APICO – Flower Crossbreeding and Effects Guide

APICO – Flower Crossbreeding and Effects Guide 1 - steamlists.com
APICO – Flower Crossbreeding and Effects Guide 1 - steamlists.com

A simple Guide on Flower Crossbreeding and Flower effects in Bees


APICO - Flower Crossbreeding and Effects Guide - Honeyrose - B2ABAEAHoneyrose is the first of the basic three flowers found in the forest
It has no special effect when planted near bees
When burnt in a smoker it calms Murky Bees


APICO - Flower Crossbreeding and Effects Guide - Swarmwart - 23CA116Swampwart is the second of the three flowers found in the forest
It has no special effect when planted near bees
When burnt in a smoker it calms Murky Bees

Beekeeper’s Delight

APICO - Flower Crossbreeding and Effects Guide - Beekeeper's Delight - DBC3A94Beekeeper’s Delight is the third and final flower found in the forest
It has no special effect when planted near bees
When burnt in a smoker it calms Murky Bees


APICO - Flower Crossbreeding and Effects Guide - Honeybriar - 73E1E0DHoneybriar is obtained by Cross-pollinating Swampwart and Beekeeper’s Delight
When planted near bees it increases there productivity, increasing how quickly they produce
When burnt in a smoker it calms Stubborn Bees


APICO - Flower Crossbreeding and Effects Guide - Goldenrod - 32FBC2BGoldenrod is obtained by Cross-pollinating Honeyrose and Beekeeper’s Delight
When planted near bees it increases there lifespan, increasing how long the queen lives
When burnt in a smoker it calms Stubborn Bees


APICO - Flower Crossbreeding and Effects Guide - Beesknees - 687CE72Beesknees is obtained by Cross-pollinating Swampwart and Goldenrod
When planted near bees it increases there fertility, causing a queen to have more offspring
When burnt in a smoker it calms Hermit Bees


APICO - Flower Crossbreeding and Effects Guide - Hivesbane - 315C433Hivebane is found commonly in the swamp
When planted near bees it decreased there stability, increases the chance for a mutation
When burnt in a smoker it calms Stubborn and Fiery Bees


APICO - Flower Crossbreeding and Effects Guide - Pondshine - B93A469Pondshine is found commonly in the waters of the swamp
When planted near bees it decreased there stability, increases the chance for a mutation
When burnt in a smoker it calms Hermit and Glowing Bees


APICO - Flower Crossbreeding and Effects Guide - Honeydrop - F03847DHoneydrop is found commonly in the Tundra
When planted near bees it Increases there stability, Decreasing the chance for a mutation
When burnt in a smoker it calms Fiery Bees


APICO - Flower Crossbreeding and Effects Guide - Frosteria - F0AF199Frosteria is found commonly in the Tundra
When planted near bees it Increases the amount of special produce that the bees produce
Frosteria calms no bees in when burnt in a smoker


APICO - Flower Crossbreeding and Effects Guide - Hivanium - 39018E8Hivanium is obtained by Cross-pollinating Honeybriar and Pondshine
When planted near bees it keeps bees awake for longer
Hivanium calms no bees in when burnt in a smoker


APICO - Flower Crossbreeding and Effects Guide - Combristle - 49BB2C1Combristle is obtained by Cross-pollinating Goldenrod and Hivesbane
When planted near bees it decreases the lifespan of bee, making the queen have a shorter life
Combristle calms no bees in when burnt in a smoker


APICO - Flower Crossbreeding and Effects Guide - Beewell - DFCE882Beewellis obtained by Cross-pollinating Goldenrod and Beesknees
When planted near bees it increases the amount of honey the bees produce
Beewellcalms no bees in when burnt in a smoker

Written by WillYum

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