Borderlands 3 – Complete Achievements Guide + Video Tutorial + Gameplay Tips

Borderlands 3 – Complete Achievements Guide + Video Tutorial + Gameplay Tips 1 -
Borderlands 3 – Complete Achievements Guide + Video Tutorial + Gameplay Tips 1 -

Table of Contents

This guide will provide all the information you need to know to obtain every achievement in Borderlands 3.


Borderlands 3 - 100% Achievement Guide [English]

Borderlands 3 - 100% Achievement Guide [English]
We spent a lot of time preparing the content in this guide. Please click on the Rate and Favorite buttons and also let us know what you think in the Comment section.


1. Welcome To The Crimson Raiders

Borderlands 3 - 100% Achievement Guide [English] - 1. Welcome To The Crimson Raiders
Welcome To The Crimson Raiders
Complete mission “Children of the Vault”. (Hidden)

Story related.
As you progress through the main missions you will complete this.

You will unlock this after defeating the first boss in the game (Shiv) and releasing Claptrap (once freed stand next to him and hold X to revive him).

It should take about 20 minutes to get to this point.

2. You Got Skills

Borderlands 3 - 100% Achievement Guide [English] - 2. You Got Skills
You Got Skills
Reach level 2.

The game is designed so this should unlock around or before the time you defeat the first boss and rescue claptrap.

You will unlock this after defeating the first boss in the game (Shiv). Make sure you have your shield enabled and try to catch Shiv with an exploding barrel to do extra damage to him.

It should take about 15 minutes to get to this point.

Borderlands 3 - 100% Achievement Guide [English]
Important Note:
To prevent duplication of topics in this guide, this achievement is marked as Duplicate. Please scroll down and read the 27. Biggest Badass In The Borderlands achievement.


3. Barreled Right Over Them

Borderlands 3 - 100% Achievement Guide [English] - 3. Barreled Right Over Them
Barreled Right Over Them
Kill an enemy with an exploding barrel.

Look for red (incendiary), yellow (radiation), green (corrosive), light blue (cryo), or blue (shock) barrels around the map. Wait until an enemy gets close to one then shoot it, and if you’re lucky they’ll die from the blast.

4. So Long, Pandora!

Borderlands 3 - 100% Achievement Guide [English] - 4. So Long, Pandora!
So Long, Pandora!

Story related. As you progress through the main missions you will complete this.

5. Star Bound

Borderlands 3 - 100% Achievement Guide [English] - 5. Star Bound
Star Bound
Reach level 10.

You should get this around the time you leave pandora. If you don’t have it by then, do the side missions on pandora, you’ll want to be level ten by the time you start the next planet.

Unless the achievement gets stuck. If it doesn’t unlock on your first character, try reaching level ten with a second character. If that doesn’t work, you might have to wait for a patch to fix achievements.

Borderlands 3 - 100% Achievement Guide [English]
Important Note:
To prevent duplication of topics in this guide, this achievement is marked as Duplicate. Please scroll down and read the 27. Biggest Badass In The Borderlands achievement.


6. Feelin’ A Little Stabby

Borderlands 3 - 100% Achievement Guide [English] - 6. Feelin' A Little Stabby
Feelin’ A Little Stabby
Kill an enemy, knifing them with a gun blade.

This can be done with any bladed weapon, i.e. any gun with a knife attached to the end of it. Killing an enemy with a melee attack while wielding one results in this achievement (note: only has to be the killing blow, you can weaken them with any other kind of damage).

In this video guide, You will see how to kill and enemy by knifing them with a gun blade. You can do this at any time you find a weapon with a blade on it. If you can’t tell for sure the weapon has one you can click RS to be able to put it in view mode. From there it will show it zoomed in. All you need to do it weaken an enemy with your gun and move in to finish the kill with the melee. The achievement will pop if the melee got the finishing blow.

7. NOG It Off

Borderlands 3 - 100% Achievement Guide [English] - 7. NOG It Off
NOG It Off
Complete mission “Hostile Takeover”. (Hidden)

Hostile Takeover is the 6th Chapter/6th main story mission in Borderlands 3.
It is unlocked when you complete the mission Sanctuary. The recommended level should be around 12, and after this mission, you unlock the ability to equip class mods.

For a readable version of the walkthrough: IGN’s Wiki guide is the place to be.

For those that need a more visual guide, check out this one by YouTuber “ZaFrostPet.”

8. Florida Man

Borderlands 3 - 100% Achievement Guide [English] - 8. Florida Man
Florida Man
Down yourself by grenade or explosion. (Hidden)

This one is pretty self-explanatory. Would add that Tediore reloads also count for this achievement. You just have to go into the fight for your life as a result of your own grenade or explosion. If you do most of the damage, but someone else hits you as you go into FFYL, it will not count.

Borderlands 3 - 100% Achievement Guide [English]
An easy way to do this is throwing a grenade at your feet, but make sure you have low enough health, to begin with (otherwise you’ll just lower your health). And we would also highly recommend unequipping your shield first.

Simple Video Guide showing how to unlock this Achievement!

9. Bolt-Ons

Borderlands 3 - 100% Achievement Guide [English] - 9. Bolt-Ons
Unlock 10 Character Heads or Skins.

“Kooky Cow 32” reports, that the, unlocked the achievement as a second player, so this achievement may be fixed. I can’t confirm this and would still recommend doing this as described below.

Original Solution:
A quick heads up for everybody. As of now (15th Sep. 2019) the tracking for this achievement only works when you are the host or you are in your own singleplayer game.

DONT UNLOCK Skins/Heads from your inventory or buy them from Earl when you are in the game of another player.

When you find Skins/Heads, keep them, start your own game, and unlock them.

If you seem do not find any more Skins/Heads, the 3rd Slot-machine in Moxxis-Bar has them as rewards. Also: Playing another Character and finding the heads for the other classes is an option.

The third slot-machine is the third one from the entrance. The first right around the corner. Check the boards directly above the 3 slot rolls, the prizes are displayed there. The third one will have multiple heads as prizes.

In this video, you’ll see how to be able to unlock 10 character heads or skins, plus while buying 20 cosmetics from Crazy Earl. Now this will not be until you reach the ship in space. From there you will do a side mission for checking up on everyone. Once that is done the final person is Crazy Earl. After that, you can buy stuff from him. Make sure to buy all of his heads or skins first to get the Bolt-Ons achievement. Then buy what is the cheapest cosmetics from there to pop the achievement for My Name Is Earl faster.

10. I Mustache You A Question

Borderlands 3 - 100% Achievement Guide [English] - 10. I Mustache You A Question
I Mustache You A Question
Complete mission “Atlas, At Last”. (Hidden)

“Atlas, At Last” in Borderlands 3 is the main story mission that can’t technically be missed. Chapter 9 of the main story. The plot points in the mission follow going through the Meridian Metroplex, discovering the Atlas HQ, defending it from Maliwan, defeating Katagawa Jr., getting a Vault Key, and mustaches.

It’s recommended to be at around level 17 for this section of the game.

Check out this IGN guide over this section. It’s very helpful and informative.,_At_Last

The hyperlink for the page does have a comma in it however, that is actually part of the URL.

11. Gone From My Sight

Borderlands 3 - 100% Achievement Guide [English] - 11. Gone From My Sight
Gone From My Sight
Complete mission “Beneath the Meridian”. (Hidden)

This achievement is story-based and should be completed during natural progression. Beneath the Meridian is the main mission that chronologically occurs as below:

  • Children of the Vault
  • From the Ground Up
  • Cult Following
  • Taking Flight
  • Sanctuary
  • Hostile Takeover
  • The Impending Storm
  • Space-Laser Tag
  • Atlas, At Last
  • Beneath the Meridian

Essentially, start by traveling back up to Sanctuary and handing the final fragment of the Vault Key to Tannis in her lab. Report now to the bridge to finalize the plan on looting the vault and fast travel back to Meridian Metroplex. Grab a vehicle and make your way NE with some reinforcements which include Zero. Take out the baddies along the way so Zero can lower the shield letting you enter Neon Arterial.

Before heading on, grab the Typhon Log on the left overlooking the water. You’ll meet up with Maya next to the Fast Travel and jump aboard Project DD courtesy of Ellie. Follow the relatively straight forward roads to Apollyon Station fighting/fleeing bandit vehicles along the way. Maya will also attack any that get close to you. There will be two instances in which you must clear out the area of baddies so Maya can open the roadblocks. Eventually, you’ll end up at the train station where you can load up.

Work your way into the station through a big battle (there are some good chests in the container tower on the left side) and grab the 2nd Typhon Log on the near right side from where you entered. Once Maya blasts open the door, you’ll fight through several rooms with waves of enemies pouring in at you. You’ll get to the tracks in which a train will unload more bandits at you and then the train will occasionally pass on through so be sure not to get hit by it. You’ll also see a Claptrap on the right side of the tracks.

After passing out of the station, you’ll descend into a tunnel where you’ll meet your first guardian. You’ll be battling these guys the rest of the way just bear in mind they can move quickly so keep some distance. After you pass a waterfall coming from the ceiling there is a slight branch on the left with the last Typhon Log. Since this is the 3rd one, the drop will appear on the other small branch from the main cave just a little bit further up on the right. After this, you’ll have one more big fight before entering The Forgotten Basilica.

Make sure you gear up now and clear your backpack because it’s time to fight the Vault Monster – The Rampager. Slide down the ramp into the basilica and activate the pedestal near Maya then brace yourself. Some tips for this fight is to simply keep moving to avoid his projectiles, fire at him when he’s up high and unleash everything when he is stunned. There will be occasional guardians popping up to help as well as these flying spheres that protect him so make sure to address these as well. When he’s finally down, grab the loot and head into the vault. Head straight to the icon and grab the Eridian Resonator which will allow you to finally smash those eridium crystals you’ve seen around. Do so on the chests here and grab everything else before heading out.

You’ll meet up with Ava and Maya and trigger a cut scene where
Tyreen and Troy will appear and ambush your group. Tyreen will grab Ava and Maya takes Troy as collateral. Troy grabs Maya which unknowingly absorbs her power, disintegrates, and kills her. The twins will take off so talk to Ava and head back to Sanctuary. After a speech from Tannis and Lilith on the bridge, follow and talk to Ava before turning in the quest which unlocks the achievement.

The achievement should pop and you’ll be rewarded with:

  • Approx $2,904
  • Approx 11,408 XP
  • Eridium x2
  • Weapon Slot
  • Cloud Kill SMG (if Ava is spoken to)


12. Vaulting Your Way To The Top

Borderlands 3 - 100% Achievement Guide [English] - 12. Vaulting Your Way To The Top
Vaulting Your Way To The Top
Reach level 25.

Borderlands 3 - 100% Achievement Guide [English]
Important Note:
To prevent duplication of topics in this guide, this achievement is marked as Duplicate. Please scroll down and read the 27. Biggest Badass In The Borderlands achievement.


13. That Was Cold

Borderlands 3 - 100% Achievement Guide [English] - 13. That Was Cold
That Was Cold
Complete mission “Lair of the Harpy”. (Hidden)

Sadly, Grenade trick got patched.

So, this is a story related achievement. It’s buggy for some people (like a lot of achievements), although it seems to be buggier in the coop than in solo.

Good luck.

Grenade trick which got patches:
Not related to this achievement, but an important point about something around the same time as this achievement…

A story mission around this time is called Going Rogue. Once you’ve completed Going Rogue, you can complete a mission called Raiders of the Lost Rock. Do this mission.


The grenade is called the Porcelain Pipe Bomb, and a direct hit from it will pretty much eat through anything. It works really well on the boss at the end of Cold As The Grave.

Get the grenade. Melt enemies. Enjoy.

14. Dropping Loads

Borderlands 3 - 100% Achievement Guide [English] - 14. Dropping Loads
Dropping Loads
Win a live grenade at a Slot Machine.

The easiest way to get this is on Sanctuary 3, go to Moxxi’s Bar and gamble on the 3 money slots once you have a decent amount of money. I did this fairly early on and “won” the grenade after just a few pulls.

To gain access to Moxxi’s Bar you will need to complete a few tasks once you get on board after which speaking to Ellie allows you into the bar.

Once there simply go to the slot machine (Loot Boxer) on the left of the entrance and spin the reels. There is some element of luck with this achievement but here it was accomplished in 4 spins, costing $247 each.

15. Heir To An Empty Castle

Borderlands 3 - 100% Achievement Guide [English] - 15. Heir To An Empty Castle
Heir To An Empty Castle
Complete mission “Cold as the Grave”. (Hidden)

This achievement is related to the progress of the main storyline and you can’t miss it.

16. Stay Away From The Light

Borderlands 3 - 100% Achievement Guide [English] - 16. Stay Away From The Light
Stay Away From The Light
Revive another player.

Can be done against an online friend or split-screen with a second controller, have the other player get downed, then revive them when close. If you’re using the second controller method you will need an actual account for it, signing in as a guest doesn’t appear to work.

17. Cross The Streamers

Borderlands 3 - 100% Achievement Guide [English] - 17. Cross The Streamers
Cross The Streamers
Complete mission “Blood Drive”. (Hidden)

Blood Drive is the 17th chapter/17th mission in Borderlands 3. This mission is unlocked after the completion of the mission Cold as the Grave. The recommended level for this mission is 28, and the mission that follows it is Angels and Speed Demons.

For those that need a step-by-step style walkthrough; IGN’s Wiki guide has got you covered.

For those that prefer a more visual guide; YouTuber “ZaFrostPet” has got you covered.

18. Apocalypso!

Borderlands 3 - 100% Achievement Guide [English] - 18. Apocalypso!
Complete mission “The Great Vault”. (Hidden)

“The Great Vault” is the 19th main story mission in Borderlands 3 and takes place after the mission “Angels and Speed Demons.”

A full step by step walkthrough can be found courtesy of PowerPyx. One of my favorite and most trusted walkthrough websites:

19. On Fleek

Borderlands 3 - 100% Achievement Guide [English] - 19. On Fleek
On Fleek
Equip purple-rated gear or better in every slot.

You need to have all of your guns and gear (8 slots) with purple or orange equipment. Gun trinkets are unnecessary.

You won’t be able to unlock this until you complete the mission “Cold As The Grave,” because you won’t have enough slots open. Just an FYI.

20. Damn, Gina

Borderlands 3 - 100% Achievement Guide [English] - 20. Damn, Gina
Damn, Gina
Get all Vault Rewards. (Hidden)

This SHOULD unlock naturally through story progression, once you finish the mission “Footsteps of Giants.” It’s near the end of the game.

Getting lots of complaints that it’s not unlocking, usually due to playing co-op. I’m just letting you know where it popped for me while I was playing solo. Unfortunately, I’m not responsible for Gearbox’s shoddy coding or it would be fixed by now.

Edit: don’t want to say much more than this because, well, spoilers. But you’ll get this by playing through the story.

21. I Am A Goddess, A Glorious Female Warrior

Borderlands 3 - 100% Achievement Guide [English] - 21. I Am A Goddess, A Glorious Female Warrior
I Am A Goddess, A Glorious Female Warrior
Complete mission “In the Shadow of Starlight”. (Hidden)

This mission is part of the main story. It is really late into the game, chapter 22 of 23. You can check what chapter you are on by returning to the main menu. It displays in the bottom right corner of the screen.

Simply finishing this story’s mission should unlock the achievement. Sadly, my first time playing through the story this achievement didn’t unlock, but all other story-based achievements did.

22. Bye, Felicia!

Borderlands 3 - 100% Achievement Guide [English] - 22. Bye, Felicia!
Bye, Felicia!
Complete mission “Divine Retribution”. (Hidden)

Bye, Felicia! is unlocked after you have completed the ‘Divine Retribution’ mission. This mission is the last main story mission (23rd)

After finishing a mission called ‘In The Shadow Of Starlight’ you will receive the ‘Divine Retribution’ quest from Lilith

This mission has 11 objectives consisting of:

  • 1. Enter Portal
  • 2. Find Tyreen
  • 3. Defeat Tyreen the Destroyer
  • 4. Collect Vault Key
  • 5. Loot Vault
  • 6. Leave Vault
  • 7. Return to Sanctuary
  • 8. Go to Lilith’s room
  • 9. Give Vault Key to Patricia Tannis
  • 10. Talk to Tannis
  • 11. Place Eridian artifacts

After placing the artifacts you should unlock the achievement along with the story campaign.

23. À La Carte

Borderlands 3 - 100% Achievement Guide [English] - 23. À La Carte
À La Carte
Complete 20 Side Missions.

This achievement doesn’t require any description, just try to complete 20 side missions! easy.

24. Mechani-Cool

Borderlands 3 - 100% Achievement Guide [English] - 24. Mechani-Cool
Unlock 10 Vehicle Parts via hijacking.

There are two ways to go about acquiring ten, or all if you’re interested, vehicle parts in the game.

The first method is through the in-game and on-map ‘Hijack Targets’ that Ellie will hint are near you as you’re exploring the map. IGN has an interactive guide for this and there’s roughly enough for this if you wait it out.

The better method would be trying to hijack enemy vehicles manually. Some of the better car customization pieces and upgrades can come from this. Simply walk up and hold ‘X’ to hijack. http://”” has a good guide that includes every part of the game.

If you need a video as a visual guide, YouTuber “Syke” has you covered here.

25. Stay Golden

Borderlands 3 - 100% Achievement Guide [English] - 25. Stay Golden
Stay Golden
Use a Golden Key. (Hidden)

This achievement will be unlocked after opening your first gold chest using the Golden Key in Sanctuary.

The gold chest itself that you need to open can only be found once you’ve reached Sanctuary which is your main base of operations that’s unlocked shortly after progressing through story missions.

The gold chest will become marked on the map once you’ve gone around the sanctuary for the first time. It will most likely appear after talking to Tannis or Marcus. (They will be marked on the map for the mission)

Borderlands 3 - 100% Achievement Guide [English]
Please visit to get more information about Golden Keys and Shift Keys in Borderlands 3.

Borderlands 3 - 100% Achievement Guide [English]

26. Tips Appreciated

Borderlands 3 - 100% Achievement Guide [English] - 26. Tips Appreciated
Tips Appreciated
Tip Moxxi.

Once you reach Sanctuary you will be able to tip Moxxi. Head to Moxxi’s bar by talking first with Ellie and once you are there you can give a tip as low as $100 in her jar.

27. Biggest Badass In The Borderlands

Borderlands 3 - 100% Achievement Guide [English] - 27. Biggest Badass In The Borderlands
Biggest Badass In The Borderlands
Reach level 50.

After you complete the story mode and or the DLC, you have a couple of options for leveling up. I think the fastest is to queue up for Circle of Slaughter or Proving Grounds repeatable missions. Both give you four players, working quickly to earn XP.

Borderlands 3 - 100% Achievement Guide [English]
Currently, the max level is capped at 57 in Borderlands 3. Even when playing in different game modes, once you reach Level 57, you’ll stop gaining XP and leveling up.


How to level up quickly in Borderlands 3

Pretty much everything you do in Borderlands 3 nets you experience, but if you’re looking to reach level 50 fast, prioritization is key. Once you hit the level cap, experience keeps cultivating towards an infinite supply of Guardian Rank points. The leveling never ends in Borderlands 3, even though life does. To make the most of our limited time breathing, here are a few pointers for how to go about leveling quickly and efficiently in Borderlands 3.

Prioritize the campaign

Not only does the campaign pack the biggest and most frequent experience rewards, but playing it unlocks extra abilities and gear slots you’ll want sooner than later. This one’s a given, but don’t expect beelining the campaign to bring you close to the level cap. There’s plenty more work to do.

Don’t ignore the collectibles

While running about the map, be sure to zig-zag, if only to reveal more of it and in turn more collectibles. Each pumps out a decent experience bonus, so make a pitstop when sensible.

But don’t try to find them all at once

More one-off fights and doodads get tossed into each zone after a certain point in the story, so cleaning up a zone early on won’t actually clean up the zone. It’s more efficient to complete everything once it’s all been unlocked to avoid retreading the same ground and wasting precious leveling time.

Save the bulk of sidequests for later

Some sidequests reward weapons with stats rolled at your current level. To make sure they’re not instantly useless, it’s best to save those sidequests for the path from level 40 to 50. Besides, sidequests will continually match your level once you’ve finished the campaign. Maximize their benefits by saving some for last.

Look for artifacts with experience bonuses

It takes a while to unlock the ability to equip artifacts, but once you do, the opportunity for XP bonuses rears its bonus-y head. I found an artifact with a 7% bonus to experience, which isn’t a paltry amount in the slow trek from level 40 to 50. Every bit helps.

Play with a high-level friend

Co-op play with a high-level friend in their campaign will really juice the experience gain, doling out level-ups every few minutes if the gulf between you and them is large enough. Granted, this means you’ll likely see quests and locations you haven’t unlocked yet, so it’s best to save friend-leveling for quickly powering up a second, third, or fourth character.

Repeat the endgame trials

With the campaign wrapped, some infinitely repeatable quests become available. You’ll find the trials at old locations, so scoop them up while cleaning up sidequests and collectibles. Finishing them quickly yields better rewards, but it’ll take some work. Each trial specializes in different enemy factions and environments, throwing a ton of the toughest goons in the game at you before wrapping with a stubborn boss. Each is one hell of a concentrated dose of experience and loot. Master them.

Up the Mayhem

Mayhem Mode is a toggle you can enable or disable at any time to increase the difficulty and ensuing rewards once you’ve finished the campaign. With three levels of difficulty to work through, Mayhem Mode pairs well with the endgame trials as a precursor to a second playthrough in True Vault Hunter Mode. By then, you’ll be in the same endgame grind like everyone else, that endless thirst for a higher Guardian Rank and slightly better gear from here into infinity (or the next DLC release).


28. I Hope You Didn’t Tea-bag

Borderlands 3 - 100% Achievement Guide [English] - 28. I Hope You Didn't Tea-bag
I Hope You Didn’t Tea-bag
Win a duel.

You simply have to go up to a fellow Vault Hunter and press the melee button to hit them. If they melee you back, a dome will appear above your heads. You can then fight it out to see who wins the duel.

How to start a duel

To start a duel, you will need to open the Emote wheel. This is a new feature to Borderlands 3, where you can ping locations, open photo mode, and start a duel. To open the wheel, hold down ‘Z’ on the PC, or the ‘START’ button on a controller.
Borderlands 3 - 100% Achievement Guide [English]

Select the icon with the two swords. This will place down a challenging marker as seen on the image below which will feature your player head. These will time out in around 15 seconds, so the other player needs to be fast.
Borderlands 3 - 100% Achievement Guide [English]

All the other person needs to do is interact with the marker and the duel will commence!

Borderlands 3 - 100% Achievement Guide [English]
This achievement can be also done against an online friend or split-screen with a second controller. let us know how you got this achievement in the comment section.


29. Stick It To ‘Em

Borderlands 3 - 100% Achievement Guide [English] - 29. Stick It To 'Em
Stick It To ‘Em
Kill two or more enemies with a single sticky grenade.

The first thing you want to do is go to the closest ammo dump vending machine and purchase a grande mod that specifically has Sticky listed on the traits list and equip the mod from your inventory. You should then go out into the wilderness to find a group of weak enemies (for example I found a group of skags). throw your grande into the general area of the enemy’s (this does not need to stick onto one of the enemies) wait for the grenade to go off and your achievement should pop. If it doesn’t then try again until it does.

Borderlands 3 - 100% Achievement Guide [English]
Side notes:
You can damage enemies and still get the achievement as long as the grenade gets the kill.

As noted in the description you can get more than two kills from the grenade you just need to make sure it kills at least two.

30. A Proper Hand-Off

Borderlands 3 - 100% Achievement Guide [English] - 30. A Proper Hand-Off
A Proper Hand-Off
Complete mission “All Bets Off”.

This is story-based and can’t be missed.

Unlocked for me when the credits of the DLC started rolling, after the final cutscene. A final cutscene will start shortly after defeating Pretty Boy, the last boss of this DLC. “All Bets Off” is the last main story mission.

31. Party’s Still On!

Borderlands 3 - 100% Achievement Guide [English] - 31. Party's Still On!
Party’s Still On!
Find the party.

Story Related and cannot be missed.
Unlocks after a quick conversation with hammerlock at the lodge.

Borderlands 3 - 100% Achievement Guide [English]
If the achievement pops but the list is unavailable restart the game and the full achievement list will appear.


32. My Name Is Earl

Borderlands 3 - 100% Achievement Guide [English] - 32. My Name Is Earl
My Name Is Earl
Buy 20 cosmetic items from Crazy Earl.

This achievement has been reported to be glitched for some players. The achievement counter is not going up and being stuck at a certain % of completion. It is not known what causes the glitch to happen but apparently Gearbox knows of it and is working on a solution/patch.

Crazy Earl is located on the space ship Sanctuary in the Cargo Bay (bottom floor of the ship)

Simply buy 20 cosmetic items form Crazy Earl.

Any items bought directly from Crazy Earl will count towards this achievement such as the heads and skins. Just fill in the rest of the achievement with filler Room Decorations after you’ve bought the cosmetics you actually wanted.

Room Decorations are the cheapest option.

Name Eridium
Bandit Tire 25
Pandoracorn 25
Troy Graffiti 35
Tyreen Graffiti 35
Skag Skull 45
Life Preserver 20
Bug Zapper 20
Buzzsaw Blade 20
Jakobs Poster 20
Trophy Fish 25
Salvation (sign) 25
Holy (sign) 25
HBC Poster 4 45
HBC Poster 5 45
Vegan (sign) 35
Live Streaming (sign) 35
Safety First (sign) 20
Hard Hat (sign) 20
Dip Road (sign) 20
The Big 3 (sign) 1

= 541 Eridium Total with the cheapest options of room decorations.

33. Older Than The Trees

Borderlands 3 - 100% Achievement Guide [English] - 33. Older Than The Trees
Older Than The Trees
Kill the Wendigo.

Story Related and cannot be missed.
You require to kill the Wendigo to get into the Mountains as part of the main storyline so you and Hammerlock go hunt it down.
Unlocks as soon as you kill the boss.

Borderlands 3 - 100% Achievement Guide [English]
There have been reports of this achievement failing to give a notification – Remember to check your achievement list if it doesn’t pop as you may still have unlocked it.

34. Love Is The Fifth Dimension

Borderlands 3 - 100% Achievement Guide [English] - 34. Love Is The Fifth Dimension
Love Is The Fifth Dimension
Marry your friends.

Story Related and cannot be missed.
Unlocks after you have married Hammerlock and Wainwright just after the final boss fight.

Borderlands 3 - 100% Achievement Guide [English]
Many confirmed cases of this not unlocking for some people as of late, this may be a bug that will be patched or down to unknown circumstances.


35. Scovillain

Borderlands 3 - 100% Achievement Guide [English] - 35. Scovillain
Destroy all of Mr. Torgue’s hot sauces.

Open the youtube video below and check the given timestamps!

  • 0:04 – Hot Sauce Location #1 – The Sendoptician
  • 0:49 – Hot Sauce Location #2 – The Compactor
  • 1:33 – Hot Sauce Location #3 – The Sendoptician
  • 2:35 – Hot Sauce Location #4 – Jack’s Secret
  • 3:28 – Hot Sauce Location #5 – VIP Tower

36. Shoe Money Tonight

Borderlands 3 - 100% Achievement Guide [English] - 36. Shoe Money Tonight
Shoe Money Tonight
Get a 21 in the blackjack minigame.

There is a save station next to a blackjack chest in the first area called “Grand Opening” it’s in front of a Handsome Jack statue. This is also the very first one you can get in-game as well, and so happens to be an easy farm spot.

It’s really hard to miss, and it’s within the first 5 minutes. Just quit and then reload if you do not hit 21, and the chest is literally right next to you to open.

It took me about 7 reloads, also you do not have to hit 21 on the first draw, you can pay to hit to get 21, or hit again, or even again if needed to get 21, in the case I had to hit twice.

Screenshot of the area in question, it’s the first area called “Grand Opening”, it’s right after you fight a bunch of loader bots after pulling a lever to open the door, there will be an open area, run past this and are stairs, it’s at the top of the stairs and saves station on the left as well…

Borderlands 3 - 100% Achievement Guide [English]

Borderlands 3 - 100% Achievement Guide [English]

37. Don’t Be A Stranger

Borderlands 3 - 100% Achievement Guide [English] - 37. Don't Be A Stranger
Don’t Be A Stranger
Return for a chat with the Clapstructor.

Near the end of the One Man’s Treasure quest that takes you through Trashlantis, the Clapstructor will fuse into the weld at the girder, but will still be alive. Once no one else is talking and you have been tasked with returning to the Mayor, don’t leave the area. Instead go to where the Clapstructor is now and press X to talk to it, unlocking the achievement.

Borderlands 3 - 100% Achievement Guide [English]
It isn’t missable and you’d only have to return to where you leave the Clapstructor to get it later, but it’s much simpler to get it right then without any later revisiting.


38. Firebug

Borderlands 3 - 100% Achievement Guide [English] - 38. Firebug
Sabotage all statues for Ember.

There are a total of 6 statues (first cannot be missed). We show you the location of all 5 of the statues in this video, the order follows the main story.

  • 0:03 – Statue 1 – The Sendoptician
  • 0:48 – Statue 2 – Impound Deluxe
  • 1:42 – Statue 3 – The Sendoptician
  • 2:29 – Statue 4 – Jack’s Secret
  • 3:22 – Statue 5 – VIP Tower

39. Exoarchaeolo—You Get The Gist

Borderlands 3 - 100% Achievement Guide [English] - 39. Exoarchaeolo—You Get The Gist
Exoarchaeolo—You Get The Gist
Discover all named locations on Nekrotafeyo. (Hidden)

This is the easiest “Discover all named locations” cheevo in BL3.

I would highly recommend unlocking most of the locations while your first playthrough since you’re always near those locations while doing the main mission.

You can also do this after you beat the game. To get this achievement easier, don’t turn Mayhem Mode / True Hunter Mode on, just to get it rushed.

There is a location you can’t unlock without doing a particular side mission.

You will unlock this side mission eventually while playing through the main mission. While being in the cave with Typhon DeLeon you can speak to his robots near the vending machines. The gray one named Grouse wants you to help him and craft a weapon (Side mission: Cannonization). Right after that you’re able to get another side mission from the exact same robot (Side mission: Bad Vibrations). Now you have to clear an air vent which causes earthquakes. You get the location after you blow up the shaft and jump into the respective hole. Those 2 missions are not time consuming, you only need about 5-10 minutes each (depends on the difficulty you set and whether you’re high leveled or not)

I added a list of all those locations in Nekrotafeyo.

40. Got Big Game

Borderlands 3 - 100% Achievement Guide [English] - 40. Got Big Game
Got Big Game
Defeat all of Hammerlock’s Legendary Hunts.

Legendary hunts are basically mini-boss fights found in different locations around the different areas. There are 10 battles to complete in total (please see below for more details) and you can check to see if you have already completed the hunt for that area as the legendary hunt will be a challenge you can check in the map.

I would highly recommend going for this achievement once you have completed the story so all of the areas are unlocked and the hunts are easy to take down.

The Droughts 0:00
Ascension Bluff 0:40
Devil’s Razor 0:57
The Splinterlands 1:35
Konrad’s Hold 2:56

Athenas: 3:32

Floodmoor Basin 3:59
Voracious Canopy 4:30

Desolation’s Edge 4:50
The Pyre of Stars 5:17

41. Zer0ed In

Borderlands 3 - 100% Achievement Guide [English] - 41. Zer0ed In
Zer0ed In
Defeat all of Zer0’s Targets of Opportunity.

Targets of Opportunity are basically mini-boss fights found in different locations around the different areas. There are 10 battles to complete in total (please see below for more details) and you can check to see if you have already completed the target for that area as the Target of Opportunity will be a challenge you can check in the map.

I would highly recommend going for this achievement once you have completed the story so all of the areas are unlocked and the hunts are easy to take down.


  • Devil’s Razor 0:00
  • The Splinterlands 0:33
  • Cathedral of the Twin Gods 1:16


  • Meridian Metroplex 2:00
  • Skywell-27 2:20
  • Lectra City 2:51


  • The Anvil 3:35
  • Jakobs Estate 4:16
  • Ambermire 4:42


  • Tazender Ruins 5:22

42. Rewards Card

Borderlands 3 - 100% Achievement Guide [English] - 42. Rewards Card
Rewards Card
Earn a Loyalty Package from each weapon manufacturer.

To earn Loyalty Packages, you need to get ~100 kills with that manufacturer’s weapon. There are 9 manufacturers that you need to complete to get this achievement.

  • Hyperion
  • Jakobs
  • Vladof
  • COV
  • Maliwan
  • Atlas
  • Tediore
  • Dahl
  • Torgue

The best way to do this is to wait once your first playthrough on Normal is finished, stockpile on weapons of each manufacturer you still need to do, and go back to The Droughts zone on Pandora.

Since all enemies will still be low levels, you simply have to roam around obliterating everything in sight and change to a different weapon once you get the 100 kills needed.

If you cleared out too much of the enemies and still need some more kills for the achievement, simply quit the session and get back in to respawn everything.

43. Gun Pals!

Borderlands 3 - 100% Achievement Guide [English] - 43. Gun Pals!
Gun Pals!
Send an item to a friend.

You get this achievement for sending an item to a friend.
So the good news for this achievement is your friend doesn’t even have to have the game and also do you have to be in your game at all you need is a gun in your backpack.
So the first thing you will do is go to your inventory.

44. Good Against Remotes Is One Thing

Borderlands 3 - 100% Achievement Guide [English] - 44. Good Against Remotes Is One Thing
Good Against Remotes Is One Thing
Get a perfect score at the Firing Range on any difficulty.

It can be easily done with a coop partner. Whoever starts the firing range (by pressing the button) will unlock the achievement so make sure you switch turns. You’ll need 15 targets in 20 seconds.

Available after you reach Sanctuary and right after you help Marcus put out the fires in his store.

I’ve noticed sometimes that some targets show up at the last second making it impossible to complete so keep trying!! Focus on splitting the firing range in half and focus on your section. You’ll know your group did it cause you’ll see confetti and unlock a challenge too.

45. Killer Look

Borderlands 3 - 100% Achievement Guide [English] - 45. Killer Look
Killer Look
Complete the Mayor’s outfit.

There are a total of 5 outfits to be collected, you can only find them after visiting the compactor for the first time.

  • 0:03 – Mayor Outfit 1 – The Spendopticon
  • 1:04 – Mayor Outfit 2 – The Spendopticon
  • 2:00 – Mayor Outfit 3 – Impound Deluxe
  • 3:02 – Mayor Outfit 4 – The Compactor
  • 4:08 – Mayor Outfit 5 – VIP Tower and non-intentional Nukem drop

46. 100-Proof

Borderlands 3 - 100% Achievement Guide [English] - 46. 100-Proof
Clear all the Eridian Proving Grounds.

The Proving grounds are survival areas that require you to defeat all enemy’s in 4 different rooms within a 30-minute time limit. (Don’t worry though the 30 minutes is very lenient and very easily achievable)

to clarify this is 30 minutes per area not 30 minutes to complete everything.

Each proving ground has extra objectives that can be met to get a better reward but these are not required to get the achievement

There are 6 Proving grounds to complete in total but these can’t be reached until you have completed the story. Once the story has been completed you need to activate 6 different missions found across the different areas (please see below for locations)

Once you have beaten all 6 grounds your achievement will unlock

  • Trial of cunning – Pandora – Splinterlands 1:26
  • Trial of survival – Pandora – Devils razor 1:51
  • Trial of disipline – promethea – merdian outskirts 2:11
  • Trial of instinct – Eden 6 – floodmoor basin 2:27
  • Trial of Fervor – Eden 6 – Jakobs Estate 2:49
  • Trial of Supremacy – Nekrotofeya – Desolations edge 3:21

This achievement has been glitchy for some people and not popped when the specification has been met. Make sure that you complete all proving grounds with the same character and on the same playthrough. If your still having problems try joining a friends game and running through them all on their game, this worked for D0NTMoCKMe. If it’s still not working and you still want to go for this try getting to this point with a new character and completing all 6 trials. I can’t guarantee any of these methods will work though as once an achievement glitch getting it to unlock can vary person by person.

47. Master Of All You Survey

Borderlands 3 - 100% Achievement Guide [English] - 47. Master Of All You Survey
Master Of All You Survey
Discover all named locations.

PowerPyx has done a pretty good location guide for each planet. Here’s a link to each individual planet. If anyone gets stuck or can’t find a location, leave a comment and we’ll see if we can’t figure it out. Some are a pain.

Each trial, once discovered, will count as a named area as well, so once found, you will need to walk around until the name pops up on the screen.

The same thing with all the slaughters, you need to travel into the slaughters and walk around until you see the name.

If you’re going to vote negative, please say why. I can’t improve the solution if I don’t know why it’s being voted negative.

48. Slaughterhouse 3

Borderlands 3 - 100% Achievement Guide [English] - 48. Slaughterhouse 3
Slaughterhouse 3
Complete all the Circles of Slaughter.

There are three Circles of Slaughter that need to be completed. They can be found on Pandora, Promethea, and Nekrotafeyo.

Pandora’s is “The Slaughter Shaft” and the entrance can be found in Konrad’s Hold.

Promethea is the “Cistern of Slaughter” and the entrance can be found in Meridian Metroplex.

Nekrotafeyo’s is “Slaughterstar 3000” and the entrance can be found in Desolation’s Edge. This one is different than the rest, as you will need to go back to Sanctuary and discover a new planet.

Here are screenshots showing the locations of all 3 entrances.
Borderlands 3 - 100% Achievement Guide [English]

Borderlands 3 - 100% Achievement Guide [English]

Borderlands 3 - 100% Achievement Guide [English]

If you find you are struggling, you can go into your settings and put the difficulty down to easier to help you beat the circles of slaughter.

If you’re going to leave a negative, let me know why. I get that the slaughter’s are a buggy mess. However, if there is something that you feel is missing from the solution, let me know what it is.

49. Industrious In The Face Of Cosmic Terror

Borderlands 3 - 100% Achievement Guide [English] - 49. Industrious In The Face Of Cosmic Terror
Industrious In The Face Of Cosmic Terror
Complete all Crew Challenges and Side Missions on Xylourgos.

There are 3 types of crew challenges, the statues, occult hunts, and gifts. Gifts will appear after you make it to the lodge for the first time, the statues will appear after the first mission with Wainwright and the hunts will appear on your way to The Cankerwood for the first time.

The video shows you the locations of each crew challenge.






  • 0:05 – CURSEHAVEN – STATUE #1
  • 1:36 – NEGUL NEGSHAI – STATUE #4
  • 2:13 – HEART’S DESIRE – STATUE #5




The side missions:

Skittermaw Basin:

  • Call of the deep
  • We Slass
  • We Slass! (Part 2)
  • We Slass! (Part 3)

The Lodge:

  • The Proprietor: Empty Bottles
  • Sinister Sounds
  • The Nibblenomicon
  • Happily Ever After (post-game)


  • Cold Case – Buried Questions
  • Cold Case – Restless Memories
  • The Proprietor: Rare Vintage

The Cankerwood:

  • The great escape part 2
  • Cold Case – Forgotten Answers

Negul Nashai:

  • The madness beneath

50. Stone Cold Killer

Borderlands 3 - 100% Achievement Guide [English] - 50. Stone Cold Killer
Stone Cold Killer
Complete mission “Blood from a Stone”. (Hidden)

Story related.
To start this DLC, find the “Wanted” poster lying on the table next to your room you can decorate in Sanctuary and then travel to Gehenna.
This one will unlock after getting to the town and speaking with some people on the Vestige map.

Goodgamez has a great walkthrough of just the main missions on Youtube. All credit to them.
This achievement would pop around the 24min mark.

51. Swamped

Borderlands 3 - 100% Achievement Guide [English] - 51. Swamped
Discover all named locations on Eden-6.

Most of this achievement shouldn’t be an issue and if someone wants to provide a full solution for me to edit into this one or make their own, go for it.

But, the most likely to be a problem location is the sign next to a waterfall in the Primeval Grotto (Floodmore Basin) near one of the ancient writings.

Some people have had issues where even though they did have every location, it did not work. These people have also had success in getting it in their TVHM mode once completing the requirements again.

“I’ve been going through getting these achievements, followed that theory that if you go to the sanctuary, turn off revenge of the cartels and mayhem mode then save and quit they’ll unlock if you visit all the locations in one go (making sure to not go back to the sanctuary). Has worked a treat.” – Punderstatement

52. City Slicker

Borderlands 3 - 100% Achievement Guide [English] - 52. City Slicker
City Slicker
Discover all named locations on Promethea.

To view, unlocked locations go to the map then view from ORBIT, and then select the location and view progress.

This achievement includes the following areas (with the number of locations at each area in brackets):

  • Meridian Outskirts (3)
  • Meridian Metroplex (6)
  • Lectro City (8)
  • Skywell-27 (8)
  • Atlas HQ (9)
  • Neon Arterial (6)
  • The Forgotten Basin (2)
  • Cistern of slaughter (1) – accessible from Meridian Metroplex AND not story related

If anyone is still unsure about what they are missing, the following website should help:

53. A Hunter, Through And Through

Borderlands 3 - 100% Achievement Guide [English] - 53. A Hunter, Through And Through
A Hunter, Through And Through
Find and kill all four rare spawns.

As of 18 June 2020, it looks like this has been hot fixed and just requires the kills now. To make sure your hotfixes are applied, wait at the main menu for a minute after starting the game. A sign will appear on a telephone pole behind your character letting you know that “Hotfixes Applied.” Until this hotfix is actually patched into the game, this the way to get this one.


I’ve opened a ticket with 2k and Gearbox, so hopefully, they take care of this pretty quick. I’ve killed all 4 multiple times and have not been able to get more than 50% on the achievement tracker.

It appears that this achievement is not bugged, just unclear on what the actual requirements are. The way to get progress on this achievement is to have the rare spawn “Kill” missions, which can be grabbed on the second story at the Lodge.

“Kill” missions are supposed to show up for you when someone on your friends list kills the rare spawn. This does not appear to be guaranteed. If you need someone to kill the rare spawns multiple times, feel free to add me and shoot me a message.

If someone on your friends list has the missions, you can join their game, kill the enemy in co-op and you both get progress for the achievement.

Huge shoutout to Swan in the discord for finding this out: After adding someone on your friends list, have the person who needs the missions go to the lodge in a new session(save/quit and reload the game) while the other person kills the rare spawns. This seems to give the person in the lodge the missions each time.

There are 4 rare spawns and I’ve included a map with each ones locations below.


Borderlands 3 - 100% Achievement Guide [English]
For this one, the Lantern’s Hook fast travel is the one at the bottom of the screenshot.

The Cankerwood – Fungal Gorger

Borderlands 3 - 100% Achievement Guide [English]

NEGUL NESHAI – Shiverous the Unscathed

Borderlands 3 - 100% Achievement Guide [English]


Borderlands 3 - 100% Achievement Guide [English]


Borderlands 3 - 100% Achievement Guide [English]

Borderlands 3 - 100% Achievement Guide [English]

54. Who Collects The Collector?

Borderlands 3 - 100% Achievement Guide [English] - 54. Who Collects The Collector?
Who Collects The Collector?
Defeat the wandering Debt Collector.

In order to spawn the wandering Debt Collector, you must have completed the side mission Sisterly Love. The mission is fairly easy and can be done early on after finishing a couple of main quests in the Spendopticon.

After finishing the side quest, the Debt Collector can be located by chance through entering into The Spendopticon and will spawn where you finished the side quest. It’s quicker to travel from the Impound Deluxe, if he doesn’t spawn, travel back to the impound then save and quit to reload and try again. Happy hunting!

55. It’s A Wash

Borderlands 3 - 100% Achievement Guide [English] - 55. It's A Wash
It’s A Wash
Complete mission “The Name of the Law”. (Hidden)

Story related.
2nd main mission. Will unlock after going through the Ashfall Peaks map.

Goodgamez has a great walkthrough of just the main missions on Youtube. All credit to them.
This quest starts around 24min in and would pop around the 55:40 mark.

56. A Hundred Names For Sand

Borderlands 3 - 100% Achievement Guide [English] - 56. A Hundred Names For Sand
A Hundred Names For Sand
Discover all named locations on Pandora.

So I’m mostly copying an outline from another location discovery achievement but felt this achievement needed a better solution than the “just explore” solution and also I have never done a solution before so hopefully, it’s not too bad for everyone.

To view unlocked locations go to the map, view from ORBIT, and then select the location and view progress

Locations should contain:

  • Sandblast Scar (4)
  • Devil’s Razor (13)
  • The Great Vault (2)
  • Cathedral of the Twin Gods (5)
  • Destroyer’s Rift (4)
  • Konrad’s Hold (12)
  • The Splinterlands (6)
  • Guts of Carnivora (5)
  • Carnivora (5)
  • The Droughts (13)
  • Covenant Pass (3)
  • Ascension Bluff (5)
  • The Slaughter Shaft (1)

If you’re like me and was 77/78 for a while you likely haven’t found The Slaughter Shaft, an area accessible through Konrad’s Hold and is NOT story related so can be missed very easily.

If you have more than one location missing and have the whole map uncovered likelihood is that an area or two didn’t register as discovered despite you having been there. I have found a lot of people (including myself) having the same issue with The Splinterlands for example with Pitt’s Stop being discovered but upon arriving there again being met with the ‘Area Discovered’ indicator and thus now registering.

I hope this helps and let me know if any other areas are similar to my problem with the Splinterlands, I’ll try to update if so.

Some people have said if you don’t get the achievement while having explored all areas to explore them all once more in a single instance/session and it should unlock, others also said that loading the game without the DLC got them the achievement so be wary until a patch comes along to fix things

57. Getting A Little On The Side

Borderlands 3 - 100% Achievement Guide [English] - 57. Getting A Little On The Side
Getting A Little On The Side
Complete all Side Missions.

An alphabetical list of side missions which are easier to check against the missions tab.

  • Baby Dancer
  • Bad Reception
  • Bad Vibrations
  • Boom Boom Boomtown
  • Buff Film Buff
  • Cannonization
  • Capture the Frag
  • Childhood’s End
  • Cistern of Slaughter
  • Discover the Trial of Cunning
  • Discover the Trial of Discipline
  • Discover the Trial of Fervor
  • Discover the Trial of Instinct
  • Discover the Trial of Supremacy
  • Discover the Trial of Survival
  • Don’t Truck with Eden-6
  • Dump on Dumptruck
  • Dynasty Dash: Eden-6
  • Dynasty Dash: Floodmoor Basin
  • Dynasty Dash: Pandora
  • Dynasty Diner
  • ECHOnet Neutrality
  • Fire in the sky
  • Get Quick, Slick
  • Golden Calves
  • Head Case
  • Healers and Dealers
  • Holy Spirits
  • Homeopathological
  • Invasion of Privacy
  • Irregular Customers
  • It’s Alive
  • Just a Prick
  • Just Desserts
  • Kill Killavolt
  • Let’s Get It Vaughn
  • Life Of The Party
  • Malevolent Practice
  • Maliwannabees
  • On the Blood Path
  • Opposition Research
  • Pandora’s Next Top Mouthpiece
  • Porta Prison
  • Powerful Connections
  • Proof of Wife
  • Raiders of the Lost Rock
  • Ratch’d Up
  • Rise and Grind
  • Rumble in the jungle
  • Sacked
  • Sell Out
  • Sheegas all that
  • Skag Dog Days
  • Swamp Bro
  • Technical NOGout
  • The Demon in the Dark
  • The Feeble and the Furious
  • The Homestead
  • The Homestead (Part 3)
  • The Homstead (Part 2)
  • The Kevin Konundrum
  • The Slaughter Shaft
  • Transaction-packed
  • Under Taker
  • Welcome to Slaughterstar 3000
  • Wildlife Conservation
  • Witch’s Brew


58. Tales From The Eridian Slab

Borderlands 3 - 100% Achievement Guide [English] - 58. Tales From The Eridian Slab
Tales From The Eridian Slab
Decipher all of the Eridian Slabs.

Not 30 Eridian stabs, but 35. Last you found in the Tannis room.
– Thanks to Akmelion

In order to unlock this achievement, you need to Decipher a total of 35 Eridian Slabs in the Campaign of Borderlands 3.

In order to decipher the Eridium Writings, you need to obtain the Eridian Decoder which can be obtained by completing the Main Mission – The Great Vault.
Once you decipher them all head to the Sanctuary and interact with the Eridian Slab.

Video with all the Eridiun Slabs:

Pandora (11 Eridian Writings)


  • [0:00] The Droughts – Curiosity
  • [0:36] The Droughts – Names of the Destroyer
  • [1:01] Ancient Bluff – Gnaw
  • [1:29] Devil′s Razor – Building Pandora (Part 1)
  • [1:55] Devil′s Razor – Building Pandora (Part 2)
  • [2:24] The Splinterlands – Lure
  • [2:54] Carnivora – Feeding
  • [3:25] Guts of the Carnivora – Mantle
  • [4:02] Konrad′s Hold – Warrior
  • [4:50] Cathedral of the Twin Gods – Key
  • [5:23] Destroyer′s Rift – Contained


Promethea (6 Eridian Writings)


  • [5:58] Meridian Outskirts – Witch
  • [6:37] Meridian Metroplex – Braid
  • [7:01] Lectra City – Hunted
  • [8:17] Skywell-27 – Knotted
  • [8:46] Atlas HQ – Burden
  • [9:19] Neon Arterial – Deal


Athenas (1 Eridian Writing)


  • [9:57] Athenas – Purpose


Eden-6 (8 Eridian Writings)


  • [10:33] Floodmoor Basin – Guardians
  • [11:06] Floodmoor Basin – Tools
  • [11:41] The Anvil – Consciousness
  • [12:04] Jakobs Estate – Free
  • [12:27] Voracious Canopy – Keen
  • [12:57] Ambermire – Uncountable
  • [13:25] Ambermire – Sleep
  • [13:54] Blackbarrel Cellars – Change


Nekrotafeyo (4 Eridian Writings)


  • [14:23] Desolation′s Edge – Erased
  • [14:57] Desolation′s Edge – Language
  • [15:48] Tazendeer Ruins – Side By Side
  • [16:38] The Pyre of Stars – Crypt


59. Getting Off Track

Borderlands 3 - 100% Achievement Guide [English] - 59. Getting Off Track
Getting Off Track
Complete mission “Off the Rails”. (Hidden)

Story related.
3rd main mission. Will unlock after going through the Obsidian Forest map.

Goodgamez has a great walkthrough of just the main missions on Youtube. All credit to them.
This quest starts around 55:40 into the vid and the achievement would pop around the 1:29:10 mark.

60. I’m Floudering Up Here

Borderlands 3 - 100% Achievement Guide [English] - 60. I'm Floudering Up Here
I’m Floudering Up Here
Listen to 25 fish jokes.

In The Lodge there is a fish on the wall to the left of the fireplace. Interact with it and it will tell a joke and drop a few guns. You can interact with it everytime you enter The Lodge or re-load your game. The fish is also shown in the screenshot.
There are a couple of other locations where you can find a fish like that, but this one seems to be the easiest to farm.
If you set the Mayhem level to 10 and just re-roll the modifiers on the Mayhem settings tab, any loot that the fish spits out has a better chance of being something actually useful.

Borderlands 3 - 100% Achievement Guide [English]

61. Good One, Babe

Borderlands 3 - 100% Achievement Guide [English] - 61. Good One, Babe
Good One, Babe
Watch Deathtrap kill 50 enemies. (Hidden)

This secret achievement requires you to “Watch Deathtrap kill 50 Enemies” which can partially be done at the start of the game when you first meet Gaige. DeathTrap will then accompany you in the “On the mountain of Mayhem” quest where you can let him kill even more enemies. Deathtrap will then return on the assault on Heart’s desire in the quest “The Call of Gythian” where he will one-shot most enemies. This achievement can be more difficult to get if you don’t pay attention so be careful and if the achievement tracker gets stuck as it did for me don’t worry the counter is not glitched your progress will still be there even if the counter is frozen. Once Deathtrap clears the way for you to enter Heart’s Desire, if you haven’t got the achievement you may have to replay the Empowered Grawn boss fight to get the rest of the kills however due to the circumstances, it will be much harder for Deathtrap to kill enemies as he sits stationary in the middle of the room and if focused on the boss won’t be able to kill any enemies. Otherwise, you could start the DLC again on another difficulty/character or join a co-op buddy’s game.

As long as you make sure that you try not to kill enemies when Deathtrap is around this achievement will come through natural story progression.

Borderlands 3 - 100% Achievement Guide [English]
You can save and quit during the quests where Deathtrap accompanies you and the enemies will respawn giving you more chances to get the achievement as long as you haven’t missed your opportunity entirely.


Borderlands 3 - 100% Achievement Guide [English]
You can redo the Empowered Grawn fight in which Deathtrap will re-appear as you need him to take down its shield.


Borderlands 3 - 100% Achievement Guide [English]
The achievement must be done with one character however multiple playthroughs on different difficulties such as TVHM will continue to count towards the progress.

If you have missed this achievement I believe you will have to redo the DLC in order to unlock it however your current progress should remain the same.

62. Bounty: Hunted

Borderlands 3 - 100% Achievement Guide [English] - 62. Bounty: Hunted
Bounty: Hunted
Complete mission “Where It All Started”. (Hidden)

Story related.
4th main mission. Will unlock after going through the Bloodsun Canyon map.

Goodgamez has a great walkthrough of just the main missions on Youtube. All credit to them.
This quest starts around 1:29:20 and the achievement would pop around the 1:52:00 mark.

63. Whispers On The Wind

Borderlands 3 - 100% Achievement Guide [English] - 63. Whispers On The Wind
Whispers On The Wind
Collect all ECHO logs on Xylourgos.

This is the revised edition to our previous guide now with all 18 Echo logs! The reason we thought there were only 15 echo logs before was because the achievement glitched out and popped early for Koratyboy! Sorry for any misunderstanding, and we hope this helps!

The Lodge:


  • Uneasy Truce: 0:59
  • Safe Harbor: 1:29



  • The Proprietor: 1:53
  • Cure for Curses: 2:22

Dustbound Archives:


  • Daydreams: 2:50
  • Love In The Stacks: 3:16

Skittermaw Basin:


  • Breaking: 3:50
  • Voices: 4:24

The Cankerwood:


  • Far From Town: 4:47
  • Bartering: 5:18

Negul Neshia:


  • The Heart That Eats(part 1): 5:49
  • The Heart That Eats(part 3): 6:23
  • The Heart That Eats(part 2): 6:55
  • The Heart That Eats(part 4): 7:18

Heart’s Desire:


  • The heart still beats(part 3): 7:54
  • The heart still beats(part 1): 8:19
  • The heart still beats(part 2): 8:43
  • The heart still beats(part 4): 9:09


64. Ruin On The Horizon

Borderlands 3 - 100% Achievement Guide [English] - 64. Ruin On The Horizon
Ruin On The Horizon
Complete mission “Riding to Ruin”. (Hidden)

Story related.
5th and final main mission. Will unlock after going through the Crater’s Edge map, then returning to Vestige and collecting your reward.

Goodgamez has a great walkthrough of just the main missions on Youtube. All credit to them.
This quest starts around 1:52:00 and the achievement would pop at the end of the video.

65. Ultimate Vault Hunter

Borderlands 3 - 100% Achievement Guide [English] - 65. Ultimate Vault Hunter
Ultimate Vault Hunter
Unlock all Borderlands® 3 Achievements!

Some of the trickier components of this achievement are the achievements for discovering all the named locations on each planet and then in the game as a whole via the planetoids/space stations and some challenge areas. This only needs to be done for the original base game, game updates and DLCs don’t apply here but… that may not be the case for some players as this achievement has been known to be very buggy. Another point of contention that makes this achievement harder for some players is the achievement “Tales From the Eridian Slab” not tracking correctly as well as few side quests not showing up for some players. I’ll provide details on all the locations, the slabs, and the location of side missions as some links.

66. Helpful Hunter

Borderlands 3 - 100% Achievement Guide [English] - 66. Helpful Hunter
Helpful Hunter
Complete all side missions on Gehenna. (Hidden)

A buddy had one of his quests glitch to where he couldn’t finish it. (The Quick and the Quickener) To avoid this, I recommend when you pick up a quest, complete it immediately instead of coming back later.
If one does glitch on you, jump in a friend’s game and complete it with them, that worked for my friend.

There are 11 side missions in this DLC. All of them are completed in the areas in which you get them so no extra traveling required.



  • The Quick and the Quicker (available after several main missions)

The Blastplains


  • Miracle Elixir Fixer
  • Devil Rustlers
  • Saurdew Valley
  • Money Back Guarantee

Ashfall Peaks


  • Dirty Deeds
  • The Legend of McSmugger

Obsidian Forest


  • Lost and Found
  • Of Blood and Beans

Bloodsun Canyon


  • The Meatman Prophecy
  • The Dandy and Damsel


67. How The West Was Done

Borderlands 3 - 100% Achievement Guide [English] - 67. How The West Was Done
How The West Was Done
Complete all plot missions, side missions, and crew challenges on Gehenna. (Hidden)

You have to complete the storyline missions, finish all the side missions, and also hunt down all 45 challenges.

68. That’s Quite Challenging

Borderlands 3 - 100% Achievement Guide [English] - 68. That's Quite Challenging
That’s Quite Challenging
Complete all crew challenges on Gehenna. (Hidden)

There are a grand total of 45 crew challenges for this DLC, ways more than previous DLCs. Not all collectibles are obtainable straight away, you must progress until the teleport machines are activated. This is part of the main story when going to Bloodsun Canyon for the first time.

Types of challenges:

  • Skin to Win – kill a rare creature for Tanner
  • Gennah’s Most Wanted – kill a specific target
  • Sato Saga – Books to be read (like Typhon Logs)
  • Sato Cache – Weapons cache that requires the 2 sagas in the area to be read first (like Typhon Cache)
  • Creature Feature – Film Reel collectibles
  • Good Prospects – Prospector chest to be opened, you can find a map to locate these but it is not essential

In the video, we show you the locations of all the crew challenges, time stamps below the video:

Time stamps:


  • 00:00 – Vestige – Sato Saga 1
  • 00:35 – Vestige – Sato Saga 2
  • 01:15 – Vestige – Sato Cache
  • 01:53 – Vestige – Good prospects
  • 02:50 – Vestige – Feature Creature
  • 03:22 – The Blastplains – Skin to Win – Vorducken
  • 04:16 – The Blastplains – Skin to Win – Slithermaw
  • 05:04 – The Blastplains – Skin to Win – Pterdomini
  • 06:40 – The Blastplains – Sato Saga 1
  • 08:03 – The Blastplains – Sato Saga 2
  • 08:41 – The Blastplains – Sato Saga Cache
  • 09:32 – The Blastplains – Good prospects
  • 11:02 – The Blastplains – Most Wanted – Wrendon Esk
  • 11:52 – The Blastplains – Most Wanted – Ipswitch Dunne
  • 12:54 – The Blastplains – Most Wanted -The Bronsons
  • 14:26 – The Blastplains – Creature Feature
  • 14:59 – The Blastplains – Creature Feature
  • 15:36 – Ashfall Peaks – Skin to Win – Abbodoxis
  • 16:26 – Ashfall Peaks – Sato Saga 1
  • 16:56 – Ashfall Peaks – Good Prospects
  • 17:50 – Ashfall Peaks – Creature Feature
  • 18:38 – Ashfall Peaks – Most Wanted – Lani Dixon
  • 18:39 – Ashfall Peaks – Most Wanted – Garriden Loch
  • 20:30 – Ashfall Peaks – Sato Saga 2
  • 21:17 – Ashfall Peaks – Sato Cache
  • 21:56 – Ashfall Peaks – Most Wanted – Haddon Marr
  • 22:58 – Obsidian Forest – Skin to Win – Lasodactyl
  • 23:42 – Obsidian Forest – Skin to Win Hydragoian
  • 25:00 – Obsidian Forest – Sato Saga 1
  • 25:48 – Obsidian Forest – Creature Feature
  • 26:20 – Obsidian Forest – Most Wanted – Waylon Hurd
  • 27:36 – Obsidian Forest – Skin to Win – Lecktrikor
  • 28:37 – Obsidian Forest – Sato Saga 2
  • 29:34 – Obsidian Forest – Good Prospects
  • 30:14 – Obsidian Forest – Sato Cache
  • 30:48 – Bloodsun Canyon – Skin to Win – Minosaur
  • 31:28 – Bloodsun Canyon – Sato Saga 1
  • 32:11 – Bloodsun Canyon – Most Wanted – Jerrick Logan
  • 33:05 – Bloodsun Canyon – Sato Saga 2
  • 33:50 – Bloodsun Canyon – Sato Cache
  • 34:49 – Bloodsun Canyon – Creature Feature
  • 35:51 – Bloodsun Canyon – Most Wanted – Dickson Goyle
  • 36:24 – Bloodsun Canyon – Good Prospects
  • 37:40 – Bloodsun Canyon – Most Wanted – Caber Dowd
  • 38:41 – Crater’s Edge – Good Prospects


Written by Script

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