Aventura Copilului Albastru și Urât – Get all achievements programmatically

Aventura Copilului Albastru și Urât – Get all achievements programmatically 1 - steamlists.com
Aventura Copilului Albastru și Urât – Get all achievements programmatically 1 - steamlists.com

If you think the game is short (or can’t understand ♥♥♥♥ because it’s in romanian and u don’t speak it), here’s a game on top of the game for you: using only the game files try to get all achievements programatically. Code and instructions provided inside but try doing this on your own before opening the guide!


Challenge: get your missing achievements for this game using the code below.

You can choose to have fun exploring your PC with this or give up at any time and read the instructions below.


 function() { },

 function(err) { });

 function() { },

 function(err) { });


 function() { },

 function(err) { });


 function() { },

 function(err) { });
greenworks.activateAchievement('Orfan 4 Life',

 function() { },

 function(err) { });

greenworks.activateAchievement('RIP Gibilan',

 function() { },

 function(err) { });

greenworks.activateAchievement('Homborgherul de Aur',

 function() { },

 function(err) { });

greenworks.activateAchievement('Mor mor mor',

 function() { },

 function(err) { });


 function() { },

 function(err) { });


 function() { },

 function(err) { });

You’ve got this! Spoilers from now on:
Go to your steam library > Right click the game > Manage > Browse local files
1. Go to the folder called “data” (if it does not exist, create it)
2. Go to the folder called “scenario” (if it does not exist, create it)
3. Find the file called “title_screen.ks”, if it doesn’t exist, create a file and name it title_screen.ks and open it in notepad
4. Paste the script above at the beggining of the file
6. ???
7. Profit!!!1

I hope you enjoy the Guide we share about Aventura Copilului Albastru și Urât – Get all achievements programmatically; if you think we forget to add or we should add more information, please let us know via commenting below! See you soon!

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