Battle Robots – Arena Combat & Gameplay Walkthrough

Battle Robots – Arena Combat & Gameplay Walkthrough 1 -
Battle Robots – Arena Combat & Gameplay Walkthrough 1 -

Welcome to (Battle Robots – Arena Combat & Gameplay Walkthrough) This video guide will show you how to play and obtain all your achievements.
Learning to play it is part of this. Please make sure to read the tips below to save time.

Please keep in mind that the guide is still in the works. I plan to make the guide more user-friendly by adding achievement icons and correcting typos. I hope you found this useful.


Learn to Crawl

First, you must purchase a robot from the Garage. You don’t have to go 5to garage right now. However, if you need to buy strength or armor, you can. SAVE $950. This will allow you to make money quickly.

You’re not bad.

Unlocked when I purchased Willy from the Warehouse

Now you know how to

Unlocked during my first match at the arena.

Back in action

Unlocked at the beginning of a second match within arena.

Arena Combat

You have now bought your Willie. It’s time to play with him…

There are three arenas with different scaling levels, from (top) up to hard (below). You can choose which arena you prefer, but if your holdings are $950, you should enter Black Heart Colliseum. The payout rate for losing is the highest of the three, and you’re gonna lose.

This game is easy to play. Your stats will be at the top left and your opponent will be at the top right. The bot must be worn down by combat until the depreciation score runs low. The scrteen also has a timer at its top, which traditionally gives you 60 (60 seconds to attack. You can choose one of the icons at the bottom to do this.

You are now more robust.

Upgrade your garage.

First Blood

You can unlock this by simply attacking your opponent in your first fight.

Keep fighting in Black Hart, earning cash to buy upgrades and go into the garage. Focus on strength and armor for now. Don’t overspend to keep fighting in Black Heart. Do not worry about repairs for now. They are depleted after every match and are pointless unless you improve your skills.

Your first boss

This was unlocked by my choosing Black Heart Coliseum, and I competed my first time there. This may not unlock immediately as it is possible to be unsure if it has anything to do with who you are competing against.

How to Get Over

Keep upgrading Willie to make sure he is stronger. Black Heart Colliseum was easy for me when my Strength was 30, Armor 100, full Repair, and my Armor 100. If you don’t feel you have enough to win, you can upgrade or play in one of the two other arenas until you do. You will begin to build a following and earn fans.

You’re being watched.

You can win a match and get any number of viewers.

Retirement Party

You will eventually need to play with more than your Willie. You can either buy a new competitor when you have enough money, win your first match (the former is better than the latter)), or go into the Warehouse to purchase the next robot. If you have not achieved the previous achievements, rinse and repeat the process.

You have reached

Earn enough money for Nola.

You can also win with Willie and save money to buy the other three bots at once. It is important to note that the Robotic Ghost from Christmas Past Aqua teen Hunger Force) doesn’t appear that you own him when you buy the last one. I couldn’t compete, so I repurchased one of my competitors to complete the achievement.


All four robots are available for purchase at the warehouse.

In Conclusion

That’s all there is to it. You can no longer play with Willie or the other Battle Robots. I hope this guide is useful. I apologize if things do not unlock the same way they did for my first few attempts. I needed to figure out why they kept popping into my mind. Oh, the pleasures of procedural events…
Anyway, thanks for reading, and have a great day.


Written by Apoch Weiss

I hope you enjoy the Guide we share about Battle Robots – Arena Combat & Gameplay Walkthrough; if you think we forget to add or we should add more information, please let us know via commenting below! See you soon!

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