /(.+)\d\d/g => $1 
  2. /\BA/g => a 
  3. /And\b/g => and


Level 08


Fewest Rules


  1. /Xh?\w*/g => (censored)

Fewest Chars


  1. /Xh?\w*/g => (censored)


Level 09


Fewest Rules


  1. /([a-zA-Z])|(\s[23]\w+,)/g =>

Fewest Chars


  1. /[a-zA-Z]/g =>  
  2. /\s[23]\w+,/g =>


Level 10


Fewest Rules


  1. /\s+/g =>  
  2. /e+(?!k)/g => e 
  3. /s+/g => s 
  4. /o+(?!k)/g => o

Fewest Chars


  1. /\s+/g =>  
  2. /e+(?!k)/g => e 
  3. /s+/g => s 
  4. /o+(?!k)/g => o


Level 11


Fewest Rules


  1. /\(.+?\)/g =>

Fewest Chars


  1. /\(.+?\)/g =>


Level 12


Fewest Rules


  1. /X|or(?=or)|that.(?=t)|erase\s|point\s|au.+c\s/g =>

Fewest Chars


  1. /X|or(?=or)|that.(?=t)|erase\s|point\s|au.+c\s/g =>


Level 13


Fewest Rules


  1. /(nce|ye|gin|nk|ler)/g => $1s 
  2. /(tur\b|rm\b)/g => $1ed

Fewest Chars


  1. /(nce|ye|gin|nk|ler)/g => $1s 
  2. /(tur\b|rm\b)/g => $1ed


Level 14


Fewest Rules


  1. /(c.+\.).+(b.+ng).+(re.+g).(b.+s).+/g => I follow $4, $3 the order, $2 where he $1

Fewest Chars


  1. /(c.+\.).+(b.+ng).+(re.+g).(b.+s).+/g => I follow $4, $3 the order, $2 where he $1


Level 15


Fewest Rules


  1. /(.)(.).{5}(.)..(.).(.).{10}(.).+/g => $1$5$3 $2$6$2$4!

Fewest Chars


  1. /(.)(.).{5}(.)..(.).(.).{10}(.).+/g => $1$5$3 $2$6$2$4!


Level 16


Fewest Rules


  1. /\b(\d{1,2})\./g => 00$1. 
  2. /\b(\d+)(\d\d)\.?\d*/g => $1.$2 
  3. /\s00/g => 0

Fewest Chars


  1. /\b(\d{1,2})\./g => 00$1. 
  2. /\b(\d+)(\d\d)\.?\d*/g => $1.$2 
  3. /\s00/g => 0


Level 17


Fewest Rules


  1. /D.+?ng.(.+?)\s(I.+)/g => $2$1

Fewest Chars


  1. /D.+?ng.(.+?)\s(I.+)/g => $2$1


Level 18


Fewest Rules


  1. /([^A-df-z\s])(n?a?t?|qu|tabl)([h-j])/g => $3$2$1

Fewest Chars


  1. /([^A-df-z\s])(n?a?t?|qu|tabl)([h-j])/g => $3$2$1


Level 19


Fewest Rules


  1. /((^\w+|(?<=\n)\w+)@\w+\.(net|com?|edu|org))\n/g => $1 REAL\n

Fewest Chars


  1. /((^\w+|(?<=\n)\w+)@\w+\.(net|com?|edu|org))\n/g => $1 REAL\n


Level 20


Fewest Rules


  1. /\*(.+?)\./g => \n ($1) 
  2. /(?<!\()(L.+?|S.+?|J.+?|Oe.+?s)\s([A-Z’])/g => \n\n $1\n$2 
  3. /^\n\n/g =>  
  4. /\sY/g => \nY

Fewest Chars


  1. /\*(.+?)\./g => \n ($1) 
  2. /(?<!\()(L.+?|S.+?|J.+?|Oe.+?s)\s([A-Z’])/g => \n\n $1\n$2 
  3. /^\n\n/g =>  
  4. /\sY/g => \nY


Written by Sealleci

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