Cards & Tankards – Easier Grabbing For Index Controllers

Cards & Tankards – Easier Grabbing For Index Controllers 1 -
Cards & Tankards – Easier Grabbing For Index Controllers 1 -

This is a step-by-step guide on how to make the grip for Index controllers more sensitive to make grabbing easier in order to combat a Unity bug that affects Cards & Tankards. This can also be used in other games.


This will be a guide for Cards & Tankards – [] . I’ll be going over how to turn down your controllers grip threshold to make grabbing more sensitive and easier to do. This is my first ever guide so I’m very sorry if it’s unclear. I will be providing screenshots so that you can follow along.

Open SteamVR And Navigate To Binding Settings

Start by opening SteamVR and clicking SteamVR (Your version)
Cards & Tankards - Easier Grabbing For Index Controllers - Open SteamVR And Navigate To Binding Settings - 4F1B6CC
Next, find “Settings” and click on it. This will bring up a new window with your SteamVR settings.
Cards & Tankards - Easier Grabbing For Index Controllers - Open SteamVR And Navigate To Binding Settings - 0FCE346
From here, click on “Controllers” and then “Manage Controller Bindings”
Cards & Tankards - Easier Grabbing For Index Controllers - Open SteamVR And Navigate To Binding Settings - 475BCF6
This will now give you the ability to change bindings in different VR Games, we want to click on the drop down menu and then select “Cards & Tankards”
Cards & Tankards - Easier Grabbing For Index Controllers - Open SteamVR And Navigate To Binding Settings - E146592
Your window should now look like this.
Cards & Tankards - Easier Grabbing For Index Controllers - Open SteamVR And Navigate To Binding Settings - FE4DBB0
We will now select “Custom” followed by “Edit This Binding”
Cards & Tankards - Easier Grabbing For Index Controllers - Open SteamVR And Navigate To Binding Settings - ED06772

Editing Your Controller Bindings

Your screen should now look like this.
Cards & Tankards - Easier Grabbing For Index Controllers - Editing Your Controller Bindings - C01566F
Scroll all the way down and find “Grip”, we’ll do the left controller first.
Cards & Tankards - Easier Grabbing For Index Controllers - Editing Your Controller Bindings - 965345F
Click on the + button and then select “Grab”
Cards & Tankards - Easier Grabbing For Index Controllers - Editing Your Controller Bindings - 841CFD1
Next, press “None”
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Now, scroll down until you find these.
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We are going to select “Left Grip Value” (“Right Grip Value” for the right controller”).You should now see this.
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We are now going to press the Settings/Cog icon (Highlighted above in the bottom right) and you will now see this.
Cards & Tankards - Easier Grabbing For Index Controllers - Editing Your Controller Bindings - 986BB72
From here you can select your threshold, I would recommend the settings that I have above. Now repeat these steps for the right controller and you’re all done. Some testing may need to be required to find what you most want but be sure to save and activate the binding.
Cards & Tankards - Easier Grabbing For Index Controllers - Editing Your Controller Bindings - 29A6306


Thank you very much for reading my guide, be sure to thumbs up if it helped and comment down below if you have any issues. See you in the Tavern!

Written by TunneeZ

This is all about Cards & Tankards – Easier Grabbing For Index Controllers; I hope you enjoy reading the Guide! If you feel like we should add more information or we forget/mistake, please let us know via commenting below, and thanks! See you soon!

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