Combat Mission Black Sea – Increase FPS – Fix VSYNC – Best Graphics Settings

Combat Mission Black Sea – Increase FPS – Fix VSYNC – Best Graphics Settings 1 -
Combat Mission Black Sea – Increase FPS – Fix VSYNC – Best Graphics Settings 1 -

This only applies to you if you have horsepower to spare in your GPU
no notebooks / ancient PC unable to run doom eternal in full glory.
basically this games can only utilize 32bit ram & like one or two cores of CPU. Its prehistoric.
However….VRAM? – []  & GPU no limits.
BUT, they put a limiter on this in order to protect your PC from blowing up.
So naturally, the game ‘thinks’ your beefy monstrosity NASA Spec PC (in like 04 standards)
just can’t handle the intense operation of allocating 4-5GB of graphics RAM
To cut to the case,
before trying this out
– vsync: off
– 3D model quality: fast -> uses CPU
– 3D model texture: Best -> VRAM is not the bottle neck
– Shaders : OFF -> uses CPU, if you miss the shaders just use Reshade.
-VERY IMPORTANT!: turn off in-game shadows / shaders with: ALT + W . the game engine can’t handle shadow rendering.
-> seems to use CPU for shadows.
now for the fun part:
(1) find or make a “dispaly size.txt” file in your steam\steamapps\common\Combat Mission Black Sea folder
(2) open it, put in some crazy value like: ” 7680 4320 144 ” (8k) or ” 4096 2160 144 “(4k)
– 3 numerical value separated by space bar : horizontal screen resolution (space) vertical screen resolution (space) refresh rate
(4) if your graphics card can run modern AAA titles just go nuts with 7680 4320 60
– NEVER-EVER lower your screen resolution b/c the UI shrinking. It’s counter- intuitive but you gotta increase the resolution!
(5) by some black wizardry, the game is forced to load all the textures, and doesn’t ♥♥♥♥♥ out on allocating more v-ram
(6) ???
(7) = more FPS/ Much better graphics
My computer with Ryzen 7 5800X, 32GB RAM, Radeon TX 6700XT was running like 15-30 FPS before.
Choppy as Hell.
with this optimization? While running in 8K(!) now the FPS never goes below 45. with like 30 visual enhancement mods.
won’t lie: Stil a bit of stuttering exists while in pre-deployment phase and zooming through the battlefield.
BUT consider this: amazing 8K graphics compared to Un-optimized settings + much better FPS
one drawback: it takes like 10min to start a battle. but hey ho, willing to make a sacrifice.
Hope this helps!

IMG preview

Combat Mission Black Sea - Increase FPS - Fix VSYNC - Best Graphics Settings - IMG preview - 9A97424
Combat Mission Black Sea - Increase FPS - Fix VSYNC - Best Graphics Settings - IMG preview - B44FE2D

Written by randomhan

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